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The Leap-Frog by Hans Christian Andersen

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  • The Leap-Frog by Hans Christian Andersen

    The Leap-Frog by Hans Christian Andersen

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    A Flea, a Grasshopper, and a Leap-frog once wanted to see which could jump
    highest; and they invited the whole world, and everybody else besides who
    chose to come to see the festival. Three famous jumpers were they, as
    everyone would say, when they all met together in the room.

    "I will give my daughter to him who jumps highest," exclaimed the King; "for
    it is not so amusing where there is no prize to jump for."

    The Flea was the first to step forward. He had exquisite manners, and bowed to
    the company on all sides; for he had noble blood, and was, moreover,
    accustomed to the society of man alone; and that makes a great difference.

    Then came the Grasshopper. He was considerably heavier, but he was
    well-mannered, and wore a green uniform, which he had by right of birth; he
    said, moreover, that he belonged to a very ancient Egyptian family, and that
    in the house where he then was, he was thought much of. The fact was, he had
    been just brought out of the fields, and put in a pasteboard house, three
    stories high, all made of court-cards, with the colored side inwards; and
    doors and windows cut out of the body of the Queen of Hearts. "I sing so
    well," said he, "that sixteen native grasshoppers who have chirped from
    infancy, and yet got no house built of cards to live in, grew thinner than
    they were before for sheer vexation when they heard me."

    It was thus that the Flea and the Grasshopper gave an account of themselves,
    and thought they were quite good enough to marry a Princess.

    The Leap-frog said nothing; but people gave it as their opinion, that he
    therefore thought the more; and when the housedog snuffed at him with his
    nose, he confessed the Leap-frog was of good family. The old councillor, who
    had had three orders given him to make him hold his tongue, asserted that the
    Leap-frog was a prophet; for that one could see on his back, if there would be
    a severe or mild winter, and that was what one could not see even on the back
    of the man who writes the almanac.

    "I say nothing, it is true," exclaimed the King; "but I have my own opinion,

    Now the trial was to take place. The Flea jumped so high that nobody could see
    where he went to; so they all asserted he had not jumped at all; and that was

    The Grasshopper jumped only half as high; but he leaped into the King's face,
    who said that was ill-mannered.

    The Leap-frog stood still for a long time lost in thought; it was believed at
    last he would not jump at all.

    "I only hope he is not unwell," said the house-dog; when, pop! he made a jump
    all on one side into the lap of the Princess, who was sitting on a little
    golden stool close by.

    Hereupon the King said, "There is nothing above my daughter; therefore to
    bound up to her is the highest jump that can be made; but for this, one must
    possess understanding, and the Leap-frog has shown that he has understanding.
    He is brave and intellectual."

    And so he won the Princess.

    "It's all the same to me," said the Flea. "She may have the old Leap-frog, for
    all I care. I jumped the highest; but in this world merit seldom meets its
    reward. A fine exterior is what people look at now-a-days."

    The Flea then went into foreign service, where, it is said, he was killed.

    The Grasshopper sat without on a green bank, and reflected on worldly things;
    and he said too, "Yes, a fine exterior is everything--a fine exterior is what
    people care about." And then he began chirping his peculiar melancholy song,
    from which we have taken this history; and which may, very possibly, be all
    untrue, although it does stand here printed in black and white.
    اللھم صلی علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما صلیت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
    اللھم بارک علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما بارکت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
