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Pair Of Words

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  • Pair Of Words

    Abdicate; It means to relinquish or renounce office.
    It is applied in the case of rulers or kings
    Resign ; It also means to renounce office but it is generally used
    for the persons other than kings etc.
    Accept ; It means to receive
    Except ; It means to omit or exclude
    Adapt ; Means adjust, make suitable
    Adopt ; Take up something by choice like a plan or a child.
    Adherence; It suggests the idea of attachment
    Adhesion ; It is physical attachment
    Agreement; Agreement is a general term implying mutual
    Contract ; Contract applies to formal and binding agreement with
    specified terms
    Amateur ; An amateur cultivates a particular art, science as a hobby
    Novice ; A novice is a beginner
    Answer ; An answer is response given to a question
    Reply ; A reply is a mere formal answer
    Ascetic ; Means austere or pertaining to the practice of asceticism,
    a mode of life involving strict self-discipline and self-denial
    Assassinate; Is to murder suddenly, treacherously or by stealth
    Kill ; It means to deprive of life
    Authentic ; It means authoritative
    Genuine ; It means real or true
    Avocation; A hobby or casual occupation is an avocation
    VocationAffect ; To pretend, to produce adverse
    Effect ; Result; to accomplish
    Alter ; To change
    Altar ; A place of sacrifice
    Abject ; Mean, extreme
    Object ; Aim
    Abate ; Grow less
    Abet ; Help in a bad sense
    Abstain ; To keep away from a thing
    Refrain ; To keep away from an action
    Admit ; To accept a statement made by another as true
    ConfessAmiable ; Lovely
    Amicable ; Friendly
    Artist ; One skilled in fine art
    Artisan ; Mechanic
    Ascent ; Going upward
    Assent ; Agreement
    Balance ; Balance usually means the difference b/w two sides of an account
    RestBanish ; To out a person from a country just like exile
    Expel ; To throw out a person from an institution such as school
    Beside ; It means at or by the side of, or near by
    Between ; It applies to two
    Among ; It applies to more than two
    Bale ; Bundle
    Bail ; It means a security
    Battle ; A single engagement b/w two armies
    War ; A series of battles
    Beneficent; Kind
    Beneficial ; It means useful
    Blunder ; It means a very serious mistake
    Error ; Departure from what is correct
    Mistake ; A mistake arises, when we take one thing for another or
    judge a thing wrongly
    Censor ; A censor is an official who passes judgment on written or
    printed matter, motion picture
    Censure ; The word censure means condemnation or strong disapproval
    Ceremonial; It applies to things
    Ceremonious; It applies to persons and things. But both suggest ritual
    or customary behaviors
    Character;Reputation; His reputation is what he is believed to be
    Choice ; One has a choice in reference to two or more things
    Preference; It emphasizes the desire for one thing rather than another
    Cite; We cite a person or passage as authoritative by
    mentioning the person or passage
    Quote ; We quote the words of another by reproducing them
    Coarse ; It means rough
    Course ; It is a line of action; text book
    Complement ; That which completes
    Compliment; It means regards
    Continual ; With some breaks
    Continuous; Without a break
    Canon ; It means a rule
    Cannon ; It refers to a gun
    Canvass ; To seek votes or business
    Canvas ; A rough type of cloth
    Career ; It means course of life
    Carrier ; One that carries like truck etc
    Concert ; It is a sort of performance
    Consort ; It refers to a husband or a wife
    Corps ; Division in the army
    Corpse ; It means a dead body
    Council ; It is an assembly or conference
    Counsel ; It means advice or an advocate
    Decent ; It means respectable or good enough
    Descent ; Coming down
    Dissent ; It means disagreement
    Differ ; It means to disagree
    Defer ; To postman
    Difference; Disagreement
    Deference; It means respect
    Defy ; It means a challenge
    Deify ; It means a sort of worship
    Draft ; It means a rough copy or plan
    Drought ; It refers to lack of rain
    Eminent ; A famous person
    Imminent; That which is about to happen or bound to happen
    Emigrant ; One who leaves a country to settle down in another
    Immigrant; One who comes into a country from another to live there
    Excursion ; It means a picnic
    Incursion ; It refers to an invasion
    Facility ; It means a convenience
    Felicity ; It means a joy
    Fatal ; That which ends in death
    Fateful ; Something which is important
    Goal ; It means an object or aim
    Goal ; It means a jail
    Hall ; A big room
    Haul ; To catch
    Hoard ; It means to collect
    Horde ; It means wandering tribe
    Idle ; It means without work
    Lazy ; It means slow or shirker
    Insight ; It means understanding
    Incite ; To instigate
    Imperial ; It means royal
    Imperious; It means proud or arrogant
    Impudent; It means disrespectful
    Imprudent; Unwise
    Judicial ; Pertaining
    Judicious ; Sensible, wise
    Journey ; Used for distance on land
    Voyage ; A journey by sea
    Momentary; That which is short-lived
    Momentous; It means very important
    Moral ; Relating to morality or morals
    Morales ; State of discipline and sprit etc.
    Ordinance; It means a commandment
    Ordnance; It means cannon
    Precedent; It means a previous example
    President ; It means head of a state
    Prescribe ; To fix or advise use of
    Proscribe ; To forbid the use of
    Remember; To call to mind without any effort
    Recollect ; To call to mind something with some effort
    Soar ; To fly
    Sore ; It means in pain
    Suit ; To agree with or a court case
    Suite ; A set of room
    Wave ; Move to and fro; beckon
    Team ; A group of players
    Waive ; Forgo; not to insist on
    Teem ; It means full of
    Waste ; Expend uselessly
    Vale ; It means a valley
    Waist ; Part of body b/w hips and ribs
    Veil ; It means a covering
    Vain ; Proud; useless
    Wail ; It means a cry
    Vein ; Tube in body taking blood to heart
    Vacation ; Holidays, leisure
    Vane ; Weathercock
    Vocation ; Profession
    ; Decrease
    ab aur gerdish-e- taqdeer kiya sitaye ge lota ke ishq mai naam o nishaan bethain hei


  • #2
    Re: Pair Of Words

    Reputated Work :thmbup:


    • #3
      Re: Pair Of Words

      اللھم صلی علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما صلیت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
      اللھم بارک علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما بارکت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔


      • #4
        Re: Pair Of Words

        excellent work


        • #5
          Re: Pair Of Words

          nice shairnign!!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Pair Of Words

            Excellent effots

