Allah the Creator
"Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and We made every living thing from water? Will they not then believe?" (21:30)
"And He it is Who created the night and the day, and sun and the moon.
21:33, 41:37)
"He has created man: He has imparted unto him articulate thought and speech. [At His behest] the sun and the moon run their appointed courses; the stars and the trees prostrate themselves [before Him].
And the skies has He raised high, and has devised [for all things] a measure, so that you [too, O men,] might never transgress the measure [of what is right]: weigh, therefore, [your deeds] with equity, and cut not the measure short!" (55:3-9)
32:7, 87:2)
"It is Allah Who created life and death that you may prove yourself worthy in your deeds." (67:2)
"Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no god except Him, the Creator of all things, so serve Him. And He
takes care of all things." (6:102)
"He is the Cleaver of the daybreak, and He has appointed the night for stillness, and the sun and the moon to run their appointed courses: [all] this is laid down by the Will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing." (6:96)
"Allah is He Who created seven heavens and of the earth a similar number. Through the midst of them (all) descends His command: that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends all things in (His) knowledge." (65:12)
"He it is Who has made the sun a [source of] radiant light and the moon shining [surface], and has determined for it phases so that you might know how to compute the years and to measure [time].
None of this has Allah created without [an inner] truth. Clearly does He spell out these messages unto people of [innate] knowledge." (10:5)
"Allah has indeed made all things in heaven and earth subservient to humankind; it is all from Him. Lo! Herein verily are portents for people who reflect." (45:13)
"And He it is Who created the night and the day, and sun and the moon.
21:33, 41:37)
"He has created man: He has imparted unto him articulate thought and speech. [At His behest] the sun and the moon run their appointed courses; the stars and the trees prostrate themselves [before Him].
And the skies has He raised high, and has devised [for all things] a measure, so that you [too, O men,] might never transgress the measure [of what is right]: weigh, therefore, [your deeds] with equity, and cut not the measure short!" (55:3-9)
32:7, 87:2)
"It is Allah Who created life and death that you may prove yourself worthy in your deeds." (67:2)
"Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no god except Him, the Creator of all things, so serve Him. And He
takes care of all things." (6:102)
"He is the Cleaver of the daybreak, and He has appointed the night for stillness, and the sun and the moon to run their appointed courses: [all] this is laid down by the Will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing." (6:96)
"Allah is He Who created seven heavens and of the earth a similar number. Through the midst of them (all) descends His command: that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends all things in (His) knowledge." (65:12)
"He it is Who has made the sun a [source of] radiant light and the moon shining [surface], and has determined for it phases so that you might know how to compute the years and to measure [time].
None of this has Allah created without [an inner] truth. Clearly does He spell out these messages unto people of [innate] knowledge." (10:5)
"Allah has indeed made all things in heaven and earth subservient to humankind; it is all from Him. Lo! Herein verily are portents for people who reflect." (45:13)