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The Youth

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  • The Youth

    Strayed Reveller, The
    by Matthew Arnold

    The Youth

    Faster, faster,
    O Circe, Goddess,
    Let the wild, thronging train
    The bright procession
    Of eddying forms,
    Sweep through my soul!
    Thou standest, smiling
    Down on me! thy right arm,
    Lean'd up against the column there,
    Props thy soft cheek;
    Thy left holds, hanging loosely,
    The deep cup, ivy-cinctured,
    I held but now.
    Is it, then, evening
    So soon? I see, the night-dews,
    Cluster'd in thick beads, dim
    The agate brooch-stones
    On thy white shoulder;
    The cool night-wind, too,
    Blows through the portico,
    Stirs thy hair, Goddess,
    Waves thy white robe!


    Whence art thou, sleeper?

    The Youth.

    When the white dawn first
    Through the rough fir-planks
    Of my hut, by the chestnuts,
    Up at the valley-head,
    Came breaking, Goddess!
    I sprang up, I threw round me
    My dappled fawn-skin;
    Passing out, from the wet turf,
    Where they lay, by the hut door,
    I snatch'd up my vine-crown, my fir-staff,
    All drench'd in dew-
    Came swift down to join
    The rout early gather'd
    In the town, round the temple,
    Iacchus' white fane
    On yonder hill.
    Quick I pass'd, following
    The wood-cutters' cart-track
    Down the dark valley;-I saw
    On my left, through the beeches,
    Thy palace, Goddess,
    Smokeless, empty!
    Trembling, I enter'd; beheld
    The court all silent,
    The lions sleeping,
    On the altar this bowl.
    I drank, Goddess!
    And sank down here, sleeping,
    On the steps of thy portico.


    Foolish boy! Why tremblest thou?
    Thou lovest it, then, my wine?
    Wouldst more of it? See, how glows,
    Through the delicate, flush'd marble,
    The red, creaming liquor,
    Strown with dark seeds!
    Drink, thee! I chide thee not,
    Deny thee not my bowl.
    Come, stretch forth thy hand, thee-so!
    Drink-drink again!

    The Youth.

    Thanks, gracious one!
    Ah, the sweet fumes again!
    More soft, ah me,
    More subtle-winding
    Than Pan's flute-music!
    Faint-faint! Ah me,
    Again the sweet sleep!


    Hist! Thou-within there!
    Come forth, Ulysses!
    Art tired with hunting?
    While we range the woodland,
    See what the day brings.


    Ever new magic!
    Hast thou then lured hither,
    Wonderful Goddess, by thy art,
    The young, languid-eyed Ampelus,
    Iacchus' darling-
    Or some youth beloved of Pan,
    Of Pan and the Nymphs?
    That he sits, bending downward
    His white, delicate neck
    To the ivy-wreathed marge
    Of thy cup; the bright, glancing vine-leaves
    That crown his hair,
    Falling forward, mingling
    With the dark ivy-plants--
    His fawn-skin, half untied,
    Smear'd with red wine-stains? Who is he,
    That he sits, overweigh'd
    By fumes of wine and sleep,
    So late, in thy portico?
    What youth, Goddess,-what guest
    Of Gods or mortals?


    Hist! he wakes!
    I lured him not hither, Ulysses.
    Nay, ask him!

    The Youth.

    Who speaks' Ah, who comes forth
    To thy side, Goddess, from within?
    How shall I name him?
    This spare, dark-featured,
    Quick-eyed stranger?
    Ah, and I see too
    His sailor's bonnet,
    His short coat, travel-tarnish'd,
    With one arm bare!--
    Art thou not he, whom fame
    This long time rumours
    The favour'd guest of Circe, brought by the waves?
    Art thou he, stranger?
    The wise Ulysses,
    Laertes' son?


    I am Ulysses.
    And thou, too, sleeper?
    Thy voice is sweet.
    It may be thou hast follow'd
    Through the islands some divine bard,
    By age taught many things,
    Age and the Muses;
    And heard him delighting
    The chiefs and people
    In the banquet, and learn'd his songs.
    Of Gods and Heroes,
    Of war and arts,
    And peopled cities,
    Inland, or built
    By the gray sea.-If so, then hail!
    I honour and welcome thee.

    The Youth.

    The Gods are happy.
    They turn on all sides
    Their shining eyes,
    And see below them
    The earth and men.
    They see Tiresias
    Sitting, staff in hand,
    On the warm, grassy
    Asopus bank,
    His robe drawn over
    His old sightless head,
    Revolving inly
    The doom of Thebes.
    They see the Centaurs
    In the upper glens
    Of Pelion, in the streams,
    Where red-berried ashes fringe
    The clear-brown shallow pools,
    With streaming flanks, and heads
    Rear'd proudly, snuffing
    The mountain wind.
    They see the Indian
    Drifting, knife in hand,
    His frail boat moor'd to
    A floating isle thick-matted
    With large-leaved, low-creeping melon-plants
    And the dark cucumber.
    He reaps, and stows them,
    Drifting--drifting;--round him,
    Round his green harvest-plot,
    Flow the cool lake-waves,
    The mountains ring them.
    They see the Scythian
    On the wide stepp, unharnessing
    His wheel'd house at noon.
    He tethers his beast down, and makes his meal--
    Mares' milk, and bread
    Baked on the embers;--all around
    The boundless, waving grass-plains stretch, thick-starr'd
    With saffron and the yellow hollyhock
    And flag-leaved iris-flowers.
    Sitting in his cart
    He makes his meal; before him, for long miles,
    Alive with bright green lizards,
    And the springing bustard-fowl,
    The track, a straight black line,
    Furrows the rich soil; here and there
    Cluster of lonely mounds
    Topp'd with rough-hewn,
    Gray, rain-blear'd statues, overpeer
    The sunny waste.
    They see the ferry
    On the broad, clay-laden
    Lone Chorasmian stream;--thereon,
    With snort and strain,
    Two horses, strongly swimming, tow
    The ferry-boat, with woven ropes
    To either bow
    Firm harness'd by the mane; a chief
    With shout and shaken spear,
    Stands at the prow, and guides them; but astern
    The cowering merchants, in long robes,
    Sit pale beside their wealth
    Of silk-bales and of balsam-drops,
    Of gold and ivory,
    Of turquoise-earth and amethyst,
    Jasper and chalcedony,
    And milk-barred onyx-stones.
    The loaded boat swings groaning
    In the yellow eddies;
    The Gods behold him.
    They see the Heroes
    Sitting in the dark ship
    On the foamless, long-heaving
    Violet sea.
    At sunset nearing
    The Happy Islands.
    These things, Ulysses,
    The wise bards, also
    Behold and sing.
    But oh, what labour!
    O prince, what pain!
    They too can see
    Tiresias;--but the Gods,
    Who give them vision,
    Added this law:
    That they should bear too
    His groping blindness,
    His dark foreboding,
    His scorn'd white hairs;
    Bear Hera's anger
    Through a life lengthen'd
    To seven ages.
    They see the Centaurs
    On Pelion:--then they feel,
    They too, the maddening wine
    Swell their large veins to bursting; in wild pain
    They feel the biting spears
    Of the grim Lapithж, and Theseus, drive,
    Drive crashing through their bones; they feel
    High on a jutting rock in the red stream
    Alcmena's dreadful son
    Ply his bow;--such a price
    The Gods exact for song:
    To become what we sing.
    They see the Indian
    On his mountain lake; but squalls
    Make their skiff reel, and worms
    In the unkind spring have gnawn
    Their melon-harvest to the heart.--They see
    The Scythian: but long frosts
    Parch them in winter-time on the bare stepp,
    Till they too fade like grass; they crawl
    Like shadows forth in spring.
    They see the merchants
    On the Oxus stream;--but care
    Must visit first them too, and make them pale.
    Whether, through whirling sand,
    A cloud of desert robber-horse have burst
    Upon their caravan; or greedy kings,
    In the wall'd cities the way passes through,
    Crush'd them with tolls; or fever-airs,
    On some great river's marge,
    Mown them down, far from home.
    They see the Heroes
    Near harbour;--but they share
    Their lives, and former violent toil in Thebes,
    Seven-gated Thebes, or Troy;
    Or where the echoing oars
    Of Argo first
    Startled the unknown sea.
    The old Silenus
    Came, lolling in the sunshine,
    From the dewy forest-coverts,
    This way at noon.
    Sitting by me, while his Fauns
    Down at the water-side
    Sprinkled and smoothed
    His drooping garland,
    He told me these things.
    But I, Ulysses,
    Sitting on the warm steps,
    Looking over the valley,
    All day long, have seen,
    Without pain, without labour,
    Sometimes a wild-hair'd Mжnad--
    Sometimes a Faun with torches--
    And sometimes, for a moment,
    Passing through the dark stems
    Flowing-robed, the beloved,
    The desired, the divine,
    Beloved Iacchus.
    Ah, cool night-wind, tremulous stars!
    Ah, glimmering water,
    Fitful earth-murmur,
    Dreaming woods!
    Ah, golden-haired, strangely smiling Goddess,
    And thou, proved, much enduring,
    Wave-toss'd Wanderer!
    Who can stand still?
    Ye fade, ye swim, ye waver before me--
    The cup again!
    Faster, faster,
    O Circe, Goddess.
    Let the wild, thronging train,
    The bright procession
    Of eddying forms,
    Sweep through my soul!
    اللھم صلی علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما صلیت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
    اللھم بارک علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما بارکت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
