My understanding is that the aim of an art form in poetry is not just the arrangement of words in a consensually decided form but the crystalisation of thought n emotions.If a work of art is able to convey the pathos that it set out to convey in the begining with the same intensity then that art form has served its purpose.If that work does not fit in the consensually accepted format then it is better to give that form another name rather than judging it by the same old parameter.Remember Gulzae's poetry?he has been writing in almost a new art form which does not have APPARENT "wazn" or "behar" but ceratinly HAS an inner rythm. I can quote many poems by Faiz,Qateel and many others which do not adhere to the traditional form of poetry and are yet poems of high order.
A poem can be said to be amateurish If it does not have a distinct CHARACTOR OR if it fails to evoke what it was composed to evoke. IF it lacks CLARITY,INTENSITY,INNER RYTHM,A DISTINCTBut if it merely adheres to the consensually accepted form of expression but does not fulfill above mentioned parameters,can it be called Professional poetry?For me,just the various permutaion n combinations of word which just recycle the tired cliches does not make good poetry,just because these adheres to the wazan n behar.At best it is a pretty arrnagement of words but ultimately forgetable.At times it is good to write like that but ultimately we have to find our voice n confront the meaning of poetry. All over world there have been ongoing experimentation in litrature,painting n all other forms of art.Even in Urdu litrature there have been many attempts to find new forms of expression.
I would like to start a serious,mature n open debate about our understanding of ART.Hope to have a stimulating dialouge.
A poem can be said to be amateurish If it does not have a distinct CHARACTOR OR if it fails to evoke what it was composed to evoke. IF it lacks CLARITY,INTENSITY,INNER RYTHM,A DISTINCTBut if it merely adheres to the consensually accepted form of expression but does not fulfill above mentioned parameters,can it be called Professional poetry?For me,just the various permutaion n combinations of word which just recycle the tired cliches does not make good poetry,just because these adheres to the wazan n behar.At best it is a pretty arrnagement of words but ultimately forgetable.At times it is good to write like that but ultimately we have to find our voice n confront the meaning of poetry. All over world there have been ongoing experimentation in litrature,painting n all other forms of art.Even in Urdu litrature there have been many attempts to find new forms of expression.
I would like to start a serious,mature n open debate about our understanding of ART.Hope to have a stimulating dialouge.