Facts and Figures
About the plane crashes:
About the plane crashes:
Number of planes hijacked : 4
Number of hijackers : 19
Time between the two planes hitting the World Trade Towers : 18 minutes
Time take for towers to collapse after impact:
Tower one : 1: 45 Hour, Tower Two : 1:02 Hour
Width of the towers : 209 feet
WTO Aftermath:
Financial cost to the US economy: 11 trillion US dollar
Final death: 2,814 (10,000 were believed)
Maximum heat of fires at ground zero: 2300 Fahrenheit
WTO before collapsed:
Completion date: 1972 (1st tower) 1973 (2nd tower)
Height: 1,368 feet (1st tower) 1,362 (2nd tower)
Metals used to build : Steel Aluminium
Stories: 110
No. of people worked in the towers: 50,000
No. of companies housed : 430
Average daily visitors : 140,000