Just tried to express the experience of the persons who was welling to come abroad GCC countries...
(one of the country in Gulf and where i live currently)
dasi Qatar di pa golie (bullet) olagi
ekhpalo prado ki ghogha (halchal) shi
Awo warkara jora yawo wada (alike marriage) ghonti sama shi
da farmayeshono pi baran shi
nou da cha sprigan (perfume) da cha ghari e (watch) olagi ..
awo dai chi koz pa Qatar airport shi..
Bia pa wayalo ekhpal sar (his head) shi
dasi Qatar di pa goli e olagi..
(one of the country in Gulf and where i live currently)
dasi Qatar di pa golie (bullet) olagi
ekhpalo prado ki ghogha (halchal) shi
Awo warkara jora yawo wada (alike marriage) ghonti sama shi
da farmayeshono pi baran shi
nou da cha sprigan (perfume) da cha ghari e (watch) olagi ..
awo dai chi koz pa Qatar airport shi..
Bia pa wayalo ekhpal sar (his head) shi
dasi Qatar di pa goli e olagi..
Dera (group of tenants stays together)
Endiwalay (priority of cooking huh!)
Endiwalay (priority of cooking huh!)