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Aania's Poetry....

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  • #16
    Re: by, me A

    sitting on a chair its dark outside
    even darkness in the room
    eyes has no idea where to see
    what see ....
    just a sigh of relief..
    how come....
    only way hmm lil blinkin of
    lighter's fire
    lets smoke some...
    might this smoke
    take away all sorrows
    with a bitter taste of
    relaity.. lets smoke koz
    there's no path left no where
    life is all the way horrible...
    hmmm I m tired...
    lemme drink need alil sleep...
    lemme drink a cup of cold joys
    warm sorrows.. makes me feel
    lil better ...let the window be open
    till the morning.. dont let the curtain
    come in my way of seeing sunshine
    All room is gettin for of my smokin..
    wow its somehow kool...
    I m sitting in a new world..
    cannt see ne thing but...
    can see the sorrows goin away
    in air...touchin to room's walls...
    aah walls hurtin 'em...
    I am playing in sorrows...
    waiting for the night to go away
    let the windows bring a whole new
    a freshly made morning of joys (may be)
    I m singin a song...nop I m not...
    sumthin singin feeling light...dude..
    wot made me feel that...smoke...
    the wait of new morning...makin of new dream..
    enjoyin the in all...
    nuthin left...lemme smoke again..
    when I feel lonely....make a ring catch the sand of
    sorrows...nuthin cud be left in hands forever...
    its great....hey morning I am comint to you
    u r comin to my life....lets celeberate...
    lets have a big HUG
    sitting on a chair its dark outside
    even darkness in the room....!!!

    by, Me ( A )
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    • #17
      Re: by, me A

      We never know what will happen
      From one day to the next
      I will live my life to the fullest
      While not knowing what to expect
      It seems to get unexpected paths ....

      I never know what I need, what I want
      A blank mind, an empty soul
      but I will live my life to the fullest
      while not knowing what to think
      It seems people in the world are so nice

      I never know where to come back to life
      the whirl of memories with full moon
      but I will live my life to the fullest
      while not knowing where to see
      It seems life has many turns ...

      I wanna know where life exists
      in the dream of my eyes...or somewhere around
      but I will live my life to the fullest
      while not knowing what to do
      It seems roads are really clear with hidden breaks....!!!!

      by, me ( A )
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      • #18
        Re: by, me A

        I use to say i felt alone
        Now i know what alone means
        When you watch a movie there
        is no one to share it with
        When you need a hug and
        someone to say it's going to
        be ok And no one is there...
        Thats alone
        I miss you koz
        with you
        i was never alone......!!!! .blushy

        by, ME ( A )
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        • #19
          Re: by, me A

          When i feel so lonely...
          and dull without you....
          want to laugh or smile...
          want to walk many miles....
          with you.....
          want to tell you ....
          how much I really love you....
          and how much you mean to me....
          a lonely feeling...
          you are not there...
          where can I find you...!!!!
          by, ME ( A )
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          • #20
            Re: by, me A

            a dream is a dream... is a dream.....
            so come with me.. to a place.. not so far away
            where a dream is a dream ...and skies are... not so grey...

            a dream is a dream... is a dream.
            so come ..with me ...and... fly away
            so come.. with me ..and.. fly away... to a place ...

            where there is always a way... and no reason not to stay.....
            so stay with me in this place tonight....
            I promise you I will hold you my arms...

            a dream is a dream... is a dream....
            so please stay with me in this dream....tonight....!!!

            by me ( A )
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            • #21
              Re: by, me A

              I really dont care
              O boy ...
              I really dont wanna care
              Why u misunderstand me
              why u like to degrade me
              when u hav nuthin else to do
              I really dont care
              O boy...
              u better keep watchin around u
              or wot all u doin wid u
              woteva u always said
              If I kept listenin
              did nt mean
              I really dont care
              O boy...
              get a sip of life
              taste the distance kizz
              which i cud not giv
              cud not get
              did not mean
              never luvd u
              but u kept feelin
              I m krazy
              I really dont care
              O boy...
              measure ur roadz
              dont come around me
              ne more..its not the only way
              to liv in desert...
              where i wanna liv
              ll be happy valley
              of luv n luv wordz...
              I really dont care
              O boy...
              keep ur thinkin on wrong track
              koz for now
              wot eva u r
              wot u wanna be
              I really dont care
              O boy
              Now n always
              I really dont care
              O boy..... !!!!

              by, Me ( A )
              Visit My Early PS Work
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              • #22
                Re: by, me A

                if i ever thought a blink
                it cud be related to "why"

                if u ever thought a blink
                it cud be related to "what "

                wot if we ever cud
                think of "yes" wether
                its "guilt" or a tender

                wot if you could think
                not of "ego"
                and let ur heart make
                "confession "

                wot if i cud think
                not of "luv", let
                my heart make no
                "arguments "
                and let u "go"...forever....!!!

                by me ( A)

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                • #23
                  Re: by, me A

                  A friend will comfort you
                  when your self-esteem is low
                  Friends don't always agree but
                  you learn from each other and grow mentally
                  A true friend will never hold a deep feeling
                  But will forgive you and tell you
                  how much you are loved ....
                  Being a friend is truly important work
                  To invest time in, so no feelings get hurt
                  Everyone needs the strong love
                  of a real friend To comfort them
                  and help their heart or feelings to mend
                  be a real friend, one that will stay
                  In your life through any kind of weather
                  and will never leave your side.....
                  Friends are always precious gifts of God
                  Yes, we sometime take long time
                  to understand eachother....
                  Where eyes need to see weather of love
                  that can just be the land of friendship...

                  by, ME ( A )
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                  • #24
                    Re: by, me A

                    I ll alwayz luv u
                    koz where u liv ma heart
                    koz wot u see.. ma eyez

                    I ll alwayz luv u
                    koz wot u think our future
                    koz where u relax our home

                    I ll alwayz luv u
                    koz wot I feel ur luv
                    koz where I see..its u

                    I ll alwayz luv u
                    koz where I ur heart
                    koz wot I see .. ur eyez

                    I ll alwayz luv u...
                    I ll alwayz luv u...
                    I ll alwayz luv u...

                    by, me (A )
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                    • #25
                      Re: by, me A

                      Whenever I feel to think of new morning u come to me
                      n ur whispers surround me , by saying wotever i m gonna do
                      U R WID ME
                      Its been long time now, I feel I miss u
                      I dont wanna feel that, I wan u to come now
                      n take a deep breath near to my neck to say
                      U R WID ME
                      Roses turnin to be red in ur luv now
                      n all faces around me smilin to see u honey now time to say
                      U R WID ME
                      Shud I still tell u how much luv I hav in ma heart for u
                      n how much u mean to me, just dont wait come to me
                      n say.....
                      U R WID ME
                      for now n allwayz.....
                      Koz I m wid u for alwayz n alwayz.....

                      Honey Missing You Badly ....Luv U
                      Its really more than U ....

                      by, ME (A)
                      Visit My Early PS Work
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                      • #26
                        Aania's Poetry......will come up with updates...

                        I use to say i felt alone
                        Now i know what alone means
                        When you watch a movie there
                        is no one to share it with
                        When you need a hug and
                        someone to say it's going to
                        be ok And no one is there...
                        Thats alone
                        I miss you koz
                        with you
                        i was never alone......!!!!

                        by, ME ( A )
                        Visit My Early PS Work
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                        • #27
                          Re: Aania's Poetry......will come up with updates...

                          I gave my
                          life to you...
                          From the
                          moment that
                          I met you....
                          you showed me
                          how much you
                          love me....
                          One day,
                          I realized
                          was wrong...
                          As I asked you...
                          'what's wrong
                          and you said
                          'we need to talk'
                          I sit there listening
                          to everything
                          you say....
                          I tell myself...
                          how could someone
                          go around and cheat
                          I tell you to get out
                          before I hurt you....
                          You don't listen....
                          You tell me that you are
                          sory and tell
                          me how much you
                          love me.....
                          what love is for you
                          would you let me know
                          why you feel you love
                          to every face or feelings
                          you like.....
                          I am still there in love
                          where you left me
                          you are still in my heart
                          I really dont want to
                          LOVE YOU

                          by, ME (A )
                          Visit My Early PS Work
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                          • #28
                            Re: Aania's Poetry......will come up with updates...

                            Very good, Aania jiiii
                            well one question if u dont mind.........what is the story behind ur poetary :zuban: :wk :cc:

                            u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



                            • #29
                              Re: Aania's Poetry......will come up with updates...

                              Welldone :) Kuch kuch samjha ayi :)


                              • #30
                                Re: Aania's Poetry......will come up with updates...

                                Originally posted by Hala
                                Very good, Aania jiiii
                                well one question if u dont mind.........what is the story behind ur poetary :zuban: :wk :cc:

                                hmmm... thinkin from yesterday....story behind my poetry....kinda hard question though....hmmm...tryin to let u know....i dont especially think or write...i let my feelings..words of talk to eachother...n then...let my fingers....type ...wot my hearts says.... n wotever come up...people say its poetry.......can just say that....if i feel i like tom n fingers feel like to heart n mind feel like to think....why they cannt work together.....uff Philosophical ho giaa naa...... :embarasse:cc:
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