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Controlling the Anger.

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  • Controlling the Anger.

    Here a genuine request to all the angry people to calm down yourself, take a deep breath, relax . Because most of the time we see things with our own perception glasses.

    A single example to explain this is that you have worn a red glass so everything around you seems to be red. But at the same time your friend got a green glass so everything around would be green. If an apple is placed at the center of the table, then you will be saying that it is a red apple and your friend saying that it is a green apple because both of you are have worn different color glasses. Actually at the end when the apple was check it comes out to be a yellow apple. A very childish but a sweet example to let you understand that what you are seeing may not be the actual reality. Because you are may be given a part of a picture not a complete picture.

    Another reason for which this anger bubbles burst up is the relevancy of what you are saying. You and your friend had a fight, now in spite of complaining regarding the current situation you de rail him to so many previous, unpleasant experiences and every action has an equal reaction. The other person will start doing the same. When you are angry, this mistake makes the situation worse. Both of you start discussing about the past incidents that has nothing to do with the present. So a genuine and a friendly advice
    , Keep your disagreement to the present issue.

    Another problem creating element:

    میں نعرہ مستانہ، میں شوخی رندانہ

  • #2
    hmmmmm, good very good sharing,


    • #3
      Perhaps a mind with an irrational approach might be well off to assimilate some explicit message but the question is that what the use of this hypocrisy? To so many hypotheses there could rather be fewer simplified answers but I would rather avoid let it drop in air. Saying good words without actually conforming to them is bit common practice among the masses. Half truth would never generate you an adequate result. Strive to rehabilitate the relationship until it breathe last time and when it is all over never worry about it, for dead people would never come and dead relations would never mend.


      • #4
        very good sharing,

