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I asked allah....

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  • I asked allah....

    !!!...I ASKED ALLAH...!!!...???///
    I asked ALLAH why I wasn't rich.
    And He showed me a man with the wealth of a thousand kings, who was lonely, and had no one to share it with.
    I asked ALLAH why I wasn't handsome.
    And He showed me a men more handsome than any other, who was ugly because of his vanity.
    I asked ALLAH why he'd allowed me to become old.
    And He showed me a boy of 16, who lay dead at a scene of a car accident.
    I asked ALLAH why I didn't have a bigger house.
    And He showed me a family of six, who'd just got evicted from their tiny shack, and were forced to live on the street.
    I asked ALLAH why I had to work.
    And He showed me a man who couldn't find a job, because he had never learned to read.
    I asked ALLAH why I wasn't popular.
    And He showed me a socialite with a thousand friends, who all left the minute the money and fun were no longer there.
    I asked ALLAH why I wasn't smarter.
    And He showed me a natural born genius,who was serving life in prison for making ill use of his knowledge.
    I asked ALLAH why I have to sacrifice so much in life?
    And He showed me His Qur'aan, and the sacrifices of his beloved Prophet SallALLAHu Alayhi Wasallam, Then I understood what sacrifice really meant.

  • #2
    Re: I asked allah....

    eyez opening sharing....
    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



    • #3
      Re: I asked allah....

      I aM Not a complete Idiot......Some parts are Missing........


      • #4
        Re: I asked allah....

        Life is more strict than a teacher
        A teacher teaches a lesson
        and takes an exam.
        But life takes an exam
        and then teaches a lesson


        • #5
          Re: I asked allah....


          قال الله تعالى:
          {لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم‏}‏ ‏(‏‏(‏الإسراء‏:‏ 111‏)‏‏)‏
          صدق الله العظيم

          اللهم لك حمد الشاكرين و شكر الحامدين


          • #6
            Re: I asked allah....

            jazakAllah khiar


            • #7
              Re: I asked allah....

              Thanks all of you:rose


              • #8
                Re: I asked allah....

                Walikum Salam...



                • #9
                  Re: I asked allah....

                  jazakAllah khiar

