Official Google Search Tools
Search Google with Firefox Extensions
- Google - The Search Engine.
- Google Advanced Search - search google based on specific parameters
- Google Suggest
- Google Trends
- Graphically see and compare what the world is searching for.
- Google Personalized Search - make your search experience more relevant to you.
- Google Search History - Keeps a record of all searches and clicked results while a user is logged into a Google Account
- Google Blog search - Google search technology focused on blogs
- Blogger Blog Search - Search for blogs all over the web
- Google Directory - Search the web organized by topic into categories.
- Google Alerts - sends emails automatically when there are new Google results for your search terms.
- Google Video - Search TV programs and videos
- Google Image Search - comprehensive image search on the web
- Google Music Search - search for music
- Google Book Search - Search the full text of books (and discover new ones).
- Google Catalogs - helps you browse and search merchant-provided catalogs
- FroogleGoogle News - Search and browse 4,500 news sources
- Google Scholar - search for the most relevant research across the world of scholarly research.
- Google Maps - View maps, get driving directions, and search for local businesses and services.
- Google Public Service Search - offers educational institutions and non-profit organizations worldwide free SiteSearch, which enables users to search your website, and free WebSearch, which enables users to search the Internet.
- - enables you to narrow your search to a specific school website for things like admissions information, course schedules, or alumni news.
- Google Ride Finder - view taxi or shuttle locations in several cities.
- Google Base - submit all types of online and offline content that is hosted and made searchable online.
- - enable you to narrow your search to a specific topic.
- Google Apple/Macintosh Search - Search for Apple/Macintosh- related sites using Google
- Google Microsoft Search - Search Microsoft-related sites using Google
- Google Linux Search - Search all penguin-friendly pages
- Google U.S. Government Search - Search all .gov and .mil sites
- BSD Unix - Search web pages about the BSD operating system
- Google AdSense for search - Opportunity to earn money by Google whenever your users click on the targeted Google adsense ads on search results pages.
- Google Free - provide Google search results to users who want to search the web or just your website.
- Site-flavored Google search - delivers web search results that are customized to individual websites.
- Customizable Google Search - you can customize your results display to include background, text and link colors you select.
- Google Search Appliance - is a hardware and software product designed to offer large businesses the productivity- enhancing power of Google search.
- Google Mini – Google search for your website and intranet
- Google Deskbar - Search using Google without opening your browser
- Google Desktop
- Google SMS - Send a text message wiht your search query, and receive text message with search results
- Google SMS UK - enables you to send queries as text messages from your mobile phone or device and easily get precise answers to your questions.
- Google Mobile : Web Search - Google Web Search results on your phone or mobile device
- Google Mobile : Mobile Web Search - search for sites that have already been designed to fit the screen of your phone or device
- Google Mobile : Image Search - Google Image Search results on your phone or mobile device
- Google Mobile : Local Search - get local listings, maps and driving directions on your mobile phone or device
- Google Toolbar - Add a search box to your browser
- Google Toolbar Beta - Test the latest version on IE.
- Google Toolbar for Firefox - Add a search box to your browser
- Google Toolbar for Enterprise - provides powerful productivity features including easy access to Google, customized search buttons, instant search suggestions, and a pop-up blocker.
- Google Browser Buttons - add to a personal toolbar giving you access to Google search technology without taking up extra screen space.
Search Google with Firefox Extensions
- CustomizeGoogle - enhances Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam).
- Googlebar Lite - A light-weight Google search toolbar for Firefox.
- GoogleTabs - Adds a context menu option to open Google search results in tabs.
- Advanced Dork - Highlight a word or phrase, right click, and choose from over 15 Advanced Google Operators, A google search page is opened in either the same tab or a new tab, the results contained in the search will contain the highlighted text inside the chosen Operator.
- GooglePreview - Inserts preview images (thumbnails) of web sites and Amazon products into the Google and Yahoo search results pages.
- Feeling LuckyAggregate Yahoo! and Google - Search Yahoo and Google simultaneously
- GooglebarL10N - is the localized version of Googlebar with Menues & Texts in German, Italian or Spanish.
- Google Advanced Operations Toolbar
- Search History - View your search history. Google Personal Module.
- Random Site Image - Displays a random image from a given website (via Google Images site search). Google Personal Module.
- Google Search Greasemonkey Scripts - use the power of greasemonkey to modify the web.
- Google Search Yahoo Widgets - collection of Google search widgets in various formats
- - Bookmarklets that use the Google search engine to search for stuff.
- Simply Google - search all Google services on one page. Lots of forms.
- HotDaddy - search all Google services on one page. Lots of icons.
- Google Total - search all Google services on one page. Drop down menu.
- GahooYoogle - search multiple Google and Yahoo services together side by side.
- Twingine - Google and Yahoo search side by side.
- Soople - performs all advanced search functions of google in separate forms
- Google Cloud
- displays search results as a tag cloud
- BabelplexGoogle Current - airs every half hour on Current TV and provides a look at what the world is searching for on Google.
- Googlewhack - allows you to provide a list of ingredients and get back a list of recipes that Google finds for you.
- Goofresh - is a way to search for sites added today, yesterday, within the last seven days, or last 30 days.
- Google Fight - Compare the number of results for two competing keywords.
- GoogleDuel - a popularity contest using the Google search engine.
- Random Web Search - it generates a random word, then searches that word on the web using Google.
- Googlematic - Enables searching of Google via AIM or MSN Messenger.
- Googlism - will find out what thinks of you
- Google Tool - Search multiple google datacenters simultaneously.
- elgooG - a mirror image of Google
- LostGoggles