" Medicine Of Love"
How can two lovers part in the glories of Life,
The separating of love like surgery by knife.
Is there a block in their hearts not to feel the pain,
Or chemistry from hate that flows in their veins.
So many days their love and feelings did grow,
Sharing from their hearts, their life seems to glow.
The creator of life and venus of love that is there,
Gave all two lovers a heart with love they can share.
So sickness from hard days in life that you see,
The Medicine of love cures all that will be.
By Mingo Sr
How can two lovers part in the glories of Life,
The separating of love like surgery by knife.
Is there a block in their hearts not to feel the pain,
Or chemistry from hate that flows in their veins.
So many days their love and feelings did grow,
Sharing from their hearts, their life seems to glow.
The creator of life and venus of love that is there,
Gave all two lovers a heart with love they can share.
So sickness from hard days in life that you see,
The Medicine of love cures all that will be.
By Mingo Sr