Re: Osama bin Laden mar gaya ya ???
Aanchal ap ghalat samjhey ho kahani dis...
Osama Bin Laden who instigated the terror attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, is probably the most wanted man on earth. He carries on a crusade against the Americans for having troops in Saudi Arabia, and against the Zionists who occupy Al Quds (Jerusalem). Born in 1957 to a wealthy Saudi Arabian construction magnate, he joined the Afghan Moslem rebels fighting the USSR in 1979. He used his money to recruit an army from around the middle east. Throughout the 1980s, Osama Bin Laden fought the Soviet backed regime, possibly with CIA aid. However, he saw secular, powerful Washington as much an infidel as Moscow. After the war, he returned to Saudi Arabia, , but the Saudi government feared his brand of militant Islam, and stripped him of his Saudi citizenship in April 1994 for ``irresponsible behavior.'' In Sudan, the country's Islamic ideologue, Hassan al-Turabi, gave him shelter. Bin Laden, with a fortune estimated at $300 million, helped build a road linking the capital, Khartoum, with Port Sudan and an airport. He became involved, too, in the export of Sudanese goods, like gum, corn, sunflower and sesame products. However, western pressure on Sudan, forced him to leave in 1995 or 1996, returning to Afghanistan with an unknown number of followers.
In Afghanistan, he has built a shadowy terrorist movement, Al-Qaeda, apparently composed of Arabs originally recruited to fight the Soviets. They are Egyptians, Saudis, Algerians, among other nationalities, and they travel about using false passports: Egyptian, Sudanese, Yemeni, even European. According to Diaa Rashwan, of Egypt's Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, "The majority come from universities, they're modern and they use modern methods. Americans imagine these people come from the Middle Ages and that's not true."
This group is allegedly responsible for bombing the World Trade Center in New York in 1993 and the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan two years later. They are suspected of attacking U.S.-run facilities in Saudi Arabia. They tried to kill Egypt's president in Ethiopia. They have fought in wars and insurgencies in some of the world's most troubled spots -- Bosnia, Chechnya, Kashmir and Tajikistan. A group organized by Bin Laden in early 1998, with leaders from Pakistan and Egypt, called the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders sent the following message: "Strikes will continue from everywhere, and Islamic groups will appear one after the other to fight American interests.'' The statement was published in Al-Ayyam. In a Fatwa faxed to the London newspaper Al-Quds, the group also wrote: `We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it,''
In August 7, 1998, his group was allegedly responsible for bombing US facilities in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In retaliation, the US bombed his camps near the Pakistani border, as well as a pharmaceuticals plant in Sudan, with no effect other than then killing innocent people. The fanatic Taliban rulers of Afghanistan assured the world after the bombings: Osama Bin Laden "is safe and no damage has been done to any of his companions.''
Osama Bin Laden had been living in Afghanistan with the permission of the Taliban, who controlled most of the country. In areas under Taliban control, women are confined to the home, girls are denied education, and television, movies and books have been banned. The Taliban caused a stir by destroying two ancient statues of Buddha recently. An t edict had forced special dress for non-Moslems. Christians accused of missionary activity were sentenced to death, but allowed to leave the country. Thieves have their hands cut off and murderers are executed in public. The Taleban were vanquished in the US-led invasion in October 2001, but Osama bin Laden was not captured, and is apparently alive. Several videotapes and recordings believed to be authentic messages of Osama Bin Laden were issued since the US attack.
The world had ample warning of Osama's plans, since his earliest Declaration of War against the Americans in 1996 as well as the 1998 Fatwa. This first Fatwa addressed William Perry, then the United States Secretary of Defense by name. Bin Laden's ire was stirred by the presence of US forces in Saudi Arabia. He had offered to defend Saudi Arabi against Saddam Hussein with his own Jihadi fighters but the offer was refused.
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Originally posted by Aanchal
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Osama Bin Laden who instigated the terror attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, is probably the most wanted man on earth. He carries on a crusade against the Americans for having troops in Saudi Arabia, and against the Zionists who occupy Al Quds (Jerusalem). Born in 1957 to a wealthy Saudi Arabian construction magnate, he joined the Afghan Moslem rebels fighting the USSR in 1979. He used his money to recruit an army from around the middle east. Throughout the 1980s, Osama Bin Laden fought the Soviet backed regime, possibly with CIA aid. However, he saw secular, powerful Washington as much an infidel as Moscow. After the war, he returned to Saudi Arabia, , but the Saudi government feared his brand of militant Islam, and stripped him of his Saudi citizenship in April 1994 for ``irresponsible behavior.'' In Sudan, the country's Islamic ideologue, Hassan al-Turabi, gave him shelter. Bin Laden, with a fortune estimated at $300 million, helped build a road linking the capital, Khartoum, with Port Sudan and an airport. He became involved, too, in the export of Sudanese goods, like gum, corn, sunflower and sesame products. However, western pressure on Sudan, forced him to leave in 1995 or 1996, returning to Afghanistan with an unknown number of followers.
In Afghanistan, he has built a shadowy terrorist movement, Al-Qaeda, apparently composed of Arabs originally recruited to fight the Soviets. They are Egyptians, Saudis, Algerians, among other nationalities, and they travel about using false passports: Egyptian, Sudanese, Yemeni, even European. According to Diaa Rashwan, of Egypt's Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, "The majority come from universities, they're modern and they use modern methods. Americans imagine these people come from the Middle Ages and that's not true."
This group is allegedly responsible for bombing the World Trade Center in New York in 1993 and the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan two years later. They are suspected of attacking U.S.-run facilities in Saudi Arabia. They tried to kill Egypt's president in Ethiopia. They have fought in wars and insurgencies in some of the world's most troubled spots -- Bosnia, Chechnya, Kashmir and Tajikistan. A group organized by Bin Laden in early 1998, with leaders from Pakistan and Egypt, called the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders sent the following message: "Strikes will continue from everywhere, and Islamic groups will appear one after the other to fight American interests.'' The statement was published in Al-Ayyam. In a Fatwa faxed to the London newspaper Al-Quds, the group also wrote: `We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it,''
In August 7, 1998, his group was allegedly responsible for bombing US facilities in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In retaliation, the US bombed his camps near the Pakistani border, as well as a pharmaceuticals plant in Sudan, with no effect other than then killing innocent people. The fanatic Taliban rulers of Afghanistan assured the world after the bombings: Osama Bin Laden "is safe and no damage has been done to any of his companions.''
Osama Bin Laden had been living in Afghanistan with the permission of the Taliban, who controlled most of the country. In areas under Taliban control, women are confined to the home, girls are denied education, and television, movies and books have been banned. The Taliban caused a stir by destroying two ancient statues of Buddha recently. An t edict had forced special dress for non-Moslems. Christians accused of missionary activity were sentenced to death, but allowed to leave the country. Thieves have their hands cut off and murderers are executed in public. The Taleban were vanquished in the US-led invasion in October 2001, but Osama bin Laden was not captured, and is apparently alive. Several videotapes and recordings believed to be authentic messages of Osama Bin Laden were issued since the US attack.
The world had ample warning of Osama's plans, since his earliest Declaration of War against the Americans in 1996 as well as the 1998 Fatwa. This first Fatwa addressed William Perry, then the United States Secretary of Defense by name. Bin Laden's ire was stirred by the presence of US forces in Saudi Arabia. He had offered to defend Saudi Arabi against Saddam Hussein with his own Jihadi fighters but the offer was refused.
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