The hotmail provides 250MB storage only to US residents but you can have it too..... just follow the steps given below.
1. open your mail and do as directed...
So first step! Change the country, through options menu.

2. Then, go to your profile options,


4. The next step is a little confusing but its not so hard to do. You need to close your account and then activate it again after a few minutes..... trust me it works
Go to this site and do as given below...
close your account as shown in the figure

it will show your a warning that is given below but dont worry just click "Contact Hotmail"

You will then get this screen,

thats all... you made it..... now open your hotmail either directly from your MSN messenger or from the it will show u a message to activate your account so activate.. it will show u some option for newsletter so do not select anyone and keep continued. its easy
When all done, you will be back at your hotmail inbox with nothing deleted. And 25MB of space, the remaining 225MB will be yours after about 4 weeks.
1. open your mail and do as directed...
So first step! Change the country, through options menu.

2. Then, go to your profile options,


4. The next step is a little confusing but its not so hard to do. You need to close your account and then activate it again after a few minutes..... trust me it works
Go to this site and do as given below...
close your account as shown in the figure

it will show your a warning that is given below but dont worry just click "Contact Hotmail"

You will then get this screen,

thats all... you made it..... now open your hotmail either directly from your MSN messenger or from the it will show u a message to activate your account so activate.. it will show u some option for newsletter so do not select anyone and keep continued. its easy
When all done, you will be back at your hotmail inbox with nothing deleted. And 25MB of space, the remaining 225MB will be yours after about 4 weeks.