My fav po3m..
A po3m frum my coll3ction :)
A po3m frum my coll3ction :)
Under the twinkling sky, on the highest hill i lay
Lost among words, searching for those i want to say..
Lost among words, searching for those i want to say..
Counting those numerous twinkles of hope,
Wishing on every star that comes in the way...
Wishing on every star that comes in the way...
Why God has made me? why God has made you?
For us to be together for always, I pray...
For us to be together for always, I pray...
I would hold your hand tight, and run among the stars,
Untill we get tired, untill love takes our breaths away...
Untill we get tired, untill love takes our breaths away...
We would steal all the shine, and hide it in our eyes,
And our love would sparkle, like our sparkling eyes-one day..
And our love would sparkle, like our sparkling eyes-one day..
We would share one breath, we would share one soul,
We would live in each other, for times, as we may...
We would live in each other, for times, as we may...
Neither the world could part us, nor the death,
For our lives would be endless in these stars, forever we would stay.....
For our lives would be endless in these stars, forever we would stay.....