i have written more than 150 poems... and of all my poems i like this one the most...
and this is the longest i have ever written. PLEASE COMMENT.:abb:
There was this me,
And there was this he
I thought of going alone
But then I asked him to come along
So we packed our bags and stuff
Clothes, formal,fancy and rough
Chocolates, cheese, nuts
Colours, Markers, Crayons and art stuff
I don't own a flat screen TV,
so I packed my PSP
And there was this and that
A whole lot of stuff, I'd rather not mention,
But I packed
And I didnt forget my guitar
I know I'd need it
Cause we'd b away from home,too far
Then we were completely done
You werent sure but I told you it'd be fun
Our ride was ready
It had a big key
Cause it wasnt a car, train or a plane
It was a big rocket
That is why all the stuff we packed had fit
Do you remember now where we went?
The amount we paid as rockets rent?
Anyway our rocket blasted off
It made heavy harsh noises as it blew off
Everybody was sleeping,they didnt notice
And to be careful, I pressed the button saying "shh..."
And it took us seven years to reach saturn
And in the way we had so much fun
We saw stars,moon and sun
We saw planets and milky way
There was no night, no day
together we played
We sang happy songs
Nothing went wrong
Then we landed on saturn
We found liquid methane
We had to take it back home
We had space in our ride,few rooms
So we filled them to the top
And home,earth was our next stop
And it took us seven years to go home
We were tired but never felt alone
Bit bored but we still had fun and each other we adored
Then back home we were,
stretching legs and yawning
It was almost morning
Quickly into our homes, into our beds
You there, Me here
And the money we got from selling liquid methane,
we never could share
Cause somebody stole our rocket
The keys werent safe,they didnt fit your pocket
You lost your memory,you dont have a clue
About anything that we went through
But if you just look in your pocket
You will see a manual with a map
Picture we took of a star
That may give you an idea
How close we are,yet so far...
i have written more than 150 poems... and of all my poems i like this one the most...
and this is the longest i have ever written. PLEASE COMMENT.:abb:
There was this me,
And there was this he
I thought of going alone
But then I asked him to come along
So we packed our bags and stuff
Clothes, formal,fancy and rough
Chocolates, cheese, nuts
Colours, Markers, Crayons and art stuff
I don't own a flat screen TV,
so I packed my PSP
And there was this and that
A whole lot of stuff, I'd rather not mention,
But I packed
And I didnt forget my guitar
I know I'd need it
Cause we'd b away from home,too far
Then we were completely done
You werent sure but I told you it'd be fun
Our ride was ready
It had a big key
Cause it wasnt a car, train or a plane
It was a big rocket
That is why all the stuff we packed had fit
Do you remember now where we went?
The amount we paid as rockets rent?
Anyway our rocket blasted off
It made heavy harsh noises as it blew off
Everybody was sleeping,they didnt notice
And to be careful, I pressed the button saying "shh..."
And it took us seven years to reach saturn
And in the way we had so much fun
We saw stars,moon and sun
We saw planets and milky way
There was no night, no day
together we played
We sang happy songs
Nothing went wrong
Then we landed on saturn
We found liquid methane
We had to take it back home
We had space in our ride,few rooms
So we filled them to the top
And home,earth was our next stop
And it took us seven years to go home
We were tired but never felt alone
Bit bored but we still had fun and each other we adored
Then back home we were,
stretching legs and yawning
It was almost morning
Quickly into our homes, into our beds
You there, Me here
And the money we got from selling liquid methane,
we never could share
Cause somebody stole our rocket
The keys werent safe,they didnt fit your pocket
You lost your memory,you dont have a clue
About anything that we went through
But if you just look in your pocket
You will see a manual with a map
Picture we took of a star
That may give you an idea
How close we are,yet so far...
