If Tears Could Talk"
If my tears could talk,
What would they display?
Thousands of words,
Not difficult to say.
They'd whisper, "I'm Sorry!"
When I am wrong and you are right.
They'd scream, "I'm Scared!"
When I'm all alone in the middle of the night.
They do talk,
But they reveal too much
They're not hidden
Just wiped away by your gentle touch.
They'd exclaim, "I'm Happy!"
Whenever you're around
They'd sigh, "I'm Sad!"
When I'm feeling down.
They do talk
Won't you listen?
You just might find
What you've been missin'!
They'd reply, "I'm Lonely!"
When I'm thinking of you.
Is it too late for you to see
That my tears cry out "I Love You!"
But you can't hear
A single word they'd say.
If only you could read a tear
Instead of wiping it away!