Mufti Ismail Menk Quotes

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Mufti Ismail Menk Quotes
Don't go round pretending to be who you’re not. Many people go through life wearing different masks. Remember you can fool others but the Almighty knows the real you. The fake will eventually lose and the real will win over.Hacked by M4mad_turk
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When you start your day by making time for the Almighty and spending time with Him, you’ve nothing to fear. Rest assured that He will guide your steps in the path of blessing and victory throughout your day.Hacked by M4mad_turk
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You want a better life? Pray. The more you pray, the less you will panic. You’ll see things clearer. The more you worship the Almighty, the less you will worry. You will become a more patient person and you’ll be less pressured by the stress of this world.Hacked by M4mad_turk
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Almighty. Give us the courage to move forward, the strength to go through our hardships and trials and to have firm faith in You that everything will turn out fine in the end. Aameen.Hacked by M4mad_turk
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The scars you get in life are proof of your inner strength. It shows you've lived your life fully; how you picked yourself up when you fell, how you handled defeat, darkness and storms. These are among the Almighty’s biggest tests and what truly matters in the end!Hacked by M4mad_turk
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