Find Domain Name Owners
Until (or unless) the domain name system changes, there are two ways to find the owners and contacts of a domain name. The possibly easiest (and usually slowest) way is to go to, navigate the site, and search for your desired domain name. If you know how to use TELNET, then be sure to try At the first prompt, key in "whois." Then, you can just enter the desired domain name and press ENTER to see the domain information. If you query is inconclusive, a listing of all possible domain names will appear.
Until (or unless) the domain name system changes, there are two ways to find the owners and contacts of a domain name. The possibly easiest (and usually slowest) way is to go to, navigate the site, and search for your desired domain name. If you know how to use TELNET, then be sure to try At the first prompt, key in "whois." Then, you can just enter the desired domain name and press ENTER to see the domain information. If you query is inconclusive, a listing of all possible domain names will appear.