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**Da Moor Mena **

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  • **Da Moor Mena **

    Last edited by *Hala*; 4 October 2007, 13:51.
    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


  • #2
    Re: **Da Moor Mena **



    • #3
      Re: **Da Moor Mena **

      manana garni khor jani !!!
      u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



      • #4
        Re: **Da Moor Mena **

        good one :D:
        For New Designers
        وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ


        • #5
          Re: **Da Moor Mena **

          deer khe sharing Hala jan


          • #6
            Re: **Da Moor Mena **

            manana !! staso tolo sakha
            u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



            • #7
              Re: **Da Moor Mena **

              der pa zraporey....Hala :)


              • #8
                Re: **Da Moor Mena **

                HaHa Mara hala da sa di ?........

                Afghanano Moor.............

                awo ka da PUKHTANO moor zka chay

                Ghani Khan khu PUKHTUN wo awo bal Farid Khan hem PUKHTUN wo

                awo Bal da Afridu Qoom ha PUKHTANA di ? da sanga awo da chay leklay da ?


                • #9
                  Re: **Da Moor Mena **

                  nokia da khanda khabara kho na da
                  pakhton aw pashton sok dei da der ogd bahas di
                  aw bal da dewrand line kho yaw seyiasi mawzo da
                  hope u get it what i mean :khi:
                  da yaw sher dy no da sher pa starga ba worta wagoro:eye:
                  Last edited by Tamana; 25 December 2007, 23:39.


                  • #10
                    Re: **Da Moor Mena **

                    Awo awo Tamana Topic Start Khbaray ba pa waku da lag walula...

                    Naki Ror Jana Staray mashay Hela laram chay Rog jor awo khushala ba wa........
                    Khbara khu ta Wakra za ba ta Lag pa Tafseel sra Poha kam...
                    Awal zma pa Post Kha Dehan kha GOOR waka..
                    haga mashran waye chay Rekhtya lag Tarkha wi.....
                    Da da 1893 wala yo TAKREH da walula...
                    His Highness Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, G.C.E.I
                    Amir of Afghanistan and its Dependencies, on the one part,
                    Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, K.C.I.E., C.S.I.,
                    Foreign Secretary to the Government of India,
                    representing the Government of India, on the other part

                    Whereas certain questions have arisen regarding the frontier of Afghanistan on the side of India, and whereas both His Highness the Amir and the Government of India are desirous of settling these questions by a friendly understanding, and of fixing the limit of their respective spheres of influence, so that for the future there may be no difference of opinion on the subject between the allied Governments, it is hereby agree as follows:

                    2. The British Government of India will at no time exercise interference in the territories lying beyond this line on the side of Afghanistan, and His Highness the Amir will at no time exercise interference in the territories lying beyond this line on the side of India.
                    3. The British Government thus agrees to His Highness the Amir retaining Asmar and the valley above it, as far as Chanak. His Highness agrees on the other hand that he will at no time exercise interference in Swat, Bajaur or Chitral, including the Arnawai or Bashgal valley. The British Government also agrees to leave to His Highness the Birmal tract as shown in the detailed map already given to High Highness, who relinquishes his claim to the rest of the Waziri country and Dawar. His Highness also relinquishes his claim to Chageh [now, Chagai. Ed.].
                    4. The frontier line will hereafter be laid down in detail and demarcated, wherever this may be practicable and desirable, by Joint British and Afghan Commissioners, whose object will be to arrive by mutual understanding at a boundary which shall adhere with the greatest possible exactness to the line shown in the map attached to this agreement, having due regard to the existing local rights of villages adjoining the frontier.
                    5. With reference to the question of Chaman, the Amir withdraws his objection to the new British Cantonment and concedes to the British Government the rights purchased by him in the Sirkai-Tilerai water. At this part of the frontier, the line will be drawn as follows:
                    From the crest of Khwaja Amran range near the Pasha Kotal, which remains in British territory, the line will run in such a direction as to leave Murgha Chaman and the Sharobo spring to Afghanistan, and to pass half way between the New Chaman Fort and the Afghan outpost known locally as Lashkar Dand. The line will then pass half way between the railway station and the hill known as the Mian Baldak, and, turning southwards, will rejoin the Khwaja Arman range, leaving the Gwasha Post in British territory, and the road to Shorawak to the west and south of Gwasha in Afghanistan. The British Government will not exercise any interference within half a mile of the road.
                    6. The above articles of agreement are regarded by the government of India and His Highness the Amir of Afghanistan as a full and satisfactory settlement of all the principal differences of opinion which have arisen between them in regard to the frontier; and both the Government of India and His Highness the Amir undertake that any differences of detail, such as those which will have to be considered hereafter by the officers appointed to demarcate the boundary line, shall be settled in a friendly spirit, so as to remove for the future as far as possible all causes of doubt and misunderstanding between the two Governments.

                    (Signed) H. M. Durand
                    (Signed) Amir Abdul Rahman Khan
                    Kabu, the 12th November 1893
                    Note: Original agreement is available in the national archive of Pakistan. This report has been produced from the copy available at the Area Study Centre, Peshawar University.
                    Published with permission.
                    One Lakh = 100000) wos Ror Jana ta rata dad oya chay
                    ta Khpal Khog ror dasey darsra wakey ta ba sa kaway ?...)

                    Kala chay pa PEKHWAR banday Rangit Sing hamla wakra nu
                    zma Rora da PUKHTUNKHWA na dar Respected famly da
                    Khpalay Haya awo da Ezat da para AFghanistan ka ya Pananh ogkhta
                    Haga Zalima Afghani Badashah Pannah warka khu da Shpay (Night)
                    ka Sarey (Male ) tol Hala Oyjal kru awo da Khazu sra
                    Rape wakral.......awo After that
                    Nadir sha King of Afghaistan he Said
                    (ZA BA DA PUKHTUNAY (Bad Word,s) da PA 1 Rupay (RS) kam..)
                    when ten thousends pashtoons of peshawar valley were fighting against the sikh army the abdali Wali of peshawar azam khan was in the front line in the sick army against his fellow pashtoons.
                    he was helping sicks against pashtoons.ahmad shah abdali was marreid to iranain women and his children ,s language was farsi not pashto.
                    after the death of ahmad shah baba his son timor shah (farsi peot) sack all pashto speaking sardars and replaced them by qazalbash and other farsiwans.
                    it was usual in timor shah ,s darbar to make fun of pashtoons and their culture.
                    he try to force the pashtoon of pashtoonkhwa to learn farsi but his idea of farsiwanisation was totaly rejected by the true pashtoon of pashtoonkhwa.

                    cha way che sa ala bala de owail
                    ma wai che ha rakhtya rakhtya me owai
                    ajmal khatak

