Database Systems for Management
by J.F. Courtney, et al.
Publisher: Global Text Project 2010
ISBN/ASIN: 0256082294
Number of pages: 418
Contents: Data as an Organizational Asset; Managing Organizational Data; Data versus Information; Elements of Database Systems; Database Planning and Design Techniques; Database Systems and Other Organizational Information Systems; Effective Systems and Efficient Systems; Objectives of Database Systems; Access Flexibility; Data Integrity; Data Security; Data Independence and the ANSI/SPARC Model; Reduced Data Redundancy; Data Shareability; Data Relatability; Standardization; Personnel Productivity; Disadvantages of the Database Approach; etc.

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by J.F. Courtney, et al.
Publisher: Global Text Project 2010
ISBN/ASIN: 0256082294
Number of pages: 418
Contents: Data as an Organizational Asset; Managing Organizational Data; Data versus Information; Elements of Database Systems; Database Planning and Design Techniques; Database Systems and Other Organizational Information Systems; Effective Systems and Efficient Systems; Objectives of Database Systems; Access Flexibility; Data Integrity; Data Security; Data Independence and the ANSI/SPARC Model; Reduced Data Redundancy; Data Shareability; Data Relatability; Standardization; Personnel Productivity; Disadvantages of the Database Approach; etc.
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