1. How many daughters did Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) had?
* 5
* 6
*Ayesha Siddiqa (r.a)
* Asma (r.a)
* None
3. Can a Sunni girl marry a Shia boy?
* Yes
* Never
** Usman and Salma
* Rabah and Hamasah
* None of the above
5. On which day did Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani (r.a) depart from this world?
* Friday, 18 Dhul-Hijjah
* 1st Muharram
*17, Shaban
6. Who is the Grand Mother of Hazrat Ja'far Sadiq (r.t.a)?
* Salma (r.a)
* Grand daughter of Hazrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (r.a); Asma
* Hazrat Fatimah (r.a)
7. Who is the Grand Father of Hazrat Ja'far Sadiq (r.t.a)?
* Grand son of Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (r.a); Hazrat Zain-ul-Aabideen (r.t.a)
* Hazrat Ja'far Tayyar (r.a)
* Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (r.a)
8. How many times does "BISMILLA HIR-REHMA NIR-RAHEEM" appear in the Quran?
* 125 times
* 120 times
* 114 times
9. In which Surah "BISMILLA HIR-REHMA NIR-RAHEEM" appeared twice?
* Surah Taubah
* Surah Fatiha
* Surah Naml
10. Which is the longest Surah in the Quran?
* Surah Baqarah
* Surah Yousuf
* Surah Yaseen
11. How many parts are there in the Quran?
* Five
* Six
* Seven
12. Which Parah has the most verses?
* Fourteenth
* Thirtieth
* Twelfth
13. How many Rukus are there in the Quran?
* 211
* 558
* 458
14. How many verses are there in the Quran?
* 6351
* 6482
* 6236
15. How many Surahs in the Quran consist of 3 verses?
* 2
* 3
* 4
1. 4
2. Ayesha Siddiqa (r.a)
3. Only if the Shia boy changes his faith to that of Ahl-e-Sunnah
4. Usman and Salma
5. Friday, 18 Dhul-Hijjah
6. Grand daughter of Hazrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (r.a); Asma
7. Grand son of Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (r.a); Hazrat Zain-ul-Aabideen (r.t.a)
8. 114 times
9. Surah Naml
10. Surah Baqarah
11. Seven
12. Thirtieth
13. 558
14. 6236
15. 3
* 5
* 6
*Ayesha Siddiqa (r.a)
* Asma (r.a)
* None
3. Can a Sunni girl marry a Shia boy?
* Yes
* Never
** Usman and Salma
* Rabah and Hamasah
* None of the above
5. On which day did Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani (r.a) depart from this world?
* Friday, 18 Dhul-Hijjah
* 1st Muharram
*17, Shaban
6. Who is the Grand Mother of Hazrat Ja'far Sadiq (r.t.a)?
* Salma (r.a)
* Grand daughter of Hazrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (r.a); Asma
* Hazrat Fatimah (r.a)
7. Who is the Grand Father of Hazrat Ja'far Sadiq (r.t.a)?
* Grand son of Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (r.a); Hazrat Zain-ul-Aabideen (r.t.a)
* Hazrat Ja'far Tayyar (r.a)
* Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (r.a)
8. How many times does "BISMILLA HIR-REHMA NIR-RAHEEM" appear in the Quran?
* 125 times
* 120 times
* 114 times
9. In which Surah "BISMILLA HIR-REHMA NIR-RAHEEM" appeared twice?
* Surah Taubah
* Surah Fatiha
* Surah Naml
10. Which is the longest Surah in the Quran?
* Surah Baqarah
* Surah Yousuf
* Surah Yaseen
11. How many parts are there in the Quran?
* Five
* Six
* Seven
12. Which Parah has the most verses?
* Fourteenth
* Thirtieth
* Twelfth
13. How many Rukus are there in the Quran?
* 211
* 558
* 458
14. How many verses are there in the Quran?
* 6351
* 6482
* 6236
15. How many Surahs in the Quran consist of 3 verses?
* 2
* 3
* 4
1. 4
2. Ayesha Siddiqa (r.a)
3. Only if the Shia boy changes his faith to that of Ahl-e-Sunnah
4. Usman and Salma
5. Friday, 18 Dhul-Hijjah
6. Grand daughter of Hazrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (r.a); Asma
7. Grand son of Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (r.a); Hazrat Zain-ul-Aabideen (r.t.a)
8. 114 times
9. Surah Naml
10. Surah Baqarah
11. Seven
12. Thirtieth
13. 558
14. 6236
15. 3