Our Prophet (saas) was a person of extraordinary beauty
Some of the outward features of Prophet Muhammad (saas), sent as a moral role model to all humanity, are set out below......
1. The Matchless Appearance of Our Prophet (saas)
Narrated by Ibrahim b. Muhammad (ra), one of the grandchildren of Ali:
2. The Beauty of Our Prophet (saas)
His companions described the beauty of the Prophet (saas) in these terms:
3. The Majesty of Our Prophet (saas)
Narrated by Hasan:
4. The Radiant Face of Our Prophet (saas)
Anas bin Malik (ra) says:
5. The Powerful Body of Our Prophet (saas)
6. The Stature of Our Prophet (saas):
Baraa bin Aazib (ra) relates:
7. The Beautiful Eyes of Our Prophet (saas):
Abu Huraira (ra) describes him:
8. The Complexion of Our Prophet (saas):
Abu Huraira (ra) reports:
9. The Hair of Our Prophet (saas):
Aisha (ra) reports:
10. The Beard of Our Prophet (saas):
11. The Beautiful Mouth of Our Prophet (saas):
12. The Manner of Dress of Our Prophet (saas):
Jundub ibn Makith (ra) said:
Another hadith relates:
13. The Manner of Sitting of Our Prophet (saas):
Qaylah bint Makhramah (ra) reports:
14. The Manner of Speaking of Our Prophet (saas):
15. The Smiling Face of Our Prophet (saas):
As recalled by Ali:
16. The Glances of Our Prophet (saas):
Hasan, the grandson of our Prophet (saas), described the way he looked at things as follows:
17. The Pleasant Scent of Our Prophet (saas):
Jaabir bin Samura (ra) states:
18. The Affection for Others of Our Prophet (saas)
19. The Superior Moral Values of Our Prophet (saas):
20. The Modesty of Our Prophet (saas):