On 27th Rajab (40 Aamul Feel) the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made known to the people his mission of Prophet hood.
The 27th is therefore, a highly blessed night.
i.Al faatihah
ii.Al Ikhlaas
iii.Al Falaq
iv.An Naas
v.Al Kafiroon
vi.Al Qadr
vii.Aayatul Kursee
On 27th Rajab (40 Aamul Feel) the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made known to the people his mission of Prophet hood.
The 27th is therefore, a highly blessed night.
- Take a bath and put on clean clothes.
- Give alms in the way of Allah.
i.Al faatihah
ii.Al Ikhlaas
iii.Al Falaq
iv.An Naas
v.Al Kafiroon
vi.Al Qadr
vii.Aayatul Kursee