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Child of War ..................................

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  • Child of War ..................................

    Here i m going to add some poems of my war country...... :)

    Child of War
    The poem was dedicated by Zieba Shorish-Shamley to the
    Afghan Children and all Other Children Whose Lives are
    shattered by Wars.
    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


  • #2
    Re: Child of War ..................................

    (I Bear Witness)
    Listen to the stones as they dent
    The pride of Goliath.
    Is a whole people to be named David?

    A ring of bulletholes in the wall where
    His head was,
    A halo for the boy from Gaza.
    No need to translate the cries of
    "My boy! My boy!"
    Every mother echoed those cries in her womb
    As she flinched from the
    Flickering images.

    Like dogs they surround the fresh carcass.
    "He once threw a stone!" they growl
    "He shouldn't have been there!" they bark
    "Place the blame on them too, and make us equal partners!" they howl
    (as if nuclear weapons and stones are one and the same)

    Your village did not exist, they say
    (after they bury 400 of them beneath the fertile earth).

    Your dead are buried elsewhere, they claim
    (as they wine and dine one another atop the graves beneath the Sheraton Tel Aviv).

    Your people never lived here, they declare
    (as 4 million dream of watching the night sky in their grandfather's village).

    This was never your holy place, they proclaim
    (as they send their soldiers to slaughter the people at prayer).

    Your people are nothing but war and hate, they sneer
    (as they erect memorials to Baruch Goldstein, as they hide from Sabra and Shatila).

    There is no such thing as you, they allege,

    Desperately trying to erase us from human consciousness,
    Frantically attempting to scrub clean this earth of our blood,
    Uprooting grove after grove
    While telling the world they desire nothing
    But the olive branch.

    While telling the world that fifty two years of lies
    Is a figment of the Arab imagination.
    The camps are cities of stone,
    Bitterness lingers in the mouths here.
    Stories of long gone farms are passed on
    Like a piece of prized silver
    Memories take their rightful place
    With framed photos on the wall.

    What does happen
    To a dream deferred?

    u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."



    • #3
      Re: Child of War ..................................



      • #4
        Re: Child of War ..................................

        sooo touchy...
        For New Designers
        وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ


        • #5
          Re: Child of War ..................................

          :embarasse its so painful


          • #6
            Re: Child of War ..................................

            Originally posted by *Hala* View Post
            Here i m going to add some poems of my war country...... :)
            Child of War
            Very nice and touching poem.....:rose
            May Allah help them all who r in these situation....:dua
            lovely sharing...:)


            • #7
              Re: Child of War ..................................

              very beautiful written :thmbup:
              very nice sharing
              one becomes very gloomy after reading this all
              keep sharing :rose
              :rose Refreshing_breeze :rose


              • #8
                Re: Child of War ..................................

                hala realy this is a bad fact which u have indicated and it know's by thos whom suffer itself,thanks for sharing the grieve sorrow with us

                :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua :dua


                • #9
                  Re: Child of War ..................................

                  feeling so Sad read dis ....
                  ALLAH bless on them ..INSHAALLAH :dua
                  thnx 4 share wid us:rose
                  Last edited by ahsaas; 7 June 2007, 11:15.


                  • #10
                    Re: Child of War ..................................

                    ohhhhhhhhhhhh. so sad
                    Life is more strict than a teacher
                    A teacher teaches a lesson
                    and takes an exam.
                    But life takes an exam
                    and then teaches a lesson


                    • #11
                      Re: Child of War ..................................

                      thanks to all of u..... for ur comments and prayz... :dua
                      yeah.. the first poem alwayz made me cry.... coz i can feel their sorrows and at that time I used to be one little child of that war ....

                      u can't gain RESPECT by choice nor by requesting it... it is earned through your words & actions."


