What is Justice?
Al-`Adl and Al-Qist. Al-`AdlAl-QistMuqsitQasit
Allah says:
( ) (Al-Hujurat: 9) and (But those who swerve, they are (but) fuel for Hell-fire. ) (Al-Jinn: 15)
1. Huquq Allah
2. Huquq Al-A`Ibad
3. Huquq
Islam teaches that we should be just in every aspect of our life, to all people and things and at all times.
The opposite of justice in Islam is not only injustice, but oppression and corruption. The opposite of `Adl is ZulmIbn Taymiah (d
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) reports that Allah Almighty said: "O my servants! I have forbidden injustice for Myself and forbade it also for you. So avoid being unjust to one another" In addition, the Prophet tells us that among those shaded by Allah on the Day of Resurrection is "the just leader".