Allah sey maa'fi mangna(Taubah)
Taubah ki conditions:-
1-Regret sincerely
2-to stop doing the bad deed for which you are regreting
3-take good resolution like to do good deeds
4-to correct oneself
*Say minimum 70 times Astaghfaar as our beloved Prophet (s.a.w) did.
*whenever you do anything ask yourself wat you are doing is it for Allah or is it for the ppl
*keep in mind that deeds depends upon intentions
Taubah ki conditions:-
1-Regret sincerely
2-to stop doing the bad deed for which you are regreting
3-take good resolution like to do good deeds
4-to correct oneself
*Say minimum 70 times Astaghfaar as our beloved Prophet (s.a.w) did.
*whenever you do anything ask yourself wat you are doing is it for Allah or is it for the ppl
*keep in mind that deeds depends upon intentions