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  • Milk


    Infected or contaminated milk can cause many diseases, including cholera, tuberculosis, burning of the throat, and scarlet fever. A healthy animal’s milk, though, is always healthy. Raw milk increases cold viruses and also makes people to have a big belly.

    Yogurt is utilized in hot seasons as a thirst quencher. It helps in digestion and is good for the stomach. Drinking buttermilk or milk aids people to sleep. Raw milk is a complete diet, although consumption of raw milk is not recommended because of the possibility of contamination with tuberculosis, etc. Pasteurized or boiled milk, honey for additional energy, and orange juice for vitamin C can together indeed provide a complete diet. Butter taken from milk is used in many medicines. The camel’s milk and urine both are used for combating many diseases. The reason is that the camel eats all kinds of herbs and thorny bushes which have a medicinal effect. The urine of the camel also is used for those people who have water in their stomach. Donkey milk is also used to treat asthma, chronic cough, and hemorrhoids. Milk should not be consumed with fish, onion, radish, or eggs. It is also known that milk should be avoided with sour vegetables, sesame seed, rye and moong beans. Camel milk and camel urine have been used for combating the diseases of the kidney.

    If today we find a patient who has heart and kidney problems due to alcoholism, scurvy, and water in the stomach, if you do multiple tests it will be very difficult to pinpoint what disease the patient has. The Prophet’s medicine has given an excellent medicine for this patient. Camel’s milk and urine became the answer for these patients. Camel’s urine, besides urea, contains many important other elements which have medicinal value for the above problems.

    The pregnant woman needs to properly provide nutrition for the baby to develop. It is essential for her to drink milk for her baby’s bones. Milk is the important diet ingredient for the pregnant woman. Milk has all those important elements which are essential for the human body. It is also essential for the animal to be in the open air and taking enough sun to be giving quality milk. Tibb-e-nabvi has provided us a tremendous amount of knowledge that can be very beneficial to combat many diseases and cure many diseases that are caused by lack of fresh air and sun to the animals.

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