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Salaah Total Focus

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  • Salaah Total Focus

    Salaah Total Focus
    Like every aspect of worship in Islam there is an external and internal dimension; prayer is no exception. The external dimension of prayer is very often what is emphasized in Sunday schools, Muslim homes, conferences, etc. while the inner dimension is to a large part ignored. This leaves us with a well defined skeleton, lacking a soul.
    1) A Bold New Perspective of Wudu: This step includes coming into terms with the fact that the wudu itself has an external and internal element. The internal element involves developing the mindset that as you are purifying the external limbs of your body, you are simultaneously purifying from your body the internal sins that can from those respective limbs. You should imagine your sins dripping from those limbs.
    2) Five Minute Rule: This is the Golden Rule in concentrating in prayer, whatever you think about 5 minutes before you pray, you will inevitably think about during the prayer, so we should spend this time thinking of Allah and not watching television, chatting with friends, joking, etc.
    3) Raising hands (Takbeer):

    5) Surah Fatihah: It is imperative that we learn the Tafsir (explanation) of Surah Fatihah in detail. At the very least, we should learn the translation of Surah Fatihah.
    6) Rukoo:
    7) Sujud (Prostrating):
    8) The Taheeyat:
    9) Ending the Prayer:
    10) After the Prayer:
    A Final Point:

  • #2
    Re: Salaah Total Focus

    jazakAllah khair......


    • #3
      Re: Salaah Total Focus



      • #4
        Re: Salaah Total Focus

        For New Designers
        وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ


        • #5
          Re: Salaah Total Focus

          Jazaak allah


          • #6
            Re: Salaah Total Focus

            :jazak:.....................namaz ro kaaafi saare prhte hein........bass focus ki zaroorat he..........May Allah bless us with this focus..Ameen!


