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beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

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  • beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

    It's the rain of everyday
    اين باراني است كه هر روز مي بارد
    That has augmented it's level
    و مقدارش بيشتر شده است
    And music doesn't have the same
    و موسيقي همان
    Effect that it once had
    اثري را كه قبلا داشت ندارد
    Maybe I've lived too much
    ممكن است كه من مدت زيادي زندگي كرده باشم
    In too little and too short a time...
    در مدت خيلي كم و كوتاهي
    I don't even know what language I speak
    حتي نمي دانم با چه زباني صحبت مي كنم
    Nor which candles I carry within
    و نميدانم كدام شمع را مي بايد
    This burial
    جهت اين خاك سپاري ببرم
    I feel that I do longer have the strengths
    احساس مي كنم كه ديگر توانايي و قدرت ندارم
    Top leap and reach and sun...
    براي پريدن و رسيدن به خورشيد
    And the harder I try..
    و هرچه بيشتر تلاش مي كنم
    I can't even hear my voice
    من حتي صداي خودم را هم نمي توانم بشنوم
    I don't know if I've lived then thousand days
    نميدانم آيا من زندگي كرده ام هزاران روز
    Or a day thousand times
    و تو را به داستانم مي افزايم
    Wanting to change all losses
    و قصد دارم تمام باخت ها را به برد
    For gains
    بدل كنم
    I need you, I need you my love...
    به تو نيازمندم، به تو نيازمندم ،‌ عشق من
    Wherever you are...
    هر كجا كه باشي
    I have yet to learn...
    هنوز ميبايد ياد بگيرم
    And I find myself lost,
    خودم را در حالي كه گم شده ام پيدا خواهم كرد
    Like a needle in a haystack
    مثل سوزني در انبار كاه

    Like shifting sands...

    مثل دانه هاي شني كه جا به جا مي شوند
    I submerge myself in my loneliness
    من خودم را در تنهايي ام فرو بردم
    :rose :rose :rose
    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


  • #2
    Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)



    • #3
      Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

      tashakooor KHL jan .... pashto ra yaad bageer baad az oo daars Dari raa shooroo meknoem
      u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



      • #4
        Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

        Wah Je Wah..hala Jee.......... Bohat Achee Poem Hy...
        Life is more strict than a teacher
        A teacher teaches a lesson
        and takes an exam.
        But life takes an exam
        and then teaches a lesson


        • #5
          Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)



          persian hai naa
          For New Designers
          وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ


          • #6
            Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)


            beautiful :phool:
            For New Designers
            وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ


            • #7
              Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

              great poem
              When you are in light, everything will follow you..... But when you enter dark, even your own shadow will not follow you. That is Life!


              • #8
                Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

                Originally posted by Bunti
                Wah Je Wah..hala Jee.......... Bohat Achee Poem Hy...
                manana Asad ji :rose
                u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



                • #9
                  Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

                  Originally posted by Rida


                  persian hai naa
                  W.Salam WR WB:rose

                  manana Rida jani :phool:
                  ji persian hai :eye:
                  u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



                  • #10
                    Re: beatiful poem....with translation.... ;)

                    Originally posted by Cruze
                    great poem
                    pakhair raghly Cruze ji:welcome:

                    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


