
When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye.

Use nothing that gives man a state of mind other than normal. Abstinence from tranquilizers and intoxicants is necessary for physical and spiritual health.

When a boat is about to sink, passengers of themselves begin to invoke Allah.

We earn to live and we live to earn.

Life by itself is not the aim of life. The aim of life is to attain life eternal.

We go along carrying the burden of others, and, having gone some way, we throw off all our burdens, and are silently lost in some unknown world.

It is sin to remember the sin you have already repented over. Forget about the sin you have given up.

Life is come from God; live it for God. Wealth is come from God; spend it in the way of God.

Students are the real inheritors of country.

That man is cursed twice who is not generous even with the money he has acquire wrongly.

The period before the dawn of knowledge is called the age of darkness.

Do not receive the kindness and generosity of a person as a matter of right. Show your gratitude.

Repentance when accepted will not allow you to sin again.

Sublime souls give sublimity to the company and gross spirits, grossness.

Frustration is far better than satisfaction when the desire itself is wrong.

The love of Allah and the love of Holy Prophet (SAW) should be placed above life and any other love in life.

Giving thanks for the bounty of Allah is to spend it in the service of those who are deprived of that blessing.

A liar is man who remains silent or speaks ambiguity when it is the moment of speaking the Truth.

Man will be resurrected in the same state and belief as he dies in. Pray that we do not die before we reaffirm our faith by reciting our Kalima.

Life is mundane. Life is religious. Life is spiritual. With the change of thought our life changes its titles and significance.

Nearness to beauty transforms the state and mind of man.

It is only the nearness of a Man of God that makes you a man of God, too.

When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye.

Use nothing that gives man a state of mind other than normal. Abstinence from tranquilizers and intoxicants is necessary for physical and spiritual health.

When a boat is about to sink, passengers of themselves begin to invoke Allah.

We earn to live and we live to earn.

Life by itself is not the aim of life. The aim of life is to attain life eternal.

We go along carrying the burden of others, and, having gone some way, we throw off all our burdens, and are silently lost in some unknown world.

It is sin to remember the sin you have already repented over. Forget about the sin you have given up.

Life is come from God; live it for God. Wealth is come from God; spend it in the way of God.

Students are the real inheritors of country.

That man is cursed twice who is not generous even with the money he has acquire wrongly.

The period before the dawn of knowledge is called the age of darkness.

Do not receive the kindness and generosity of a person as a matter of right. Show your gratitude.

Repentance when accepted will not allow you to sin again.

Sublime souls give sublimity to the company and gross spirits, grossness.

Frustration is far better than satisfaction when the desire itself is wrong.

The love of Allah and the love of Holy Prophet (SAW) should be placed above life and any other love in life.

Giving thanks for the bounty of Allah is to spend it in the service of those who are deprived of that blessing.

A liar is man who remains silent or speaks ambiguity when it is the moment of speaking the Truth.

Man will be resurrected in the same state and belief as he dies in. Pray that we do not die before we reaffirm our faith by reciting our Kalima.

Life is mundane. Life is religious. Life is spiritual. With the change of thought our life changes its titles and significance.

Nearness to beauty transforms the state and mind of man.

It is only the nearness of a Man of God that makes you a man of God, too.