دوستت دارم ، نه به خاطر شخصيت تو ، بلكه به خاطر شخصيتي كه من در هنگام با تو بودن پيدا مي كنم
I love you not for who you are but for who i am when i am with you
no one is worth your tears, those who love you will never make you cry
when the one you want don't love you the way you want it to be means they don't love you at all
true friend is the one who holds your handa and feel your heart
the worse thing is when you are with somone you love, but you know you can't have them
never quit smiling even when you are upset, you never know one will fall in love with your smile
To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world
never spend your time with those who don't want to be with you
may be God wants you to meet wrong people, until you you get to the right one so you can appreciate them
don't worry about the past, smile for what came after
there are some who will hurt you, you gota trust everyone, but be more careful to those who hurt you and never trust them again
you have to change yourself to a good person, and trust yourself to know the real you, before knowing somone else and wait for someone else to know who you are
dont stress yourself too much sometimes some good thing happen when you less expect
I love you not for who you are but for who i am when i am with you
هيچ كس لياقت اشكهاي تو را ندارد و كسي كه چنين ارزشي دارد باعث اشك ريختن تو نمي شود
no one is worth your tears, those who love you will never make you cry
اگر كسي تو را آن طور كه مي خواهي دوست ندارد ، به اين معني نيست كه تو را با تمام وجودش دوست ندارد
when the one you want don't love you the way you want it to be means they don't love you at all
دوست واقعي كسي است كه دستهاي تو را بگيرد ولي قلب تو را لمس كند
true friend is the one who holds your handa and feel your heart
بدترين شكل دلتنگي براي كسي آن است كه در كنار او باشي و بداني كه هرگز به او نخواهي رسيد
the worse thing is when you are with somone you love, but you know you can't have them
never quit smiling even when you are upset, you never know one will fall in love with your smile
تو ممكن است در تمام دنيا فقط يك نفر باشي ، ولي براي بعضي افراد تمام دنيا هستي
To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world
هرگز وقتت را با كسي كه حاضر نيست وقتش را با تو بگذراند ، نگذران
never spend your time with those who don't want to be with you
شايد خدا خواسته است كه ابتدا بسياري افراد نامناسب را بشناسي و سپس شخص مناسب را ، به اين ترتيب. وقتي او را يافتي بهتر مي تواني شكرگزار باشي
may be God wants you to meet wrong people, until you you get to the right one so you can appreciate them
به چيزي كه گذشت غم مخور ، به آن چه پس از آن آمد لبخند بزن
don't worry about the past, smile for what came after
هميشه افرادي هستند كه تو را مي آزارند ، با اين حال همواره به ديگران اعتماد كن و فقط مواظب باش كه به كسي كه تو را آزرده ، دوباره اعتماد نكني
there are some who will hurt you, you gota trust everyone, but be more careful to those who hurt you and never trust them again
خود را به فرد بهتري تبديل كن و مطمئن باش كه خود را مي شناسي قبل از آنكه شخص ديگري را بشناسي و انتظار داشته باشي او تو را بشناسد
you have to change yourself to a good person, and trust yourself to know the real you, before knowing somone else and wait for someone else to know who you are
زياد از حد خود را تحت فشار نگذار ، بهترين چيزها در زماني اتفاق مي افتد كه انتظارش را نداري
dont stress yourself too much sometimes some good thing happen when you less expect