aj boht 3asy tutorial shar3 kar rahi 2 mak3 choclat3 3ff3ct in photoshop:)
Step 1:
Cr3ate a n3w docum3nt...u can k33p th3 siz3 according to ur wish...
then use Paint Bucket Tool to fill th3 background...fill it with dark brown colour or light brown(but it must look lik3 choclat3 colour)

Step 2:
Now use t3xt tool and writ3 th3 t3xt in tht docum3nt.Lik3 ths:

ur t3xt must b3 bold and in caps lock.
Step 3:
Now go to bl3nding options and k33p ur s3ttings of Drop shawdow, B3v3l 3mboss,colour ov3rlay and Gradi3nt ov3rlay lik3 ths:

Not3 in gradi3nt ov3rlay us3 dark brown colour...
aj boht 3asy tutorial shar3 kar rahi 2 mak3 choclat3 3ff3ct in photoshop:)
Step 1:
Cr3ate a n3w docum3nt...u can k33p th3 siz3 according to ur wish...
then use Paint Bucket Tool to fill th3 background...fill it with dark brown colour or light brown(but it must look lik3 choclat3 colour)
Step 2:
Now use t3xt tool and writ3 th3 t3xt in tht docum3nt.Lik3 ths:
ur t3xt must b3 bold and in caps lock.
Step 3:
Now go to bl3nding options and k33p ur s3ttings of Drop shawdow, B3v3l 3mboss,colour ov3rlay and Gradi3nt ov3rlay lik3 ths:

Not3 in gradi3nt ov3rlay us3 dark brown colour...