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گـُل ِ دورنگ ..............................................

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  • گـُل ِ دورنگ ..............................................

    گـُل ِ دورنگ

    خوش آن زمان که دلم تنگ ِ تنگ ِ تنگ نبود
    it was nice the time that i was not lonely lonley

    دل تو نیز چنین ســـنگ ِ ســـنگ ِ ســنگ نبود
    and your heart was not like rock, rock, rock
    "بلی" جواب تو بود، آن بلی درنگ نداشـــــت
    YES was your answer and you did not wait to say yes
    و گفــتنِ " نه " ات ایــنگونه بی درنــگ نبود
    and your saying no was not with rational
    بر آتشـــــــــــم تو نشــــاندی چنین وگرنه مرا
    you put me on such fire cause i was not
    گمــان قهـــر نبـــود و زبــــان جـــنــگ نـبود
    thinking of anger or word of fight
    ب حضـــرت تو مرا زهــــر نوشـــدارو بود
    i swear to you that poison was my medician
    به دوری تو مرا شــــهد جـــز شــــرنگ نبود
    and in you being far honey was nothing but bitter
    ز عنـــدلیــب شـــــنــیدم بـه بــانگ یکــرنگی
    i heard fron the bird song telling it stright
    چه بودی ار به گلســـــــتان گـُل ِ دورنگ نبود
    what would have been if the flower was not #2 diffrent colour# 2 faced
    به من اگر نشدی عرصه در خراســـــان تنگ
    to me if it was not becoming hard to live in khorasan
    مرا، به جان تو ســـوگند، جــا فرنگ نــــــبود
    i swear on you that west was not my place
    شـــــــدم فرنگی و دانی که شـــیخ صــنعان را
    i become westren and oyu know that san'an shikh
    ز خوکبــانی در کوی عشــــــــــــق ننگ نبود
    would not mind being a pig minder in city of love
    Last edited by *Hala*; 16 September 2006, 18:56.
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