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  • Consolation

    by Matthew Arnold

    Mist clogs the sunshine.
    Smoky dwarf houses
    Hem me round everywhere;
    A vague dejection
    Weighs down my soul.

    Yet, while I languish,
    Everywhere countless
    Prospects unroll themselves,
    And countless beings
    Pass countless moods.

    Far hence, in Asia,
    On the smooth convent-roofs,
    On the gilt terraces,
    Of holy Lassa,
    Bright shines the sun.

    Grey time-worn marbles
    Hold the pure Muses;
    In their cool gallery,
    By yellow Tiber,
    They still look fair.

    Strange unloved uproar
    Shrills round their portal;
    Yet not on Helicon
    Kept they more cloudless
    Their noble calm.

    Through sun-proof alleys
    In a lone, sand-hemmed
    City of Africa,
    A blind, led beggar,
    Age-bowed, asks alms.

    No bolder robber
    Erst abode ambushed
    Deep in the sandy waste;
    No clearer eyesight
    Spied prey afar.

    Saharan sand-winds
    Seared his keen eyeballs;
    Spent is the spoil he won.
    For him the present
    Holds only pain.

    Two young fair lovers,
    Where the warm June-wind,
    Fresh from the summer fields,
    Plays fondly round them,
    Stand, tranced in joy.

    With sweet joined voices,
    And with eyes brimming:
    "Ah," they cry "Destiny,
    Prolong the present!
    Time, stand still here!"

    The prompt stern Goddess
    Shakes her head, frowning;
    Time gives his hour-glass
    Its due reversal;
    Their hour is gone.

    With weak indulgence
    Did the just Goddess
    Lengthen their happiness,
    She lengthened also
    Distress elsewhere.

    The hour, whose happy
    Unalloyed moments
    I would eternalize,
    Ten thousand mourners
    Well pleased see end.

    The bleak stern hour,
    Whose severe moments
    I would annihilate,
    Is passed by others
    In warmth, light, joy.

    Time, so complained of,
    Who to no one man
    Shows partiality,
    Brings round to all men
    Some undimmed hours.
    اللھم صلی علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما صلیت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
    اللھم بارک علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما بارکت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
