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  • #31
    Re: Sister Dear .....................................

    thanko dear all ..
    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



    • #32
      The Truth About Me ..............................

      The Truth About Me
      By Navid M. Melo

      I hate looking myself in the mirror,
      I hate knowing I have fear.
      I hate seeing what isn't there,
      I hate feeling that I am scared.
      I hate believing what isn't true,
      I hate believing and trusting you.
      I hate crying myself to sleep,
      Forgive me for I have dreams.
      I feel left out and all alone,
      With no one to call my own.
      My eyes are red and I cry blood,
      Please help me or I'll cry a flood.
      My friends see what I let them see,
      If they only could see the true side of me.
      And as I die inside with pain,
      Please don't think that I'm insane.
      Cause believe it or not I have a heart,
      That's been slowly torn apart.
      u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



      • #33
        Re: The Truth About Me ..............................

        so emotional
        awesome sharing


        • #34
          Re: The Truth About Me ..............................

          Originally posted by *Hala* View Post
          The Truth About Me
          By Navid M. Melo

          I hate looking myself in the mirror,
          I hate knowing I have fear.
          I hate seeing what isn't there,
          I hate feeling that I am scared.
          I hate believing what isn't true,
          I hate believing and trusting you.
          I hate crying myself to sleep,
          Forgive me for I have dreams.
          I feel left out and all alone,
          With no one to call my own.
          My eyes are red and I cry blood,
          Please help me or I'll cry a flood.
          My friends see what I let them see,
          If they only could see the true side of me.
          And as I die inside with pain,
          Please don't think that I'm insane.
          Cause believe it or not I have a heart,
          That's been slowly torn apart.
          and this ....Is the Voice of every ones heart !
          Nice words and very Expressive way !
          tahnx for sharing Hala DearO !


          • #35
            Re: The Truth About Me ..............................

            Originally posted by *Hala* View Post
            Cause believe it or not I have a heart,

            That's been slowly torn apart.

            شاہ حسین جیہناں سچ پچھاتا' کامل عِشق تیہناں دا جاتا


            • #36
              Re: The Truth About Me ..............................

              And as I die inside with pain,
              Please don't think that I'm insane.
              Cause believe it or not I have a heart,
              That's been slowly torn apart.
              so touchy and aw3som3 :)


              • #37
                Re: Sister Dear .....................................

                For New Designers
                وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ


                • #38
                  Re: Sister Dear .....................................

                  I long to hug you and to make you hear
                  that your pain is also mine, Sister Dear.
                  B3autiful sharINg


                  • #39
                    She's ended ..................................

                    She's ended

                    Her eyes are swollen.
                    Her cheeks are red.
                    Tears pouring out of the lonely girl.
                    Love was all she asked for.
                    She got walked all over.
                    It seemed that no one cared for what she believed in.
                    As she lays in her bed, saying a prayer to make the pain go away.
                    She can't sleep, so she steers at his picture.
                    Trying to put the memories in her past.
                    She's waits to see, how she's going to make it.
                    As she struggles to get out of bed, thinking of what went wrong.
                    She has lost all the faith and all the happiness.
                    She is lost in the waking of her day.
                    As she has no one to talk to.
                    She's done everything to try to make it.
                    As one night she made her choice,
                    She can't live without him.
                    She swore that she couldn't make it without him.
                    As days go by, she doesn't want to come out.
                    She wrote him a note, saying that she will always love him.
                    One night she lost it.
                    Her mom came to get her because he came to see her.
                    She can't get her to answer her or the door.
                    As they break in her room, they have found out they lost her.
                    She lays with the note and his picture on her chest.
                    He was too late, she was gone and all he does is scream.
                    She had finally ended her pain.

                    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



                    • #40
                      Re: She's ended ..................................


                      • #41
                        I wish ..........................................

                        I wish there was something
                        Please tell me there's something better
                        And I wish there was something
                        More than this saturated loneliness
                        And I wish I could feel it
                        And I wish I could steal it
                        Abduct it, corrupt it, but I never can
                        It's just saturated loneliness
                        u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



                        • #42
                          Re: I wish ..........................................

                          how simple and lonely
                          it seems to come right from the writer's heart
                          nice sharing


                          • #43
                            Re: I wish ..........................................

                            very nice sharing Hala


                            • #44
                              Re: I wish ..........................................

                              Originally posted by *Hala* View Post
                              Abduct it, corrupt it, but I never can

                              It's just saturated loneliness
                              SO TOUCHY........:rose
                              شاہ حسین جیہناں سچ پچھاتا' کامل عِشق تیہناں دا جاتا


                              • #45
                                No Wishes Well ...........................

                                No Wishes Well

                                I want to run away
                                Inside my bright red scream
                                I want to break the doors
                                Holding back my dream

                                Living like this
                                Checking the skies for rain
                                A constant reminder
                                Of this burden and pain

                                I'm holding on to
                                A shooting star
                                Its points cutting my skin
                                This time it's gone too far

                                Nothing left to wish on
                                My bloody star fell
                                Left me drowning in hopes
                                Inside my wishing well

                                Not looking for a hero
                                To owe such a debt
                                I could not ask for saving
                                This loss is not a regret

                                I want to run away
                                But there's nothing out there
                                I want to shatter windows
                                That look out on nowhere

                                This is not life
                                If I'm already dead
                                My bleeding heart stopped beating
                                And tears I no longer shed.

                                u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


