Day Of Ashura!
-Ashura came from the word Ashr which means 10th day
-Many Prophets were saved on this day like sayidna Moosa, Sayidna Ibraheem ...
-Fasting of the day of Ashura
- when Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) migrated to Madinah, he saw jewish of madinah fasting this day and he (s.a.w) came to know on inquiring jews that they fast this day coz Allah T'ala has saved Moosa (a.h) on this day-On hearing this Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) asked the Muslims to fast the same day with joining either with 9th or 11th of Muharram
-What shud we do on this day
- Fasting
- Sadaqa: Sadaqa prevents the harm coming to you and prevents the big harmful things to less harmful
- generous with your family
- visit ppl of knowledge
- good with orphans
- do more sunnah
- Do Zikr ( say 70 times HassbunAllahi wa na'mal wakeel which means Allah is enough for me )
- Recite 1000 times Surah Ikhlas--there is a hadith that says "Who ever reads 1000 times SUrah Ikhlas on day of Ashura, he will not die until he sees the place for him/her in Paradise"
- Say alot of durood
May Allah guides us to the right path and give us understanding of our beautiful religion and make us good muslims inshAllah