how we offer salat ul tasbeeh??
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salat ul tasbeeh??
Re: salat ul tasbeeh??
Asalam alaikum, mujhey Alhumdulillah mil gaya hai to mey ney socha aap sab key sath bhi share ho jaye :thmbup:
Among the optional prayers, this prayer is given great eminence.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhiallaahu Anhu) reports that the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said to his uncle Abbas ibn Abdul
Muttalib (Radhiallaahu Anhu), "Shall I not give you a gift? Shall I grant
you a blessing? Shall I inform you of a great benefit? Shall I give you
something, which if you do, Allah will forgive you all your sins, old and
past and new, committed by mistake or knowingly, small and big, committed in
secret or openly? What you have to do is offer four rak'ah of optional
prayers in this way: in every rak'ah after the Al-Hamd and Surah and while
yet standing, recite the third kalimah fifteen times, then in the bowing,
ruku, ten times, then standing up after the bow, qoma, ten times, then in
each prostration ten times and in between the two prostrations ten times,
and sitting up after the second prostration, ten times; seventy-five times
per rak'ah, three-hundred times in all.
Then, He said, "If possible, offer this prayer once every day; if you
cannot, offer it once on Fridays, if this is not possible, offer it once a
month, if this too is not possible, offer it once a year, and if even this
is not possible, offer it once in your lifetime." (Ibn Maja, Tirmizi, Abu
Hazrat Abbas (Radhiallaahu Anhu) used to offer this prayer every Friday and
Abu Jauzan Ta-i used to come to the mosque every day as soon as the azan for
the noon prayers was called and would offer it by the time the Jamaat stood
up for the obligatory prayers. Hazrat Abdul Aziz bin abi Radad held that he
who wanted paradise should hold on firmly to Salaa-al-Tasbeeh. According to
Abu Usman Teri, "There is nothing better than Salaat-al-Tasbeeh to keep away troubles and sorrow."
The Niyyah:
'My Niyyah is four rak'aat of Salaat-al-Tasbeeh for Allaah
Ta'ala, facing the Qiblah'.
Propositions regarding Salaat-al-tasbih -
1. No specific Surah is prescribed; according to some Ahadees, there should
be at least twenty Verses.
2. The counting should not be done orally (because this would disturb the
prayer) but by pressing one of the fingers, wherever it may be.
3. If the recital is forgotten, the count should be made up in the next
part, but never in between prostrations or during the qoma, not after the
first and third rak'ah, but after the second or fourth rak'ah.
Benefit -
* After the word, 'Subhaanallah Wal hamdulillah Wa laa ilaaha illallaahu
Allaahu Akbar,' the words, 'Walaa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaahil
aliyyil adheem' should be added. This is according to some tradition. It
will be better to add these words also, 'Subhaanallah wal hamdulillah walaa
ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar walaa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaahil aliyyil adheem.'
* The words should be recited in the second and fourth rak'ah before
al-Tahiyaat, and during the bow (Ruku) and prostration (Sajda), the words
'Subhaana Rabbiyal azim' and 'Subhaana Rabbiyal A'ala' respectively should
be recited first and then the kalimaat.
* Another way is to recite the words fifteen times after Subhan but before
Al-Hamd. The ten times after Al-Hamd and a Surah. The rest as stated above.
If the latter procedure is followed, there will be no need to recite the
kalimat after the first and third rak'ah nor before al Tahiyyaat in the
fourth, (because the seventy-five times will have been completed at the end
of the second prostrations of every rak'ah).
Proposition -
If, for any reason, the need arises for a sahw prostration (an extra
prostration required after concluding the prayers because of forgetting),
the kalimaat should not be recited in it, but if the count is missed......
the kalimaat may be recited in it.
Mufeedul Muslimeen
" Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goals "