Doing Iftar Early
[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 178]
Narrated Hazrat Sahl bin Sa'd (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah's Messenger Muhammad (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, "The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten the Iftar."

[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 177]
Narrated Ibn Abi Aufa (Radi Allah Anhu), Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, "When you see night falling from this side, the person observing fast should break its fast", and he beckoned with his finger towards east.

[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 180]
Hazrat Asma bin Abi Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) said, "We broke our fast during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) on a cloudy day and then the sun appeared."
[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 178]
Narrated Hazrat Sahl bin Sa'd (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah's Messenger Muhammad (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, "The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten the Iftar."

[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 177]
Narrated Ibn Abi Aufa (Radi Allah Anhu), Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, "When you see night falling from this side, the person observing fast should break its fast", and he beckoned with his finger towards east.

[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 180]
Hazrat Asma bin Abi Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) said, "We broke our fast during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) on a cloudy day and then the sun appeared."
