Two Muslim girls in a classroom - one wearing a Hijab; the other one without.
Go on just this once - it's only a dare!"
"There is no chance that I'll let 14 devils float by my side"
"So you're prepared to roast under the burning sun??"
"Yes - because the heat right now means nothing to me;
It is the hell fire which is extremely scary"
"Why are you wearing it? What is the purpose for?"
I love and value my faith - which is why I cover my head"
Smiling the girl in the Hijab had said.
"Why not show everyone your beauty - once you have, you'll feel ever so glad!"
She knew that the other girl was always joyful and confident each and every day.
The girl with no scarf knew she wanted to be exactly the same.
This is why, when she went home - she made a very big decision.
She realised that loving Allah can put you in such a wonderful position.
Made me see how Islam has given you so much respect
Wearing my Hijab - I know that I will be safe from any harm.
Thank you My Sister - for you who I now admire and congratulate
Together as Muslims, we should aim to reach Jannat's Gates."
The first girl - amazed, had happiness all over her face
Smiled with love and gave the Sister a lot of praise.:)
And to Allah we will be known as the 'Concealed Pearl!

Go on just this once - it's only a dare!"
"There is no chance that I'll let 14 devils float by my side"
"So you're prepared to roast under the burning sun??"
"Yes - because the heat right now means nothing to me;
It is the hell fire which is extremely scary"
"Why are you wearing it? What is the purpose for?"
I love and value my faith - which is why I cover my head"
Smiling the girl in the Hijab had said.
"Why not show everyone your beauty - once you have, you'll feel ever so glad!"
She knew that the other girl was always joyful and confident each and every day.
The girl with no scarf knew she wanted to be exactly the same.
This is why, when she went home - she made a very big decision.
She realised that loving Allah can put you in such a wonderful position.
Made me see how Islam has given you so much respect
Wearing my Hijab - I know that I will be safe from any harm.
Thank you My Sister - for you who I now admire and congratulate
Together as Muslims, we should aim to reach Jannat's Gates."
The first girl - amazed, had happiness all over her face
Smiled with love and gave the Sister a lot of praise.:)
And to Allah we will be known as the 'Concealed Pearl!
