سلامونه ګرانو پښتنو،
هيله ده چې تاسو ټول روغ او جوړ ياستی. ډېر وخت کيږي چې په يوه بريښنايي پښتو کتابتون باندی کار کوم او تر اوسه پورې مې ۶۰ نه ډير کتابونه پر ليکه کړي. په نيږدې وختو کې به نور کتابونه به هم پر ليکه کوم.
I am working on an online Pashto library. I have uploaded over 60 books to the library and I am in the process of adding more books in the near future. You are very welcome to check it out for your self.
Thank you
I am working on an online Pashto library. I have uploaded over 60 books to the library and I am in the process of adding more books in the near future. You are very welcome to check it out for your self.
Thank you