Assalaam o alekum,:)
How To Make Friends!
First impression - watch closed posture, no eye contact, no smiling.
Smile - The face gives many verbal and non-verbal signals
Open posture - hands over mouth or chin - makes you appear to be in thought and people will not interrupt. Crossed arms or legs are a defensive posture, impatience, displeasure or judgment.
Forward Posture - shows interest and listening - it is a compliment.
Touch - Handshake - be the first to extend your hand coupled with "Hi," Smith and your name. This should also be done when completing conversation before moving on.
Eye Contact - Strongest non-verbal gestures are sent through the eyes - direct eye contact shows listening: do not stare - this could appear to be aggressive or a power trip. It is best to move eyes 6" in diameter around face, hair, nose and lips. Avoiding eye contact can make both parties uncomfortable, anxious, can show disinterest, bored.
Nod - Nodding shows listening, understanding - Nodding does not replace verbal - need to see all clusters, otherwise people could misinterpret.
How To Make Friends!
How To Start A Conversat ion and Make Friends
70% of communication is non-verbal First impression - watch closed posture, no eye contact, no smiling.
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O pen posture
F orward lean
T ouch
E ye contact
N od
S mile
O pen posture
F orward lean
T ouch
E ye contact
N od
Open posture - hands over mouth or chin - makes you appear to be in thought and people will not interrupt. Crossed arms or legs are a defensive posture, impatience, displeasure or judgment.
Forward Posture - shows interest and listening - it is a compliment.
Touch - Handshake - be the first to extend your hand coupled with "Hi," Smith and your name. This should also be done when completing conversation before moving on.
Eye Contact - Strongest non-verbal gestures are sent through the eyes - direct eye contact shows listening: do not stare - this could appear to be aggressive or a power trip. It is best to move eyes 6" in diameter around face, hair, nose and lips. Avoiding eye contact can make both parties uncomfortable, anxious, can show disinterest, bored.
Nod - Nodding shows listening, understanding - Nodding does not replace verbal - need to see all clusters, otherwise people could misinterpret.