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dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

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  • dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

    dream of Afghanistan and ma watan Kandahar

    It's way beyond far
    I think of those in need
    Those that need to be feed

    I wish i can hold them in ma arms
    And keep them safe awayfrom future bombs

    I wunna stop the cry
    And make everyone fly

    Keep them awy from danger
    And from future head bangers

    I wunna stop the war
    And wealthy up the poor

    Give them homes
    And create domes

    I want them to pray in peace
    Without all the noise from the streets

    I want there to be happiness
    And stop all the madness

    This is when I dream of Afghanistan and ma watan kabul
    It's way beyond far

    But close to ma heart
    and neva put apart

    Beautiful Afghanistan

    I've heard so much about you
    but never have had the chance to meet
    you personally. They told me
    how much fun they had sadly I
    missed the opportunity to feel you.
    For all the memories and joy
    you've provided for my people.I am
    truly grateful and in your debt.
    They explain to me with such a passion
    in their hearts. They can recall the beautiful
    and luxurious sights of your land. NOw
    when dawn breaks and gives off such a
    gleam of light so powerful.
    It can take your breath away.
    "It's a sight unseen and unfor gettabld"
    For all your magnificence glory and history
    you will always be withink me a part of me
    I thank you for all you have contributed for
    my family, my people and I.
    I will and shall reppresent you
    and show my patriotism with utmost respect,
    knowledge and faith you have given me.
    My love for you is so deep with intensity
    that I would like to show my gratitude
    by saying I love you beautiful Afghanistan

    Love Forever....... :phool:

    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


  • #2
    Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

    We need you beautiful motherland
    we need you when things go wrong
    we need you when we feel strong
    we need you when we are in despair
    we need you when life becomes unffair
    we need you when life is full of care
    we need you when life is nothing but joy and cheer
    we need you no matter what, when we are happy or sad
    we need you in sickness
    we need your name to claim our identity
    we need your name to become proud of our names
    without you we are nothing but a lost nation
    without you we are nothing but a part of immigration
    we need you to end this nonsense migration
    we need you to end this endless desperation
    we do not need you just for an hour
    we do not need you just for a month
    we do not need you just for a year nor for a decade or for a century
    beautiful afghanistan we need you forever

    with love .... Hala
    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



    • #3
      Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

      the poetry , the wishes in it are so sweet, innocent and touchy :)

      thnx for sharing dear :phool:


      • #4
        Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

        sweet ji thanks 4 being here and thanks dear for liking :phool:
        u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



        • #5
          Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

          u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



          • #6
            Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

            sweet post jee hala jee...
            Life is more strict than a teacher
            A teacher teaches a lesson
            and takes an exam.
            But life takes an exam
            and then teaches a lesson


            • #7
              Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

              aik aisa khita jo sadiyon sey iztiraab ka shikaar raha hai, aik khita jahan per islam key muhafiz rahey hain, aik khita jahan sey islam ka noor buland hota raha hai.

              jahan angrezon ko aisi buri shakist hui thi keh unkey 1700 mein se siraf aik bandah zindah bacha tha jab angrezon ney hindostan ko fatah karney key baad Kabul per hamla kiya tha.

              tabahi ki jeeti jagti tasweer....

              Allah tala issey fatahyaab karey ameen
              tumharey bas mein agar ho to bhool jao mujhey
              tumhein bhulaney mein shayid mujhey zamana lagey


              • #8
                Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

                thanks Masood ji n Asad ji:rose



                چی له تا ځخه جلا یم
                همیشه سر په ژړا یم
                یو ساعت راباندی کال شی
                په غمونو مبتلا یم
                له لیمو می اوشکی ځاځی
                گریوان لوند په واویلایم
                په هجران کی دی سوځیزم
                د وصال په تمنا یم
                یوه زره به خوند را نکړی
                که د بل وطن پادشا یم
                تا کی خوش یمه وطنه
                که فقیر یم که گدا یم
                ستا له نوم نه به قربان شم
                زه مین پرتا لیلایم
                ستا لیدو ته به در ځمه
                بس که نن یم که سبا یم
                ستا خدمت به همیشه کړم
                "سراج زاده " تل دغه وایم

                u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



                • #9
                  Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

                  Asslam_O_Alikum WR WB

                  Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Hala Greattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :thmbup: :rose :rose

                  Me samjha kay................. Ky Panjabi main likha hay lolzzz :D

                  English palay parh gai Urdu main bhi likh deyti lolzz :khi:

                  :lpop: :lpop:
                  Meri Taqdeer Main Likha Tha Khuda Ny Aik Din
                  Tu Jisay Cha-hyga Wo Shaks Paraya Ho Ga


                  • #10
                    Re: dedication to my beloved country ......(pashto, English ..etc)

                    Originally posted by Bheegi-Palkain
                    Asslam_O_Alikum WR WB

                    Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Hala Greattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :thmbup: :rose :rose

                    Me samjha kay................. Ky Panjabi main likha hay lolzzz :D

                    English palay parh gai Urdu main bhi likh deyti lolzz :khi:

                    FeaamnAllah:lpop: :lpop:
                    W.Salam WR WB:rose
                    manana :D
                    Urdu mein lekhnaa U ka kaam hai :tasali:
                    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


