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English Idioms(A-Z)

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  • English Idioms(A-Z)

  • #2
    Re: English Idioms(A-Z)

    D................................................. .................................

    dance to a different tune
    - talk or act differently (usually better) because things have changed
    He has begun dancing to a different tune now that he knows that his head salesman is thinking of quitting.

    dark horse
    - a candidate little known to the general public
    At first he was a dark horse candidate but he later won the election.

    dash off
    - do or finish quickly, leave quickly
    I will dash off a letter now but then I must go to work.

    Dawn on
    - become clear
    It finally dawned on me as to why he was angry.

    Day and night
    - Continually
    We worked day and night to finish the project before the end of the month.

    Day in and day out
    - Regularly, all the time
    He goes to that restaurant day in and day out and never gets tired of it.

    Dead ahead
    - Exactly in front, before
    There was a truck dead ahead so we put on the car brakes suddenly.

    Dead as a doornail
    - Very dead
    The man was dead as a doornail as we could see after the accident.

    - A person who never pays his debts
    There is a policy to penalize deadbeat fathers by the local government.

    Dead center
    - Exact middle
    He was able to hit the target dead center.

    Dead duck
    - Person or thing in a hopeless situation or condition
    He is a dead duck and has no hope of recovering his former position.

    Dead end
    - The closed end of a road or an impasse
    The negotiations between the team and the owners have come to a dead end.

    - With an expressionless or emotionless face
    He had a deadpan expression when he told us the story.

    Dead set against something
    - determined not to do something
    They are dead set against their son going to Europe for a year.

    Dead tired
    - Very tired, exhausted
    I was dead tired so I went to bed as soon as I got home.

    Dead to the world
    - Fast asleep
    The little boy was dead to the world when his father took him out of the car.

    Decked out
    - dressed in fancy clothes
    She was all decked out in her best clothes for the party.

    - throw away, dispose of

    Deep water
    - Serious trouble or difficulty

    Deliver the goods
    - succeed in doing what is expected well
    He is the best manager that we have ever had. He knows how to deliver the goods.

    - Unworried, not caring what happens
    He has a devil-may-care attitude to his job and nothing ever bothers him.

    Die down
    - come slowly to an end, grow weaker
    When the sound of the music finally died down we were able to get to sleep.

    Die off
    - die one after another until the number is small
    The house plants began to die off as soon as he moved to a new apartment.

    Die out
    - die or disappear slowly until all gone
    Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.

    Dig in
    - begin eating

    Dime a dozen

    - Common, easy to get and of little value

    Dirty look

    - A look that shows dislike or disapproval

    His mother gave him a dirty look when he smoked the cigarette.

    Dish out
    - serve food from a large bowl or plate
    He began to dish out the food as soon as the guests arrived.

    Dish out
    - treat or criticize roughly

    Do a double take
    - look again in surprise at someone or something
    She did a double take when she saw her old boyfriend with another woman.

    Do a job on
    - do harm to, make ugly or useless
    He really did a job on the plans for the new house that he was working on.

    Do away with
    - put an end to, stop, and get rid of
    The company has decided to do away with having fixed holidays every year.

    - Ready or willing to fight and hurt others to get what you want
    It is a dog-eat-dog world out in the world of advertising and public relations.

    Do in
    - To ruin, destroy
    He quickly did in the new shoes that he received for his birthday.

    Do in
    - To make tired, exhaust
    He was really done in by the time that he finished the marathon.

    Doll up
    - Dress in fancy clothes
    She was all dolled up for the party at the downtown hotel.

    Done for
    - Ruined, defeated, dying
    I think that the team is done for as far as this season is concerned.

    Done with
    - be finished using something
    He was finally done with the computer and so he let his sister use it.

    - try to do something as well as you can
    I tried to do my best on the exam.

    He did his bit for the planning of the party.

    - do what one wants to do and enjoys
    He is an individualist and enjoys doing his thing when and where he chooses.

    - make a great effort while disregarding danger
    He was in a position of do-or-die when he finally found another job.

    Do out of
    - cause to lose by trickery or cheating
    He was worried that the company would do him out of the large bonus that he was expecting.

    Do someone good
    - be good or beneficial for someone
    It will do you good to go on a holiday.

    Do something rash
    - take drastic action (usually without thinking)

    Do the honors
    - perform the duty of a host (when serving a drink etc.)
    Would you like to do the honors and pour everyone a glass of wine?

    Do the trick
    - work well, achieve a good result
    I think the new piece of equipment should do the trick and solve the problem.

    Do time
    - spend time in prison
    He was doing time when I first heard about him.

    Do with
    - benefit from
    I have been working hard all day so now I could do with a cold drink.

    Do with
    - be acquainted, involved or associated with

    Do without
    - manage without something

    Double back
    - turn back from where you are going or have been

    We decided to double back from the arena to get some money to go to a movie.


    - check again to be sure something is correct

    He double-checked the price of the airplane ticket.


    - deceive, promise one thing and do another

    He tried to double-cross his partner but was caught and sent to jail.


    - Talk that appears to have meaning but does not

    He gave the audience a lot of double-talk so nobody knew what he wanted to say.

    Double up

    - share a room or home with someone

    The passengers had to double up in hotel rooms when the plane was delayed because of the weather.

    Down and out

    - have no money

    He has been down and out before but he has always been able to find a job eventually.

    Down in the dumps

    - Unhappy

    She has been really down in the dumps since her boyfriend moved away.

    Down on (someone)

    - be critical of someone, angry at

    Computers are down his alley so I am sure that he will be interested in taking the job.

    Down the line

    - Straight ahead, in future

    There will be many changes at this company down the line but for now your job is safe.

    Down the drain

    - wasted or lost

    He is just throwing money down the drain when he goes to the horse races.


    - Sensible and practical

    Her mother is a very down-to-earth person.

    Down to the wire

    - nearing a deadline, running out of time

    We went right down to the wire but we were able to finish the job on time.

    Do wonders

    - produce excellent results

    If you begin to do some exercise it will do wonders for your health.

    Drag in

    - insist on bringing another subject into a discussion

    He always drags in his personal problems when we are talking about his performance on the job.

    Drag on

    - pass very slowly, make longer

    The speech seemed to drag on and on so finally we decided to leave early.

    - act slowly or reluctantly

    He has been dragging his feet about whether or not to take the job.

    Draw a blank

    - obtain nothing in return for an effort made, get a negative result

    He drew a blank when he went to the head office to try and receive some information about the merger.

    Draw fire

    - receive criticism or argument

    He has been drawing a lot of fire since he announced that he would not play basketball another year.

    Draw fire

    - be a target, attract or provoke shooting

    The soldiers drew fire when they entered the small village.

    - spend less money

    Their company is not doing well so they will have to draw in their horns for awhile.

    Draw (someone) out

    - make a person talk or tell something

    She was very quiet but we finally were able to draw her out so that she would join the party.

    Draw the line

    - set a limit

    We have to draw the line somewhere in regards to the costs of the party.

    Draw up

    - put in writing

    They were able to draw up the new contract while we were waiting.

    Dressed to kill

    She was dressed to kill when I saw her at the concert last week.

    Dressed to the nines (teeth)

    - dressed elegantly

    The stars were all dressed to the nines during the Academy Awards ceremony.

    Dress up

    He decided to dress up for dinner at the restaurant.

    Drive a hard bargain

    - conclude a bargain without making any concessions

    Although he drives a hard bargain I like doing business with him.

    Drive at

    - try or want to say something

    Drive someone up a wall

    - irritate or annoy someone greatly

    His constant complaining is driving me up a wall.

    Drop a hint

    - Casually utter a hint or suggestion

    He dropped a hint that he wanted to transfer to a new department.

    Drop (someone) a line

    - write or mail a note or letter to someone
    She promised that she would drop me a line when she gets to Singapore.

    Drop back
    - Move or step backwards, retreat
    During the hike his foot began to get sore so he decided to drop back and rest for awhile.

    Drop by
    - To visit someone or somewhere
    He dropped by after work for a drink.

    Drop by the wayside
    - give up or fail before the finish
    Many runners dropped by the wayside as the marathon continued.

    Drop dead!
    - go away and be quiet, stop bothering someone
    I told him to drop dead when he came into my room and now he is angry at me.

    Drop in
    - make a short or unplanned visit
    I decided to drop in and visit my friend after I finished work for the day.

    Drop in the bucket
    - Small amount
    The money he paid back was only a drop in the bucket compared to what he owes.

    Drop out (of school)
    - quit school or a course of some kind
    She dropped out of the class after three months.

    Drown out
    - make so much noise that it is impossible to hear
    The team captain was drowned out by the cheering fans.

    Drum up

    - invent, encourage by making an effort

    They were able to drum up a lot of business during the summer.

    Duck soup

    - Easy, effortless

    How was the test last week? It was duck soup - no problem at all.

    Dumb bunny
    - A stupid gullible person
    He is a dumb bunny and you never know what he will do next.

    Dutch treat
    - Meal/movie etc. where each person pays their own way, contribute equally to something

    Dwell on
    - think about or talk about something all the time

    E................................................. ..............................................

    Each and every

    - Every (used for emphasis)

    I would like each and every one of you to bring your textbooks tomorrow.

    Eager beaver

    - Person who is always eager to work or do extra work

    He is a real eager beaver and is always available to work when we need him.


    - Scolding, a lot of information (often critical)

    He really gave his daughter an earful when she came home late.

    Early bird catches the worm

    - A person who gets up early in the morning has the best chance of success

    He always goes to work before his colleagues because he knows that the early bird catches the worm.

    - pay attention to the way things are going or the way people feel and think

    He always has his ear to the ground and knows everything that is going on in our company.

    Ease off

    - reduce in severity or pressure, relax

    The president was asked to ease off on his efforts to save money in the company.

    Easy come, easy go

    - Something that you get easily can be lost easily

    Easy does it

    - do something without sudden movements or too fast

    "Easy does it" he said as he helped to move the large piano.


    - Tolerant and relaxed

    He has a very easy-going management style.

    Eat away

    - Rot, erode, destroy
    The mildew has been eating away at the window frame all summer.

    Eat crow
    - admit one is mistaken or defeated
    He was forced to eat crow when the figures that he gave us at the meeting were all wrong.

    Eat dirt

    He made the senior manager eat dirt as revenge for his bad treatment in the past.

    - suffer greatly from longing

    Eat humble pie

    He had to eat humble pie in front of his friends when they discovered his mistake.

    (Be) eating someone

    - bothering or worrying someone

    Eat like a bird

    - eat very little

    Eat like a horse

    - eat a lot

    He eats like a horse but he never puts on any weight.

    - use or spend something and still keep it

    He always wants to eat his cake and have it too and is never prepared to sacrifice anything.

    He was forced to eat his words after his boss proved that he was wrong.

    Eat out

    - eat in a restaurant

    He eats out three or four times a week.

    Egg (someone) on

    - urge or push someone to do something

    He is always egging his friend on when he is angry which makes him even angrier.

    Eke out

    - earn with difficulty

    He was unable to eke out a living on the farm so he sold it.

    - Effort and strength to clean something

    Elbow room

    - space (enough to be comfortable)

    They moved to the country in order to have a little more elbow room.

    End in it

    - A purpose or goal one wants for itself alone and not as a way to something else

    For some people traveling is an end in itself and the destination is not important.

    He is at the end of his rope regarding what to do about his job.

    End up

    - finish, finally do something

    We ended up going to the restaurant after the movie last night.

    Even so

    - Nevertheless, however

    He always works hard but even so he has no money saved.

    Every dog has his day

    - Everyone will have his chance or turn; everyone will get what he deserves

    You should be patient and wait until you get a chance. Remember every dog has his day.

    Every other

    - alternate, every second one

    She has to work every other Saturday evening.

    Every so often

    - Occasionally

    You should walk around every so often when you are on a long plane trip.

    Every Tom, Dick and Harry

    - The average person

    He said he is not the same as every Tom, Dick and Harry.

    - One wants more food than one can eat

    His eyes are bigger than his stomach. He will never finish all of the food that he took.

    He has eyes in the back of his head and you can never borrow anything without him knowing about it.

    Eyes pop out

    - Much surprised

    Her eyes popped out when she saw her name in the newspaper.

    F................................................. ...............................................

    Face down

    - confront boldly and win, defy

    They decided to face down their competitors and were able to easily stay in business.

    Face the music

    - accept the consequences of something

    He is going to have to face the music sooner or later.
    - accept something that is not easy to accept
    You must face up to the fact that you are never going to have enough money to buy that car.

    Face value
    - Value or price printed on a stamp/bond/paper money etc.
    He gave me the face value that was printed on the used stamps.

    Face value
    - Seeming value or truth of something
    He is a nice person but you must always take at face value what he says.

    Facts of life
    - What one should know about sex, marriage and birth?
    He seems to be a little too young to know about the facts of life.

    Fair and square
    - Honestly, just, straightforward
    The British team won the game fair and square but still the other team complained.

    Fair game
    - A likely object of aggressive interest
    The company is fair game as a takeover target by other international companies.

    Fair play
    - Justice, equal and right action
    He believes in fair play and is a wonderful person to have on our team.

    Fair shake
    - Honest treatment
    She was not given a fair shake at the inquiry into her behavior.

    Fair-weather friend
    - A person who is a friend only when one is successful

    Fall apart
    - become to not work properly
    The equipment fell apart about six months after I bought it.

    Fall back
    - move back, go back
    The runner fell back from the rest of the runners when the race was half over.

    Fall back on something/someone
    - turn to for help when something else has failed

    Fall behind
    - fail to keep up with work or studies or payments etc.
    He fell behind with his homework at the beginning of the term and had problems throughout the year.

    Fall by the wayside
    - give up or fail before the finish
    He had a good chance of winning the competition but he fell by the wayside near the end.

    Fall flat
    - be unsuccessful, fail

    Fall for
    - begin to like very much, begin to love
    He fell for the woman at the bank but he is afraid to ask her for a date.

    Fall from grace
    - lose approval
    The politician fell from grace with the public over the money scandal.

    - Argument, disagreement, quarrel

    Fall in love with
    - begin to love someone
    I fell in love with her the first time that I saw her at the restaurant.

    Fall into line
    - go and stand properly in a row (like soldiers)
    The students were forced to fall into line as they waited for the doors to open.

    Fall in with
    - become associated with a bad group of people
    He fell in with a bad group of friends and began to get lower marks.

    Fall off
    - Decrease
    The number of tourists to visit the island has fallen off recently.

    Fall off the wagon
    - Return to the consumption of alcohol or drugs after stopping for awhile
    He fell off the wagon after he stopped drinking for three years.

    Fall on
    - meet (troubles)
    The town had fallen on hard times before the new computer company moved to town and created many jobs.

    Fall out of use
    - be no longer used
    That kind of stereo system has fallen out of use over the last 20 years.

    Fall over one
    - be extremely eager to do something or please someone
    They fell over themselves in their effort to please their host.

    - Not be as good as you expected, not succeed

    Fall through
    - fail, not happen
    My plan to go abroad fell through when my father refused to lend me some money.

    Far and wide
    - Everywhere, in all directions
    We looked far and wide for the book but could not find it.

    Far cry
    - Something very different
    What he said to my friend is a far cry from what he told me over the telephone.

    Farm out
    - have someone else do something, send away
    We farmed out all of the printing to another company in order to save money.

    Fast buck
    - Money earned quickly and easily
    He is always trying to make a fast buck without really trying to work very hard.

    Fast talker
    - Con artist, clever talker who convinces others easily
    He is a fast talker so you should be careful not to believe everything that he says.

    Fat chance

    - Little or no possibility, almost no chance

    Fat chance that he will let me use his car. He never lets me borrow anything.

    (Live off the) fat of the land

    - have the best of everything, especially without having to work for it

    He plans to move to the mountains and try and live off the fat of the land.

    Favorite son

    - A candidate supported by his home state for President etc.

    We voted for him because he is the favorite son of our state.

    - Something you achieve and are proud of

    Winning the new contract was a real feather in his cap.

    The mayor has been feathering his nest for many years and is now very rich.

    Fed up with

    - disgusted or bored with someone or something

    I think that he is getting fed up with the constant demands of his boss.

    Feed someone a line

    - deceive

    He was feeding me a line about his plans to open a new restaurant downtown.

    Feel like a million dollars

    - feel wonderful

    I feel like a million dollars today so I think that I will go for a walk.

    Feel out

    - talk or act carefully with someone and find out what he thinks

    I will try and feel out my boss this weekend and see what he thinks of my chance of promotion.

    Feel sorry for
    - Pity
    I feel sorry for him after losing his job.

    Feel up to (do something)
    - feel able (healthy enough or rested enough) to do something

    Feet on the ground
    - Sensible ideas

    He is a good family man and always has his feet on the ground.

    Few and far between

    - Not many, rare, few and scattered

    The gas stations were few and far between on the highway through the mountains.

    Fiddle around

    - Tinker, does something in an unplanned way


    - Equally, evenly

    We divided the cost of the trip fifty-fifty.

    Fight tooth and nail

    He is fighting tooth and nail to get a transfer to another department.

    Figure on

    - depend on, be sure about

    You can figure on about 30 people coming to the party next week.

    Figure out

    - try to understand or solve

    He finally figured out how to use the new video recorder.

    Fill (someone) in

    - tell someone the details

    I will fill you in later about our plans for the weekend.

    Fill (something) in

    - write words needed in blanks

    Please fill in this form and give it to the receptionist.

    - Substitute satisfactorily for

    Although he is a good supervisor he is unable to fill the shoes of those who came before him.

    Fill out
    - write down the facts that are asked for (in a report etc.)
    We were asked to fill out the forms before we could have an interview for the job.

    Fill the bill
    - be suitable for what is required
    I think that the new equipment should fill the bill for us.

    Find fault with
    - criticize

    He is always finding fault with everything that I do.
    - learn, discover
    She is angry at me because she found out that I quit the night class.

    (Go over with a) fine-toothed comb
    - Very carefully

    Finger in the pie
    - Part ownership or responsibility
    He has his finger in the pie of all the small companies in the area.

    First come, first served
    - The person who comes will have his turn first
    "First come, first served" she called as she put the food on the table.

    - Directly
    I learned the news from him firsthand.

    - New, shown for the first time

    - try to get or to find out (something) by hinting at it
    She is always fishing for compliments when I see her at work.

    Fish out of water
    - Someone who does not fit in
    He was like a fish out of water at the expensive restaurant.

    (Be) fishy
    - Strange and suspicious
    Something is fishy with his excuse. Why did he take the day before the holiday off work?

    Fit as a fiddle
    - In good athletic condition or health
    Her grandfather is 92 years old but he is as fit as a fiddle.

    Fit like a glove
    - fit perfectly
    The new pair of jeans that he bought fit like a glove.

    Fit to be tied
    - Very angry or upset
    He was fit to be tied when he heard that I was going to take a month off work in the summer.

    Fix someone up with someone
    - help someone get a date by arranging a meeting for the two
    I tried to fix my sister up with a date with my friend but she refused me.

    Fizzle out
    - Fail after a good start, end in failure
    The party began to fizzle out about midnight when many people went home.

    Flare up
    - become suddenly angry, begin again suddenly
    The fighting flared up again after the United Nations soldiers left the town.

    Flash in the pan
    - Something that makes a showy start and then fails

    Flat broke
    - have no money
    I have been flat broke since I stopped working last month.

    - Without hiding anything, plainly, openly
    I told her flat-out that I would not go with her to the party.

    - An annoying hint, an idea or answer that is not welcome
    I put a flea in his ear regarding the proposal deadline that he had missed.

    Flea market
    - A place where antiques or secondhand things are sold
    We went to a flea market last Saturday to try and buy some dishes.

    Flesh and blood
    - A close relative
    She is my own flesh and blood so of course I felt terrible when she got into trouble.

    He really flipped his lid when I told him about the huge telephone bill.

    Flip out

    She flipped out when she heard that I had sold her car.

    - do a job instinctively rather than by using concrete information
    I had to fly by the seat of my pants when the supervisor left me alone for a week.

    Flying high

    - Very happy, joyful

    She has been flying high since she heard that she had won a new car.

    Fly in the ointment

    - A small thing that spoils enjoyment

    The problem with the music was a fly in the ointment at the party.

    Fly off the handle

    - become angry

    He really flew off the handle when he saw the bill for the meal.


    - Unreliable (business)

    That new company is a real fly-by-night operation.

    Foam at the mouth

    - be very angry (like a mad dog)

    He was foaming at the mouth when I told him that I had had an accident with his car.

    Follow suit

    He followed suit and began to leave work early on Friday just as his boss was doing.

    Follow through

    - continue or finish an action that one has started

    He said that he would help me paint my house but he has never followed through with his offer.

    Follow up

    - Make (one action) more successful by doing something more

    He followed up his phone call in the morning with a visit in the afternoon.

    Foot in the door

    - An opening or opportunity

    I finally got a foot in the door when they accepted my application.

    Food for thought

    - Something worth thinking about

    Fool around
    - spend time playing rather than working, waste time
    If he would spend less time fooling around he would be able to get some work done.

    Foot the bill
    - pay
    The company will foot the bill for his move to Chicago.

    For all
    - In spite of, even with
    For all the time that he spends studying his marks are still very low.

    For all one is worth
    - As hard as one can
    I will try for all I am worth to help you get the job at the supermarket.

    For all the world
    - For anything, for any price
    For the entire world I do not know what he is trying to tell me with the notes that he writes.

    For a song
    - For very little money
    He was able to buy his new car for a song.

    For better or worse
    - Depending on how one looks at the matter, with good or bad effects
    For better or worse he has decided to quit his job and go to live in Brazil.

    - make someone do something sooner than planned
    I forced his hand and he told me what he planned to do about the new contract for our company.

    For certain
    - Without doubt, certainly, surely
    It is for certain that he will not be playing in the game tonight.

    For crying out loud
    - used to show that you are surprised or angry
    For crying out loud please turn your radio down a little.

    For dear life

    The mountain climber held on to the rock for dear life as he waited for someone to rescue him.

    Forever and a day
    - Forever, always
    It took forever and a day to get the book that we ordered from the bookstore.

    For good
    - Permanently
    He has decided to move to Los Angeles for good.

    For keeps
    - For always, forever
    He told the boy that he could have the baseball bat for keeps.

    Fork out
    - pay, pay out
    I had to fork out a lot of money to fix my car.

    Fork over
    - Hand over, give
    The robber told me to fork over my money or he was going to shoot me.

    For love or money
    - By any means
    We were unable to get him to agree to the proposal for love or money.

    For once
    - One time
    For once he listened to what I said. Usually he ignores me.

    For sure
    - Without doubt, certainly, surely
    I will go to the movie with you for sure next week.

    For that matter
    - About that, with regard to that

    For the asking
    - By asking, on request
    You can get a free ticket to the concert for the asking from the front office.

    For the birds

    Doing the cleaning all day is really for the birds.

    For the time being
    - For now, for awhile

    For the world
    - Under any conditions
    I would not want to sell my car for the world.

    Foul up
    - ruin or spoil by stupid mistake, go wrong
    There was a problem with our tickets so our plans were all fouled up.

    Frame of mind (good or bad)

    He made sure his boss was in a good frame of mind before he asked him for the time off.

    Freak/freak out
    - become angry or lose control of one
    I freaked out when I discovered that my reservations had not been made.

    Free and easy
    - Informal
    He has a free and easy attitude about his work.

    Free hand
    - Great freedom to do something


    He was angry at his brother because he was always freeloading and never
    worried about finding a job.

    Freeze out
    - keep from a share in something by unfriendly or dishonest treatment
    They froze him out of the profits that they made on the sale of land.

    From hand to hand
    - From one person to another and another
    The plate of food went from hand to hand until finally it was all finished.

    From A to Z
    - know everything about something
    He knows about cars from A to Z.

    - With great feeling, sincerely
    I thanked him from the bottom of my heart for helping my daughter when she was sick.

    From the heart
    - Sincerely, honestly
    He gave her some flowers with a message straight from his heart.

    From now on
    - From this moment forward
    From now on I will study Italian every day.

    From scratch
    - From the very beginning
    He decided to build the house from scratch.

    From time to time
    - Occasionally
    We go to that restaurant from time to time.

    From way back
    - Since a long time ago, for a long time
    I know him from way back. In fact we went to elementary school together.

    - complete, having everything that is needed to be something
    She became a full-fledged nurse before she went to Saudi Arabia to work for a year.

    Full of beans
    - In high spirits, energetic
    She seems to be full of beans today. She must be excited about something.

    Fun and games
    - A very difficult task (used ironically)
    It was all fun and games today when I wrote my two final exams.

    Funny bone
    - The place at the back of the elbow that tingles when hit
    I hit my funny bone and it still hurts a little.


    • #3
      Re: English Idioms(A-Z)

      all in all :P its a wonderfull thread ....brilliant to write the idioms
      but what happened to the rest??
      If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

      Happy moments, praise Allah.
      Difficult moments, seek Allah.
      Quiet moments, worship Allah.
      Painful moments, trust Allah.
      Every moment, thank Allah.


      • #4
        Re: English Idioms(A-Z)

        Originally posted by NaQsh View Post
        all in all :P its a wonderfull thread ....brilliant to write the idioms
        but what happened to the rest??
        Sorry My net became slow that time.
        Here are rest of them :)
        G................................................. ...............................................

        Gain ground
        - go forward, make progress
        The toy company has been gaining ground in their effort to sell more products.

        Gang up on someone
        - Attack in a group, get together to hurt someone
        The school children tried to gang up on the boy but he ran away.

        Gas up
        - fill up a gas tank
        We should gas up tonight before we leave on our holiday tomorrow.

        Gee whiz
        - used as an exclamation to show surprise or other strong feelings
        Gee whiz! Are we really going to go to go to Disneyland for our holiday?

        Get a break
        - get an opportunity or good deal
        I got a break when he sold the car for less than it was worth.

        Get across
        - explain, make something understood
        I had a hard time trying to get across to him the importance of taking care of his computer discs.

        Get a fix on something
        - receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means
        We were able to get a fix on the island and got the boat safely to the harbor.

        Get a grip of oneself

        He finally got a grip of himself and calmed down.

        Get after someone
        - urge or make someone do something he should do but has neglected

        Get ahead
        - advance or be successful
        She really works hard at her job in order to get ahead.

        Get a kick out of
        - enjoy
        I think that my father got a kick out of seeing his old school friend.

        Get a load of
        - take a good look at, see something
        Get a load of that man over there with the four big dogs.

        Get along
        - manage
        He is able to get along on very little money.

        Get along
        - leave

        Get along with someone
        - have a good relationship with someone

        Get a move on
        - hurry up
        Please get a move on. We are already over three hours late.

        Get a rise out of someone
        - tease, have fun with someone by making him or her angry
        We really got a rise out of the teacher when we left the windows open while it was raining.

        Get around
        - go to different places, move about
        He really gets around. He has been to almost every state in the United States.

        Get around to
        - Finally find time to do something
        The apartment manager finally got around to fixing the bath.

        Get at
        - mean

        Get away
        - succeed in leaving, escape
        I was able to get away early from work today so I went shopping for awhile.

        Get away from it all
        - go on a holiday
        We want to get away from it all this summer and go and relax somewhere.

        Get away with murder
        - do something very bad without being caught or punished
        The child was able to get away with murder while the substitute teacher was at the school.

        Get away with something

        The criminal got away with the robbery and was never caught.

        Get a wiggle on
        - hurry up, get going
        Get a wiggle on. We have to arrive at the party before the other guests arrive.

        Get a word in
        - find a chance to say something when others are talking

        Get a word in edgewise
        - manage to break into a conversation

        Get back
        - return
        We got back from London early yesterday afternoon.

        Get back at
        - do something bad to someone who has done something bad to you, hurt someone in return for something
        She is very angry at her boyfriend and is getting back at him by not answering the telephone.

        Get behind
        - go slow while doing something is late
        If you get behind in the homework you will never be able to pass the course.

        Get behind (a person or idea)
        - Support, help
        They decided to get behind the main candidate when he promised to cut taxes.

        Get by
        - satisfy your needs or demands (usually related to money)

        Get cold feet
        - become afraid at the last minute
        He got cold feet and cancelled his plan to go to China.

        Get cracking
        - hurry up, start moving fast, and get started
        We will have to get cracking on this work if we want to finish it before dinner.

        Get (someone) down
        - Make (someone) unhappy, cause discouragement
        The long commuting time has begun to get her down so she wants to quit her job.

        Get down to
        - get started on

        Get down to brass tacks
        - begin discussing the essential matters immediately

        Get even
        - get revenge
        He seems to want to get even with him for their past problems.

        - The beginning
        Right from the get-go I never liked the way that the new manager acted.

        - annoy someone
        He has been getting my goat recently and I am tired of him.

        Get going
        - excite, stir up and make angry
        Once he gets going he will never stop complaining.

        Get hold of (something)
        - get possession of

        When you get hold of a dictionary could you please let me see it for a few minutes?

        Get hold of (someone)

        - find a person so you can speak with him or her

        I tried to get hold of him last week but he was out of town.

        Get in on the ground floor
        - start at the beginning (in hopes of future gain)
        He managed to get in on the ground floor of the new company.

        Get in touch with someone
        - contact someone

        Get in the swing of things
        - adapt to a new environment or situation
        He got into the swing of things after the party started.

        Get it all together

        He finally got it all together and applied for the job at the supermarket.

        - understand, believe
        He has got it through his head that he will get a job easily without really making an effort.

        Get lost!
        - go away
        She told her younger brother to get lost so she could finish her homework.

        Get mixed up
        - become confused

        Get off
        - come down from or out of (a bus or train etc.)
        We decided to get off the train at the station next to our regular station.

        Get off easy
        - escape a worse punishment
        The criminals got off easy even though they robbed the bank.

        - leave someone alone and not bother them
        I wish that the supervisor would get off my back.

        - get busy, start working
        He should get off his butt and try and get a job so he will have some money.

        Get off on the wrong foot
        - make a bad start
        I got off on the wrong foot with him and our relationship never really recovered.

        Get off the ground
        - make a successful beginning, go ahead
        His new business never really got off the ground so he must look for another job.

        - become or make angry

        - begin, do something for the first time
        He has managed to get his feet wet in the publishing business and is ready to start his own business now.

        - cause people to do what you want
        He always gets his own way with his younger brothers.

        - hurry up, get going

        Get on in years
        - To advance in age
        He is getting on in years and is not very healthy.

        - behave with arrogance
        He is back on his high horse and has started giving orders to everyone.

        - irritate someone
        His constant complaining is beginning to get on my nerves.

        Get out of bed on the wrong side
        - be in a bad mood

        Get out from under

        I would like to get out from under my boss always watching my work.

        Get out of hand
        - lose control
        The going away party was beginning to get out of hand so they asked everyone to leave.

        Get out of the way
        - be no longer an obstacle

        He was unable to get out of the way of the truck and was injured.

        Get over something
        - overcome a difficulty; recover from an illness or shock

        Get (something) over with

        - Finish, end

        He wants to get his exams over with so that he can begin to relax again.

        Get ready
        - prepare yourself
        First I must get ready for work, and then I will help you.

        Get rid of something
        - give or throw something away, sell or destroy something, make a cold or fever disappear
        I bought a new television set so I had to get rid of the old one.

        Get set
        - get ready to start
        We are working hard to get set for her wedding ceremony.

        Get the ax
        - be fired
        He got the ax last week and now has no job.

        Gets the ball rolling?
        - start something

        Get the better of (someone)
        - win against, beat, defeat

        He got the better of me and won the tennis match.

        Get the feel of

        - become used to or learn about something

        After you get the feel of the new computer it will be very easy to use.

        Get the goods on someone

        - find out true and often bad information about someone

        I think that I have finally got the goods on him and will have to talk to the police as soon as possible.

        Get the message

        - understand clearly what is meant

        Get the sack
        - be fired or dismissed from work

        Get the show on the road
        - start working on something

        Get the worst of
        - be defeated or beaten, suffer most
        He got the worst of the deal when the salesman sold him the used car.

        Get through
        - succeed in passing an exam or ordeal
        She has been having trouble getting through her final exams.

        Get through to
        - be understood by, make (someone) understand

        Get to
        - have a chance to, be able to

        Get to first base
        - make a good start, succeed

        Get to the bottom of
        - find out the real cause
        The government is trying to get to the bottom of the financial problems in the company.

        Get to the heart of
        - understand the most important thing about something
        We were in the meeting for three hours trying to get to the heart of the matter.

        - bother someone, upset someone

        Get up

        I decided to get up early today so that I would be able to go fishing with my friend.

        - Fancy dress or costume
        What was that strange getup that she was wearing the other day?

        - Energy, enthusiasm, drive
        He has lots of get-up-and-go and it is difficult to follow him around.

        Get up on the wrong side of the bed
        - be in a bad mood

        Get up the nerve

        - become brave enough
        I tried to get up the nerve to ask him about the new job.

        - receive the good or bad that one deserves
        He got what was coming to him when he was sent to jail for two years.

        Get wind of

        - hear about something
        I got wind of the company expansion from my friend.

        Get wise to something/somebody
        - learn about something kept secret
        He finally got wise to the fact that they were stealing his money.

        Get with it
        - pay attention, get busy
        I told him to get with it or he would get in trouble with the boss.

        (Not a) ghost of a chance
        - Very little, (not even) the smallest chance

        Gift of the gab
        - be good at talking
        He has a real gift of the gab and is great at parties.

        Give (someone) a hard time
        - make trouble for someone, tease
        She was giving her boyfriend a hard time about his new haircut.

        - sharing, giving and receiving back and forth between people
        You must be willing to give-and-take if you want to have a good marriage.

        - An open secret, a sale where items are sold very cheap
        His speech was a giveaway. Now I know that he is planning to retire.

        Give away
        - give something to someone

        Give away
        - let (a secret) become known
        I tried to stop her before she gave away my plans to go to Mexico for a holiday.

        Give a wide birth to
        - keep away from, keep a safe distance from
        I usually give a wide birth to my boss when he is angry.

        Give chase
        - chase or run after someone or something

        The police gave chase to the man who robbed the store.

        Give free rein to
        - allow to move about or to do something with freedom
        He was given free rein in his new job to do what he wanted.

        Give ground
        - move back, retreat, stop opposing someone
        He refused to give ground on his plans to change the system of office management.

        Give in
        - give someone his own way, stop opposing someone

        Give it to
        - punish, scold
        He really gave it to his son when he came back late with the car.

        Give off
        - send out, let out, put forth
        The garbage was beginning to give off a bad smell because of the hot weather.

        Give one away

        - Show guilt, show one has done wrong

        Give one up

        - Surrender, stop hiding or running away

        The robbers gave themselves up when the police surrounded the house.

        Give one up to

        - let oneself enjoy, not hold one back from

        He gave himself up to enjoy the party although he was feeling sick.

        - give something of great value

        I would give my right arm to be able to go to Italy with the rest of the group.

        Give or take
        - Plus or minus a small amount
        I think that he is about 45 years old give or take 5 years.

        Give out
        - give to people, distribute
        We gave out more than 600 free baseball caps at the shopping center.

        Give out

        - fail

        We went hiking last week but my legs gave out so we had to return early.

        Give out

        - be finished, be gone

        We went on a week-long backpacking trip but our food gave out after only three days.

        Give out
        - Let escape
        She gave out a loud yell when she saw the big spider.

        Give pause to
        - cause one to stop and think
        His problems should give you pause to think a little more carefully about what you do.

        Give rise to
        - be the cause of something
        The problems with the heating system gave rise to a lot of other problems that we had to solve.

        Give someone a hand
        - help someone with something
        Please give me a hand to move this piano.

        Give someone an inch and they will take a mile

        - If you give someone a little they will want more and more, some people are never satisfied

        Give someone a piece of your mind

        - scold or become angry with someone

        When I met her yesterday I really gave her a piece of my mind.

        Give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves

        - give someone enough time and freedom to do what they want and they will make a mistake or get into trouble and be caught

        - make a promise or assurance

        He gave me his word that he would meet me at the library.

        Give someone the ax

        - fire an employee (usually abruptly)

        He gave the new employee the ax because he was always late.

        Give someone the benefit of the doubt

        - believe someone is innocent rather than guilty when you are not sure

        I gave him the benefit of the doubt but I still think that he is a liar.

        Give someone the cold shoulder
        - be unfriendly to someone
        He gave her the cold shoulder at the party.

        Give someone the eye
        - look or stare at someone (especially in a cold or unfriendly way)
        The man in the store began to give me the eye so I left.

        Give someone the green light
        - give permission to go ahead with a project
        He has been given the green light to begin work on the new housing plan.

        Give someone their due
        - give someone the credit that they deserve
        You have to give him his due. He has successfully saved the company from bankruptcy.

        Give someone the slip
        - escape from someone
        The bank robbers were able to give the police the slip at first but they were soon caught.

        Give the devil his due
        - be fair (even to someone who is bad and who you dislike)

        Give it your best shot
        - try very hard

        Give to understand

        - make a person understand by telling him very plainly or boldly

        I was given to understand that I could rent an apartment very easily here.

        Give up
        - Abandon, stop
        He has decided to give up his plan to work in Hong Kong for a year.

        Give up the ghost
        - Stop working, die
        My old car finally gave up the ghost so I must buy another one.

        Give voice to
        - tell what one feels or thinks
        He has begun to give voice to his feelings about the new office building.

        Give way
        - Collapse, fail
        The dam gave way and the water flooded the farmland below.

        Glad hand
        - A friendly handshake, a warm greeting
        The politician spent the morning glad handing the people at the shopping center.

        Gloss over
        - try to make what is wrong or bad seem right or not important, hide
        The accountant tried to gloss over the money that they lost last year.

        Go about
        - be busy with, start working on
        He has been going about his business all morning although he is feeling sick.

        Go after
        - try to get
        The police decided to go after the people who were speeding near the school.

        Go ahead
        - begin to do something, not wait

        Go along
        - move along, continue
        He invented the story as he went along.

        Go along
        - agree, co-operate
        They went along with his idea about having a party on the weekend.

        Go ape
        - become very excited or behave in a crazy way
        He went ape when he heard about the money that I had spent.

        Go around
        go from one place or person to another
        We decided to go around from one shop to another until we found a good present.

        Go around in circles
        - Without getting anywhere, uselessly

        Go at
        - fight with, attack, and argue
        When I entered the room they were going at it loudly.

        Go at it hammer and tongs
        - fight with great strength or energy, have a bad argument
        They were going at it hammer and tongs when the police came to their house.

        Go back on
        - turn against, not be faithful to
        He promised not to go back on his word about the discount tickets.

        Go broke

        His company went broke so he quickly lost his job.

        Go Dutch
        - Two people each pay for themselves
        We always go Dutch when we go on a date.

        Go for
        - try to get, try for

        I have decided to go for the new job at the computer center.

        Go for broke
        - risk everything on one big effort, try as hard as possible
        They are going for broke trying to win the new contract.

        Go from bad to worse

        - get worse, deteriorate

        Things are going from bad to worse in the company.


        - A person who works hard to become successful, an ambitious person

        He is a go-getter. He always works hard and has lots of money because of that.

        Go great guns

        - do something very fast or very hard, successfully

        The workers were going great guns fixing the building when I saw them this morning.

        Go halves

        - share equally

        We have decided to go halves on buying a new computer.

        Go haywire

        - become damaged, stop working properly

        At first everything was going well but later all the plans began to go haywire.

        Go in for

        - decide to do (something), take part in

        He is going to university and has decided to go in for medicine.

        Going for (someone)

        She should do very well as she has many good things going for her.

        Go into orbit

        He went into orbit when he heard about the missing money.

        Go jump in a lake

        - go away and quit bothering someone

        She asked me to borrow some money but I told her to go jump in a lake because she never paid me back before.

        Golden opportunity

        - Excellent and rare opportunity

        The heat wave was a golden opportunity for the ice cream seller to make money.

        Good deal

        - Good quality and a cheap price

        You can usually get a good deal on stereos at that discount store.

        Good grief!

        - used to show surprise (good or bad)

        good riddance

        - used when you lose something and you are happy about it

        Good riddance he said when the computer broke down and he had to buy another one.

        good riddance to bad rubbish

        - used to show you are glad that someone or something has been taken or sent away

        Good riddance to bad rubbish! I never liked him and I am glad that he has finally left.

        good sport

        - Person who loses well

        He is a very good sport and never complains about losing.

        Go off

        - leave, depart

        He went off on a trip and he never even bothered to phone and say good-bye.

        Go off

        - explode, be ignited

        The firecracker went off in his hand before he had a chance to put it down.

        Go off

        - begin to ring or buzz

        The fire alarm started to go off just as we entered the building.

        Go off half-cocked
        - act or speak before being ready
        He always goes off half-cocked when he is at a meeting.

        Go off the deep end
        - give way to emotion
        He went off the deep end when he saw the picture in the paper.

        Goof off
        - fool around, not work or be serious
        He has been goofing off all afternoon and has not got any work done.

        Go on
        - continue
        The game went on for about an hour after I left.

        Go on
        - talk for too long
        He started to go on about his problems so I finally left.

        Go on
        - put on, fit on

        Go (someone) one better
        - does something better than someone else, do more or be better than someone
        I decided to go him one better and buy a bigger present for my girlfriend.

        - go or act the way one wants
        He has decided to go his own way and will start his own business next year.

        - make an extra effort
        She went out of her way to help me when I visited her in October.

        Go out the window
        - be abandoned, go out of effect
        The school dress code went out the window when the new principal took over

        Go out with (someone)
        - date or be dating someone
        She went out with him for two years before they got married.

        Go over
        - examine
        The accountant will come to go over the books tomorrow.

        Go over well
        - be liked, be successful
        I am sure that the party will go over well. You have done a lot of preparation for it.

        Go overboard
        - do something in excess
        He really went overboard with the birthday party.

        Go steady
        - go on dates with the same person all the time, date just one person
        My sister has been going steady with the same person for two years.

        Go straight
        - become an honest person, lead an honest life
        He was in prison for awhile but has recently decided to go straight.

        Got a thing going
        - be engaged in a pleasurable activity with someone else as a partner (in romance or business)
        He has a thing going with computer repairs and is making a lot of extra money.

        Go the whole hog
        - make a thorough job of something
        They really went the whole hog in their efforts to welcome the foreign visitors.

        Go through

        - examine or think about carefully, search

        The police went through his house to look for a gun.

        Go through

        - experience, suffer, and live through

        He has been through many hard times since he lost his job.

        Go through

        - be allowed, pass, and be agreed upon

        The law finally went through Congress last week.

        Go through changes

        - be involved in changing circumstances

        She has been going through many changes since her divorce.

        Go through with

        - finish, do as planned or agreed

        He has decided to go through with his plans to go back to school.

        - become conceited

        Go to pieces

        - lose your self-control

        Go to pot

        - deteriorate

        The business has really gone to pot since he became president.

        Go to rack and ruin

        - reach a very bad state of repair

        The building has gone to rack and ruin since the new owners took over.

        Go to town

        - work fast or hard, do something with much energy

        They really went to town last night and finished painting the bedroom.

        Go up in smoke/flames

        - burn or be destroyed by fire, fail, not come true (dreams)

        His plans to open a new restaurant have gone up in smoke since he lost his job.

        Go without saying

        He is a hard worker so it goes without saying that his boss is very happy with him.

        Grasp at straws

        - try something with little hope of succeeding; depend on something that is useless in a time of trouble

        Grass is always greener on the other side

        - A place or thing that is far away or different seems better than what we have or where we are

        She is always moving or changing jobs as she thinks that the grass is always greener on the other side.

        Gravy train

        - Job that gives one a lot of money compared with what you do

        The cleaning contract was really a gravy train. We only worked for 3 hours but we got paid for 8 hours.

        - give money or pay for some special favor

        Greasy spoon

        - A small, cheap eating place with basic but not-so-good food

        We had to go to a greasy spoon for breakfast as all the other restaurants were closed.


        - be inexperienced or immature

        Green thumb

        - Skill in making plants grow

        He has a real green thumb and has a beautiful garden.

        Green with envy

        - Very jealous, full of envy

        Grind to a halt

        - slow down and stop (like a machine when it is turned off)

        The city ground to a halt when the power went off for five hours.

        Ground floor

        - The first or best chance - especially in a business

        The video store was a good investment so I was happy to get in on the ground floor.

        Gum up
        - cause not to work, ruin something, and make something go wrong
        The computer printer seemed to have become gummed up just as I was about to print my resume.

        Gun for someone
        - look hard for a chance to harm or defeat someone

        Gun for something
        - try very hard to get (prize or promotion etc.)
        He has been gunning for the new sales job for a long time.

        - Enthusiastic, full of eagerness
        She is really gung-ho about her new job at the library.

        H................................................. ...............................................

        Had better

        - should do something

        Hair stand on end

        - become frightened or afraid of something

        My hair stood on end when I saw the aftermath of the automobile accident.

        Hale and hearty

        - In very good health, well and strong

        My uncle is a hale and hearty fellow who never gets sick.


        - Foolish

        Half the battle

        - A large part of the work

        Sending the letters out will be half the battle. We can finish the rest of the work next week.

        Hammer out

        - remove; work out by discussion and debate

        The union and managers were able to hammer out an agreement before midnight last night.

        Hand down

        - arrange to give something to someone after your death

        My grandmother handed down her silver jeweler to my mother.

        Hand in

        - Give to someone, hand to someone

        I went to the company early to hand in my job application.

        Hand it to (someone)

        - give credit or praise to someone

        You have to hand it to him - he worked hard and was very successful with his business.

        Handle with kid gloves

        - be very careful handling someone or something

        He is very sensitive so you have to handle him with kid gloves when you speak to him.


        She was very poor when she was a child and always wore hand-me-down clothing.

        Hand out

        - give things of the same kind to several people

        The teacher decided not to hand out the tests until everyone in the class stopped talking.


        - A gift - usually from the government

        The government stopped giving hand-outs to the university students as they said they had no money.

        - Sheet of paper given to students or people who attend a meeting etc.
        Everyone at the meeting was given a hand-out on how to save and invest money.

        Hand over

        - give control or possession to someone, give something to another person

        The criminals were forced to hand over the stolen money to the police.

        Hand over fist

        - Rapidly

        His new company is making money hand over fist.

        - Unable to help

        Hands down

        - Easy, unopposed

        They won the game hands down over the other team.

        Hands off

        The government decided to take a hands-off approach to the teachers during the strike.

        Hand something to someone on a silver platter

        - give a person something that has not been earned

        He was handed a great job on a silver platter and never had to make any effort at all.

        Hand to mouth

        - having only enough money for basic living

        He was living a hand to mouth existence until he was finally able to find a job.

        Handwriting on the wall

        - A sign that something bad will happen

        The handwriting is on the wall. Business conditions are bad so probably nobody will get a pay raise this year.


        - can easily fix things

        He is very handy around the house and is always fixing or building something.

        Hang around

        - Pass time or stay someplace without any real purpose or aim

        We decided to stay home and hang around on Sunday rather than go out to the game.

        Hang back

        - stay some distance behind or away, hesitate or be unwilling to do something

        He lacks self-confidence and always hangs back when his boss asks for volunteers.

        Hang by a thread

        - be in doubt, depend on a very small thing

        The outcome of the election hung by a thread until the last two or three hours.

        Hang in the balance

        - have two equally possible results, be uncertain

        After the opposition party won the election whether or not the new highway will be built hangs in the balance.

        Hang in (there)

        Hang it!

        - A rather old expression used to express annoyance or disappointment

        "Hang it", he said when he hit his finger with the hammer.

        Hang on

        - continue

        Although business was very bad he decided to hang on and fight to keep his business going.

        Hang on

        - wait, continue listening on the telephone

        Hang on for a minute while I go and get some paper and a pen.

        Hang one on

        - get very drunk

        He really hung one on last night after he heard about his promotion.

        Hang on to

        - hold tightly, keep firmly

        Please hang on to your hats or the strong wind will blow them off.

        Hang out

        Recently his brother has been hanging out with a group of people who are not a good influence on him.

        He has decided to hang out his own shingle now that he has graduated from law school.

        Hang up

        - Place on a hook, peg or hangar

        Everyone was forced to hang up their jackets before they entered the room.

        Hang up

        - place a telephone receiver back on the telephone and break the connection

        After he hung up the telephone he left to go to work.


        - A delay in some process

        There was a hang-up in the construction of the office tower because of the fire.


        - An inhibition, a neurotic reaction to some life situation

        She has a serious hang-up about the dark and is afraid to go out alone at night.

        Happy hour

        - A time in bars or restaurants when drinks are served at a discount

        We stopped at the restaurant during happy hour and had a couple of drinks.

        Hard and fast rule

        - Rules that cannot be altered to fit special cases

        Hard as nails

        - Physically very fit and strong, rough, stern

        He is as hard as nails and is not a good person to have an argument with.

        Hard feelings

        - Anger or bitterness


        - Not weak or soft, stubborn - especially in a fight, contest or negotiations

        The company had a hard-nosed attitude while bargaining with the union.

        Hard nut to crack

        - A person or thing not easily understood or influenced

        He is a hard nut to crack and is not close to many people.

        Hard on (someone/something)

        - treat something/someone roughly

        His son is very hard on shoes.

        Hard pressed

        - burdened with urgent business

        I am a little hard pressed for time. Can we meet later?

        Hard sell

        - selling something very aggressively and with great eagerness

        Hard up

        - Short of money

        Harp on

        - talk repeatedly and tediously about something

        He has been harping on his lack of money for a few months now.


        - Bothersome

        It is a real hassle to have to report to him two times a day.

        Hatchet man

        - A politician etc. whose job it is to say negative things about the opposition, a person in a company who must fire extra workers or cut other expenses etc.

        - feel very strong dislike for someone

        I absolutely hate her guts after she caused me so many problems at my company.

        Have a ball

        - have a good time

        She had a ball at the party last night.

        Have a crush on

        - be attracted to someone

        Her sister has had a crush on him for a long time.

        Have a fit

        - become upset

        She had a fit when she saw what her son did to the car.

        Have a go at

        - try something especially after others have tried it

        I decided to have a go at applying for the job after my boss recommended me.

        Have a hand in

        - be partly responsible for something

        I think that she had a hand in getting her friend fired from her job.

        - be smart or sensible

        That new salesman really has a head on his shoulders.

        Have an edge on

        - have an advantage (over someone)

        Their team has an edge on the race to win the high school football championship.

        Have an eye for

        - have good taste in something, be able to judge correctly

        She has an eye for nice furniture and her apartment is absolutely beautiful.

        (Not) have anything to do with someone

        - (not) want to be a friend of or work or have business with someone

        My father will not have anything to do with the salesman because he sold him the faulty car.

        Have a screw loose

        - act in a strange way, be foolish

        He is a really strange person. I think that he has a screw loose somewhere.

        Have a time

        - have trouble, have a hard time

        She really had a time last night when her car stopped working completely

        Have a time

        - have a good time, have fun

        We really had a time at the party last night.

        Have a way with

        - be able to lead, persuade or influence others

        The little girl really has a way with horses. They are very gentle when she is around.

        Have a word with

        - Converse briefly

        I will have a word with him before he goes home tonight.

        Have been around

        - have been to many places and done many things, be experienced

        My brother has really been around and has been overseas many times.

        Have dibs on

        - demand a share of something or be in line to use something

        I have dibs on the computer and would like to use it as soon as possible.

        - be embarrassed

        He really has egg on his face after finding out about his mistake.

        Have eyes only for

        She has eyes only for her boyfriend.

        Have half a mind

        - feel tempted or inclined to do something

        I have half a mind to go and offer my resignation to the president.

        Have had it (with someone or something)

        I have really had it with her constant complaining.

        Have in mind

        - intend, plan

        Have it

        - hear or get news, understand

        I have it that the new president will be coming to see us next week.

        Have it

        - claim, say

        Rumor has it that three of the supervisors will be leaving next week.

        Have it

        - allow (usually used with will or would)

        Have it

        - get or find the answer

        I think I finally have it. The reason she is leaving is because she is going to have a baby.

        Have it both ways

        - do two things, have both things

        Have it coming

        - deserve a punishment

        He really has it coming to him after causing the problems in the company.

        Have it in for someone

        - show ill will or dislike a person

        I have been having problems at work recently because I think that the new supervisor has it in for me.

        Have it made

        - be successful, have everything

        He really has it made with his new job.

        Have it out with someone

        - settle or discuss something with someone angrily

        I had it out with her yesterday over the problem with the money.

        Have on

        - be wearing something

        What did she have on when you last saw her?

        - be in an uncomfortable predicament, be at a disadvantage

        - have a wish for something, have as an aim, look or think about something

        I want to buy a nice present for my girlfriend so I have my eye on a nice dress that I saw at the department store last week.

        - be practical or sensible

        The new sales manager really has his feet on the ground.

        - want something very much

        The child has his heart set on getting a new bicycle for his birthday.

        Have over

        - invite someone to your house

        We will have you over when we settle into our new house.

        - be stupid, not have good judgment

        She really has rocks in her head. She should never have bought that old car.

        Have (something) going for one

        - have ability, talent or good looks

        She has a lot going for her and I am sure that she will get the new job.

        Have something on someone

        - have information or proof that someone did something wrong

        I think that the police have something on him and that is why he wants to quit his job.

        Have something on the ball

        - be smart, clever, and skilled

        She really has a lot on the ball. She should do well in whatever she chooses to do.

        - Something kept secretly ready for the right time

        Have sticky fingers

        - be a thief

        He was fired because of his sticky fingers at the cash register.

        Have the last laugh

        - make someone seem foolish for having laughed at you first

        I had the last laugh when I was able to get home early while everyone else had to stay overnight at the airport because of the storm.

        Have (got) to

        - Obliged or forced to, must

        Have to do with

        - be about or on the subject or connected with something

        The book has something to do with cooking but I am not sure if you will like it.

        Have two strikes against one

        - have things working against one, be in a difficult situation

        He already has two strikes against him and it will be very difficult for him to get the job.


        - Broken or confused

        The plan went haywire when their directions became confused.

        Head above water

        - Out of difficulty, clear of trouble

        Although he works very hard he is not able to keep his head above water financially.


        - Search for qualified individuals to fill certain positions

        The head-hunting company has phoned me several times about getting a new job.

        Head in the clouds

        - daydreaming

        He always has his head in the clouds and can never answer a question easily.

        Head off

        - get in front of and stop, turn back

        In the western movie the soldiers went to head off the gang at the mountain pass.

        Head off

        - block, stop, prevent

        They were able to head off a strike by the union at the last minute.


        - Front end to front end, with the front facing

        There was a serious head-on crash on the highway last night.


        - In a way that is exactly opposite, opposed to someone in an argument or fight

        They decided to deal with their opponents in a head-on manner in order to win the battle.

        Head out

        - leave, start out

        It is time that we head out for the movie now or we will be late.

        Head over heels

        - Upside down, head first

        He fell head over heels when his bicycle hit the wall.

        Head over heels

        - Completely, deeply

        She fell head over heels in love with the guy that she met at the party.

        Head shirker

        - Psychiatrist

        The criminal had to go and see a head shrinker after the judge sentenced him to life in prison.

        Head start

        - To leave or start something before others

        They left early in order to get a head start on the trip.

        Head up

        - be at the head of (a group), a leader

        The president headed up a group of people going overseas to promote trade.

        Hear from

        - receive a letter/phone call/news from someone

        Heart goes out to someone

        - One feels sympathy for someone

        My heart went out to the victims of the railway accident.

        Heart is in the right place

        - be kindhearted, sympathetic, have good intentions

        He makes some serious mistakes sometimes but his heart is in the right place.

        Heart of gold

        - A kind, generous or forgiving personality

        My grandmother has a heart of gold and everyone loves her.

        Heart of stone

        - Someone with a nature with no pity

        She has a heart of stone and is not at all interested in how other people feel.

        Heart skips a beat

        - be startled or excited from surprise, joy or fright

        My heart skipped a beat when the truck almost hit us last night.

        Heart stands still

        - be very frightened or worried

        My heart stood still when I heard the story about the little boy and the fire.


        - Honest or intimate

        They had a heart-to-heart talk before they decided to get married.

        Heavy heart

        - A feeling of sadness or unhappiness

        He seems to have a heavy heart now that his wife has died.

        Hedge in

        - keep from getting out or moving freely, block in

        My car was hedged in by the other cars and I was unable to move it this morning.

        Hell and high water

        - Troubles or difficulties of any kind

        They went through hell and high water in order to get the food to the flood victims.


        - A short-tempered, nagging or crabby person

        She is hell-on-wheels in the morning so you should be careful of her.


        - In a confusing group, in disorder

        When we arrived at work we found all of the files scattered helter-skelter over the floor.

        Hem and haw

        - avoid giving a clear answer, be evasive in speech

        He hemmed and hawed when I asked him if he knew where the missing money was.

        Here and now

        - Immediately

        I want you to do that work right here and now.

        Here and there

        - In various places, go to various places

        We went here and there during our holidays.

        Here goes

        - Ready to begin while hoping for the best

        Well, here goes. I am going to go and ask her for a date right now.

        Here goes nothing

        - Ready to begin - but it will be a waste of time and will probably fail

        - keep from knowing something dangerous or unpleasant

        He hates to talk about important matters and hides his head in the sand when I try to talk to him.

        High and dry

        - stranded, out of the current of events

        They left him high and dry when they moved the company to Europe.

        High and low

        - Every place

        High and mighty

        - Arrogant

        He has a high and mighty attitude to all of his employees.

        High gear

        - Top speed, full activity

        The preparations for his visit have been going in high gear all week.


        - Bossy, dictatorial, depending on force rather than what is right

        My supervisor always takes a high-handed approach when dealing with her employees.

        (The) high life

        - A luxurious existence

        They have been living the high life since they moved to Las Vegas.

        High seas

        - The ocean (away from the coast)

        The crew of the ship spent three months on the high seas before going to shore for a visit.

        (Be in) high spirits

        - have energy, be cheerful

        They are in high spirits since their home team won the tournament.

        High time

        - The time before something should already have been done

        It is high time that we spent some time cleaning up our house.

        Highway robbery

        - An extremely high price for something

        The price that we had to pay for the theater tickets was highway robbery.

        Hire out

        - accept a job, take employment

        He decided to hire himself out as a dancer while he was going to school.

        Hire out

        - rent to someone

        We rented out our boat last summer because we were too busy to use it.

        Hit and miss

        - Unplanned, uncontrolled, aimless, careless

        We are looking for a new apartment but it seems to be hit and miss whether we can find a good one.


        - An accident where the driver of the car drives away without leaving his address

        My sister was involved in a hit-and-run accident last Sunday afternoon.


        - striking suddenly and leaving quickly

        The army made a hit-and-run attack on the enemy soldiers.

        Hit bottom

        - be at the very lowest, not be able to go any lower

        The economy hit bottom last year but is finally starting to improve.

        - Aim high, follow a great ambition or purpose

        He wants to hitch his wagon to a star and pursue his dreams of becoming an actor.

        Hither and thither

        - In one direction and then in another

        He looked hither and thither when he discovered that he had lost his wallet.

        Hit it off with someone

        - get along well with someone

        We really hit it off at the party.

        Hit on/upon

        - find what you want or think of something by chance

        We hit upon the idea of going to the lake for our holiday after our airline reservations were cancelled.

        Hit parade

        - A list of songs arranged in order of popularity

        We listened to all the songs on the hit parade last night.

        Hit someone between the eyes

        - make a strong impression on someone, surprise greatly

        Her incredible performance really hit me between the eyes.

        Hit the books

        - study or prepare for class

        He stayed home all weekend and hit the books.

        Hit the bottle

        - drink alcohol (usually a negative meaning)

        She started to hit the bottle soon after her divorce.

        - go to the most important part of a matter, reach the main question

        Hit the ceiling

        - get angry

        His wife is going to hit the ceiling when she sees the bill for the car repair.

        Hit the deck

        - get up from bed, start working

        Hit the dirt

        - fall on the ground and take cover under gunfire

        We were told to hit the dirt during the bank robbery.

        Hit the hay

        - go to bed

        I decided to hit the hay early last night because I was very tired.

        Hit the high spots

        - consider or mention only the more important parts of something

        He only had time to hit the high spots in his report but still it was very interesting.

        Hit the jackpot

        - be very lucky or successful

        She hit the jackpot when she went to Las Vegas last weekend.

        Hit the nail on the head

        - make a correct guess or analysis

        Hit the road

        - Leave - usually in a car

        We should hit the road early tomorrow morning if we want to reach the seashore before evening.

        Hit the roof

        - become very angry, go into a rage

        He hit the roof when he found out that his son had wrecked the family car.

        Hit the sack

        - go to bed

        Hit the sauce

        - Drink alcohol - usually heavily and regularly

        Hit the spot

        - refresh or satisfy

        Drinking the lemonade after the baseball game really hit the spot.

        Hold a candle to

        - be in the same class or level with (used with a negative usually), can be compared with

        Hold a grudge

        - Not forgive someone for something

        He has been holding a grudge against the company manager for a number of years.

        Hold all the trump cards

        - have the best chance of winning, have full control

        It will be difficult to do well in the negotiations with him as he holds all the trump cards.

        Hold back

        - stay back or away, show unwillingness, prevent someone from doing something

        He always holds back during meetings and never says anything.

        Hold court

        - Act like a king or queen among their subjects

        He always acts like he is holding court among his subjects when I see him in his office.

        Hold down

        - keep in obedience, keep control of

        The government was able to hold down the people for many years but finally they revolted and got rid of the government.

        Hold down a job

        - keep a job

        He has a serious drinking problem and is unable to hold down a job.

        Hold forth

        - offer, propose

        The company held forth a promise to give all of the employees an extra bonus in the summer.

        Hold forth

        - speak in public, talk about

        He was holding forth about taxes again last night when I saw him in his office.

        hold good

        - continue, endure, last

        The demand for air conditioners held good during July but decreased rapidly in August.

        hold off

        - delay, not begin

        The concert will be held off until next week.

        hold off

        - keep away by force

        The man was able to hold off the police for several hours before he was arrested.

        hold on

        - wait a minute, stop, wait and not hang up the phone

        Please hold on for a minute while I go back and lock the window.

        hold one`s breath

        - stop breathing for a moment when one is excited or nervous

        I had to stop and hold my breath while I was waiting for the announcement of the winning names.

        hold one`s fire

        - keep back arguments or facts, keep from telling something

        You should hold your fire during the meeting and save the rest of the information until next week.

        hold one`s horses

        - stop and wait patiently

        Hold your horses for a minute while I return to get my wallet.

        hold one`s own (in an argument)

        - defend one`s position

        Although her boss is very aggressive she is always able to hold her own in any dispute with him.

        hold one`s peace

        - be silent and not speak against something, be still

        Please try and hold your peace during the meeting as it will be to our disadvantage if we have a confrontation.

        hold one`s tongue

        - keep quiet

        He decided to hold his tongue rather than give his honest opinion.

        hold on to

        - continue to hold or keep, hold tightly

        Hold on to your bag when you are in the bus or someone may try and steal it.

        hold out

        - reach out, extend

        She held out her hand to help her daughter climb up the stairs.


        - someone who refuses to give something up, a non-conformist

        He was the last hold-out in our effort to make sure that everyone wore a necktie to work.

        hold out for something

        - refuse to give up, keep resisting

        The famous basketball star is holding out for a large salary increase.

        hold out on

        - refuse something to a person

        He is holding out on me and wont give me the latest sales figures.

        hold over

        - extend the engagement of, keep longer

        The movie was held over for another week.

        hold something back

        - keep information or something to or for oneself

        He is holding back the information about the new computer system.

        hold still

        - not move

        Please hold still while I fix your jacket zipper.

        hold the fort

        - cope in an emergency, act as a temporary substitute

        He has been holding the fort at his company while his boss is on vacation.

        hold the line

        - not yield to pressure or something

        The company has been holding the line on any new salary increases.

        hold the reins

        - be the most influential person

        He has been holding the reins in his company for many years.

        hold up

        - lift, raise

        The students hold up their hands when they have a question.

        hold up

        - support, carry

        The main beams in the house are holding up the total weight of the house.

        hold up

        - check, stop, delay

        The traffic was held up for over three hours at the border crossing.

        hold up

        - rob at gunpoint

        The criminal was able to hold up three people before he was caught.

        hold up

        - keep up one`s courage or spirits

        Her spirits are holding up quite well even though she does not have a job now.

        hold up

        - remain good, not get worse

        Sales during the first six months of the year have held up very well compared to last year.

        hold up

        - prove true

        Her story held up during the questioning by the police.


        - a robbery

        He was involved in a hold-up when he was in the supermarket last weekend.

        hold water

        - be a sound idea

        His proposal for a new work scheduling system doesn`t hold water.

        hole in the wall

        - a small place to live, stay in or work in; small hidden or inferior place

        We went for a drink at a little hole in the wall near the university last night.


        - acting as if one is better than others in goodness or character etc.

        I don`t like him because he always takes a holier-than-thou attitude toward everyone else.

        holy cats

        - used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger

        Holy cats he said as he looked out and saw the water rising in the river.

        holy cow

        - used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger

        Holy cow! There are over one hundred people standing in front of our house.

        holy mackerel

        - used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger

        "Holy mackerel," cried the little boy when he saw the new bicycle he got for his birthday.

        holy Moses

        - used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger

        Holy Moses! It is already noon and I haven`t even started work yet.

        holy terror

        - a very disobedient or unruly child

        The little boy is a holy terror and his parents never want to take him anywhere.

        honeymoon is over

        - the first happy period of friendship and cooperation between two groups is over

        The honeymoon was over for the new President after about two months.


        - a cheap night-club or dance hall

        We went to a small honky-tonk in the small town where we stopped last night.

        hook, line and sinker

        - without question or doubt, completely

        She fell in love with her new boyfriend hook, line and sinker.

        hook up

        - connect or fit together

        As soon as we moved to our new apartment we had to hook up the phone.


        - a connection

        The new hook-up for the computer is not working very well.

        hope against hope

        - continue to hope when things look very bad

        The rescue team were hoping against hope that the lost hikers would be found alive.

        hop to it

        - get started, start a job, get going

        We must hop to it and try to get this job done before dinner.

        hopped up

        - high on a drug or on alcohol

        The man who tried to rob the store was hopped up on some kind of drug.

        horn in on

        - come in without an invitation or welcome, interfere

        He horned in on our conversation although he knows that nobody likes him.

        horse around

        - play around, join in rough teasing

        The children were horsing around in the school yard when the bell rang for class.

        horse of a different color

        - something altogether separate and different

        We should not be talking about that issue now. It is a horse of a different color entirely.

        horse sense

        - good judgement, wisdom in making decisions

        He has a lot of good horse sense so you can expect him to make an intelligent decision.

        horse trade

        - business agreement arrived at after hard negotiations

        We had to do a lot of horse trading but we were finally able to reach an agreement to buy the antique car.

        hot air

        - nonsense, exaggerated talk

        He is full of hot air and you can`t rely on what he usually says.

        hot and bothered

        - excited and worried, displeased

        I don`t know what is wrong with her but she is hot and bothered about something.

        a hot potato

        - a situation likely to cause trouble to the person handling it

        The issue of the non-union workers is a real hot potato that we must deal with.

        hot rod

        - an automobile changed so that it can go very fast

        He has always loved cars and was a member of his local hot rod club when he was a teenager.

        hot water

        - trouble

        He has been in hot water at work since he took a week off with no excuse.

        house of cards

        - something badly put together and easily knocked down, a poorly founded plan/action

        The peace agreement between the two countries was like a house of cards and fell apart as soon as a minor problem occurred.

        how about

        - will you have something or will you agree to something

        How about some coffee before we go to work?

        how about

        - what is to be done about something

        We can`t use her computer but how about one of the other staff members?

        how about

        - how do you feel about/think about something

        She is not interested in the job but how about one of her friends?

        how come

        - why

        How come you don`t telephone her if you want to talk to her so much?

        how`s that

        - what did you say

        How`s that? I couldn`t hear you because the radio was too loud.

        hue and cry

        - an excited protest or alarm or outcry

        They raised a big hue and cry when they realized that we had failed to notify the bank about our financial problems.


        - something kept secret or hidden, concealed

        What is the big hush-hush? Everyone seems to be very quiet this morning.

        hush up

        - keep news of something from getting out, prevent people from knowing about something

        The government tried to hush up the bad economic figures but the news media soon discovered the facts.

        hush up

        - be or make quiet, stop talking/crying/making noise

        The child was told to hush up by her mother when they were in the department store.


        - have an excess of energy, be excited

        She has been hyped up all morning because she will go to Italy for a holiday next week.


        • #5
          Re: English Idioms(A-Z)

          I................................................. ...............................................

          idiot box

          - television set

          He sits in front of the idiot box all day and never gets any work done.

          if the shoe fits, wear it

          - if what is being said in general describes you then it probably means you

          He was complaining that most of the workers at his company were lazy. However his friend looked at him and said that if the shoe fits, wear it.

          if worst comes to worst

          - if the worst possible thing happens

          If worst comes to worst we can cancel our holiday and go next year.

          ill at ease

          - feel nervous/uncomfortable

          He appeared to be ill at ease during the interview.

          in a bind

          - in trouble

          hey will really be in a bind if they can`t sell their house by next month.

          in advance

          - ahead of time

          They bought the tickets in advance so that they could get a good seat.

          in a family way

          - pregnant, going to have a baby

          Our new secretary is in a family way and plans to take a few months off from work soon.

          in a fog (haze)

          - confused, not sure what is happening

          He is always in a fog and never seems to know what is going on.

          in a hole

          - in some trouble, in an embarrassing or difficult position

          He is really in a hole now that he has problems both at work and at home.

          in a hurry

          - a need to move or act quickly

          He is very busy and always in a hurry.

          in a jam

          - in trouble

          He is really in a jam now that his car is not working properly.

          in a kind (sort) of way

          - to a certain extent, a little, somewhat

          I would like to go in a kind of way but still I don`t think that I will bother going today.

          in and out

          - coming in and going out often

          He has been in and out all day but I don`t know where he is at the moment.

          in a nutshell

          - briefly

          I tried to explain the problem to him in a nutshell but there still wasn`t enough time.

          in any case (event)

          - no matter what happens, surely, without fail

          I may not be able to meet you next week but in any case I will still give you the books before then.

          in a pig`s eye

          - hardly, unlikely, not so

          In a pig`s eye will I let him borrow my car next weekend.

          in a pinch

          - okay when nothing else is available

          That other tool will do in a pinch if we can`t find the correct one.

          in arms

          - armed, ready to fight

          They are all in arms since they found out about the wage decrease.

          in a rush

          - in a hurry

          They got the job done in a big rush so I am a little worried about the quality.

          in a rut

          - always doing the same thing

          She feels that she is in a rut after doing the same job for seven years.

          in a spot

          - in some trouble, in an embarrassing or difficult position

          She is really in a tight spot right now since she was unable to enter university and also has no job.

          in a way

          - to a certain extent, a little, somewhat

          In a way I would like to go but basically I don`t care.

          in a word

          - briefly, to sum up

          In a word, the problem with the car is that it needs a new motor.

          in a world of one`s own

          - in deep thought or concentration, not caring about other people

          He is always in a world of his own and doesn`t notice what other people say or think.

          in black and white

          - in writing

          I want to get the information in black and white before I go to the meeting.

          in cahoots with

          - in secret agreement or partnership with someone

          The supermarket was in cahoots with the vegetable producer to try and keep the prices high.

          in case

          - as a precaution, in order to be prepared

          In case there is a fire, we keep our computer backup files in a fireproof safe.

          in character

          - as usual, typical, in the way that a person usually behaves

          Supporting the other members of the staff is in character with her usual actions.

          in charge

          - in control or authority, responsible

          He is charge of the sales department at his company.

          in check

          - under control, kept quiet or back

          The violence was kept in check by the police department and the army.

          in clover

          - rich or successful, having a pleasant or easy life

          They are in clover now that they have sold their business and retired.

          in cold blood

          - without feeling or pity, cooly and deliberately

          The family was murdered in cold blood by the criminal gang.

          in common

          - shared together or equally, in use or ownership by all

          We had to use the bathroom in common with the other people in the house.

          in deep

          - seriously mixed up in something like debt or trouble

          He owes a lot of money and is in very deep with his new house and car.

          in due course

          - in the usual amount of time, at the right time

          We will send the information to you in due course.

          in fact

          - actually, the truth is

          He`s been to China before. In fact he`s been there three times.

          in for

          - unable to avoid, sure to get

          He is in for a lot of trouble now that he is unable to finish his graduation essay.

          in good time

          - a little early, sooner than necessary

          I will try and get the information to you in good time so that you will be able to decide what to do.

          in hand

          - under control

          The teacher had the class in hand when the principal came to visit the classroom.

          in hot water

          - in trouble

          I am in hot water over the extra expenses that I used during the conference.

          in keeping with

          - going well together, agreeing, similar

          In keeping with our tradition of letting the visiting team kick first we will do it for this game as well.

          in kind

          - in a similar way, with the same kind of thing

          We will pay them back in kind for the use of their sailboat.

          in league with

          - in secret agreement or partnership with someone

          The union has been in league with management in trying to build the new factory.

          in light of

          - as a result of new information, because of

          In light of his contribution to the company we decided to give him a large summer bonus.

          in line

          - doing or being what people expect or accept, within ordinary limits

          It was difficult to keep the children in line at the picnic but somehow we managed.

          in love

          - liking very much, loving

          He has been in love with his girlfriend ever since he met her in high school.

          in luck

          - having good luck, finding something good by chance

          I think that we are in luck. I have found two tickets for the concert.

          in memory of

          - as a reminder of, as a memorial to

          We decided to put our money together and buy a painting in memory of our grandfather.

          in nothing flat

          - quickly

          I will have this information printed out for you in nothing flat.

          in no time

          - soon, quickly

          I will have this done for you in no time and then you can go for lunch.

          in on

          - joining together for something

          We went in on a present for our father for Father`s Day.

          in on

          - told about, having knowledge of

          I was finally let in on the secret about why she left our company.

          in one`s element

          - in an environment or situation that comes naturally to someone

          She is in her element being in charge of the new sales department.

          in one`s face

          - abruptly, unexpectedly

          The plan blew up in our face just as we were ready to start.

          in one`s good books (graces)

          - approved of by someone, liked by someone

          I have been in her good books since I helped her with her work last month.

          in one`s hair

          - annoying someone

          She has been in my hair all morning because she is on her summer holiday starting this week.

          in one`s mind`s eye

          - in one`s imagination

          In your mind`s eye try and imagine that you are on a nice sunny beach in Hawaii.

          in one`s shell

          - withdrawn, silent, not sociable

          We have been trying to get her out of her shell but it is of no use. She doesn`t want to talk to anyone.

          in one`s shoes

          - in someone elses place or position

          I wish that I was in his shoes with his great job and new car.

          in one`s tracks

          - abruptly, immediately, just where one is at the moment

          I was forced to stop in my tracks when I saw the snake on the road.

          in order to

          - for the purpose of

          We have decided to close down the school for the summer in order to do some major repairs.

          in other words

          - say something in a different (usually more direct) way

          In other words if you don`t finish the assignment by Wednesday you will not pass the course.

          in part

          - to some extent, partly

          I think the reason he is not golfing well this year is in part due to his problem with his back.

          in point of fact

          - really, truthfully

          In point of fact there were not enough people at the meeting to vote on the proposal.

          ins and outs

          - all the details

          He knows all the ins and outs of the new machine.

          in seventh heaven

          - very happy

          I have been in seventh heaven since I started my new job.

          in short supply

          - not enough, in less than the amount or number needed

          Chairs were in short supply so some of the guests had to sit on the floor.

          inside and out

          - in every part, completely

          We looked through the room inside and out for my lost wallet.

          inside out

          - so that the inside is turned outside

          She turned her purse inside out in order to look for her lost key.

          inside track

          - an advantage, shortest distance around a racetrack

          I think that he has the inside track on getting the new job at the computer company.

          in spite of

          - in opposition to, despite

          In spite of the terrible weather we went to the beach for a picnic.

          instead of

          - in place of

          Let`s meet at the restaurant instead of the department store as we had planned.

          in stitches

          - laughing

          They were in stitches over their teacher`s joke.

          in stock

          - having something ready to sell or use

          The store didn`t have any computer discs in stock so we bought some over the Internet.

          in store

          - ready to happen, waiting

          I don`t really know what the future has in store for me but I will be ready for anything.

          in the air

          - current, exerting an influence

          It is in the air that we will be getting a new president next week.

          in the bag

          - certain, sure

          The new contract will be in the bag if we put in a good proposal.

          in the black

          - have a credit balance, make a profit

          The company has been in the black for over three years now.

          in the cards

          - to be expected, likely to happen, predictable

          I think that a new company structure is in the cards but I can`t be sure.

          in the charge of

          - under the care or supervision of

          She has been in the charge of her grandmother since her mother and father died.

          in the clear

          - with nothing to limit action, free of anything that makes moving or seeing difficult

          We seem to be in the clear now so it should be safe to cross the road.

          in the clear

          - free of blame or suspicion

          The police talked to the three boys for a few minutes but they seem to be in the clear now.

          in the clouds

          - far from real life, in dreams, in thought

          He is usually in the clouds so you may have trouble finding out what you want to know from him.

          in the course of

          - during

          In the course of his life he visited over 45 countries.

          in the dark

          - having no information about something

          He is still in the dark about my plans to quit my job.

          in the doghouse

          - in trouble

          He is in the doghouse with his wife after staying out drinking last night.

          in the first place

          - firstly, to begin with

          Of course I can`t go. In the first place I must work on Saturday. In the second place I have no money.

          in the groove

          - at one`s best, doing something very well

          We are finally getting in the groove and should be able to finish this job by early next week.

          in the hole

          - having a score lower than zero in a game, a score below zero

          At the beginning of the card game I was in the hole but later I began to do well.

          in the hole

          - in debt, behind financially

          Although he is always working he always seems to be in the hole

          in the line of duty

          - done or happening as part of a job

          The police officer was killed in the line of duty during the bank robbery.

          in the long run

          - the distant future, in the end

          For now he is losing money on his stocks but in the long run he should make money.

          in the market for

          - wanting or ready to buy something

          I am in the market for a new computer as my old one is too slow.

          in the red

          - lose money, not make a profit

          The company has been in the red for three years now.

          in the saddle

          - in command, in control

          The president is back in the saddle again after being ill for several months.

          in the same boat

          - in a similar situation

          We are all in the same boat now that our company has gone out of business.

          in the soup

          - in serious trouble, in disorder

          She is in the soup now that she has had a big fight with her boss.

          in the swim

          - active in or knowing what is going on

          He is definitely in the swim. He has information about everybody.

          in the wake of

          - as a result of, following

          In the wake of the large number of people who have recently left our company we will need to hire some more people.

          in the wind

          - soon to happen, being planned

          It is in the wind that they are planning to open a new store next year.

          in the works

          - in preparation, being planned or worked on

          Don`t worry about whether or not we will be building the new computer lab. It is definitely in the works.

          in the wrong

          - wrong; against justice, truth or fact

          The driver was in the wrong and was arrested by the police after the accident.

          in time

          - early enough

          I didn`t come home in time to meet my cousin.

          into thin air

          - completely, without anything left

          The group of hikers vanished into thin air and were never heard of again.

          in touch
          - talking or writing to each other, giving or getting news

          We are still in touch even though we have been out of school for many years.

          in tow

          - being pulled

          The truck had a trailer in tow when it went off the highway.

          in tow

          - being taken from place to place, along with someone

          She spent the morning at the shopping center with her child in tow.

          in tune

          - going well together, in agreement, matching

          We have been in tune with each other ever since we met at our high school graduation party.

          in turn
          - each following another

          We went up to the front of the class in turn in order to pick up our diplomas.

          in two shakes of a lamb`s tail

          - quickly, in no time at all

          I will have this finished in two shakes of a lamb`s tail and then I will give it to you.

          in vain
          - without effect, without success

          We tried in vain to find a good job but it was impossible.

          in view of

          - after thinking about, because of

          In view of the large number of people who have come I think that we will need a bigger room.

          in with

          - in friendship, favor or closeness with

          I think that he was in with the wrong group of people when he was in high school.

          iron out

          - work out

          We have ironed out all of our problems and are finally doing better.

          irons in the fire

          - things one is doing, projects with which a person is busy

          Recently he has too many irons in the fire. That is why he has become sick.

          itching palm
          - a wish for money, greed

          The guard at the border crossing has an itching palm so be careful of him.

          J................................................. ................................................


          - a person who can do many things

          We gave him a job because we needed a jack-of-all-trades around the factory to look after the many repairs.

          jack up

          - raise prices

          The gas station jacked up their prices during the snow storm.

          jam on the brakes

          - quickly put the brakes on in a car to stop

          He jammed on the brakes and was able to avoid hitting the child.


          - crowded, full

          The train that we took this morning was jam-packed with people.

          jazz up

          - brighten up, add more noise or movement or color

          They really jazzed up the community center for the party tonight.

          John Doe

          - name used for an unknown person

          Why do the application forms use "John Doe" as the name of the person who is applying for something?

          John Henry (John Hancock)

          - signature

          Please sign your John Henry here and we will process your order right away.


          - new-comer

          He`s a Johnny-come-lately and doesn`t really know what he is talking about.


          - be at the right place when needed, right on time

          He`s always Johnny-on-the-spot. Just when we need him he arrives.

          jump all over someone

          - criticize, scold, blame

          As soon as I began to talk about my plans for the summer he jumped all over me.

          jump at

          - take or accept quickly and gladly

          He jumped at the chance to go to Europe on company business.

          jump bail

          - run away and fail to come to trial and give up the money you have already paid to the court

          He jumped bail and decided to go and live in a foreign country.

          jump down someone`s throat

          - criticize or become angry with someone

          As soon as I reached the office he jumped down my throat over the missing file.

          jumping-off place

          - the starting place of a long trip

          We gathered early in the morning at the jumping-off place for our trip to the mountains.

          jump on someone

          - scold, criticize, blame

          Everyone jumped on him at the meeting because they were angry about the new schedules.

          jump on the bandwagon (also get or climb on the bandwagon)

          - join a popular activity

          Everyone has jumped on the bandwagon to try and stop smoking in the workplace.

          jump out of one`s skin

          - be badly frightened

          I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw him at the window.

          jump the gun

          - start before you should

          He jumped the gun and started selling the tickets before he should.

          jump through a hoop

          - do whatever one is told to do, obey any order

          He is always ready to jump through a hoop for his boss so he is not very popular with the other employees.

          jump to conclusions

          - make a quick conclusion without thinking

          Please don`t jump to conclusions over who broke the computer.

          just about

          - nearly, almost

          I waited just about one hour before the concert started.

          just now

          - this very moment, a minute ago

          The accident happened just now. The police haven`t even arrived yet.

          just so

          - with great care, very carefully

          She always makes sure that her hair is just so before she goes out.

          just the same

          - nevertheless

          I told her not to come early but just the same she came early anyway.

          just what the doctor ordered

          - exactly what is needed or wanted

          Having the extra day off from work was just what the doctor ordered and he was able to get his many errands finished.


          kangaroo court

          - a self-appointed group that decides how to punish someone who is supposed to have done something wrong

          The men were convicted by the people in the town but it was like a kangaroo court and nobody agreed with the decision.

          Katie bar the door

          - get ready for trouble, a desperate situation is at hand

          The gang arrived at the bar and were ready to come in and fight. Well, Katie bar the door.

          keel over

          - fall over and faint

          Three of the members of the band suddenly keeled over because of the heat.

          keel over

          - turn upside down, tip over

          The boat keeled over in the middle of the lake but everybody was safe.

          keep after

          - remind someone over and over

          I always have to keep after her to do her job properly.

          keep an eye on something or someone

          - watch (as in take care of something)

          Will you keep an eye on the baby while I go to the store.

          keep a secret

          - not tell a secret to others

          I have been trying to keep a secret about her boyfriend for a long time now.

          keep a stiff upper lip

          - be brave, face trouble bravely

          The prisoners tried hard to keep a stiff upper lip in spite of the hardships of the prison.

          keep at

          - persist with

          He has decided to keep at his studies so I am sure he will succeed.

          keep body and soul together

          - keep alive, survive

          It was very cold during the winter but somehow she was able to keep body and soul together and survived.

          keep books

          - keep records of money gained and spent, do the work of a bookkeeper

          My first job was to keep books for a small company in my hometown.

          keep down

          - keep from progressing or growing, keep within limits, control

          The students were told to keep down the noise as some of the other classes were having exams.

          keep from

          - prevent, refrain from

          I love ice cream and couldn`t keep from eating three bowls.

          keep good time

          - work accurately (a clock)

          My watch has not been keeping good time lately.

          keep house

          - look after a house or a household

          She has been keeping house for her father while he is sick.

          keep in touch

          - talk or write to someone

          I have always tried to keep in touch with my friends from high school.

          keep on (doing something)

          - continue

          She is careless and keeps on making the same mistakes over and over.

          keep one`s chin up

          - be brave, be determined

          Try and keep your chin up. Things will get better in the future.

          keep one`s eye on the ball

          - be watchful and ready

          You should keep your eye on the ball or you will make a mistake.

          keep one`s fingers crossed

          - wish for good results in something one is doing

          Please keep your fingers crossed that I will pass the exam.

          keep one`s head

          - stay calm when there is trouble or danger

          He is a very good leader and always is able to keep his head during an emergency.

          keep one`s head above water

          - have the ability to pay one`s bills

          He is having trouble keeping his head above water since his salary has decreased.

          keep one`s mouth shut

          - be or stay silent

          I was very angry so I told him to keep his mouth shut. Later I had to apologize.

          keep one`s nose clean

          - stay out of trouble

          He has been managing to keep his nose clean since he moved to the new town.

          keep one`s nose to the grindstone

          - work very hard

          He has been keeping his nose to the grindstone recently and I haven`t had a chance to see him.

          keep one`s own counsel

          - keep one`s ideas and plans to oneself

          He always keeps his own counsel and never really reveals his plans to anyone.

          keep one`s shirt on

          - calm down, keep from losing one`s temper or getting impatient

          Try and keep your shirt on! Everything is going to be alright in a few minutes.

          keep one`s wits about one

          - stay calm when there is trouble or danger

          Although there was a fire in the building he was able to keep his wits about him and help everybody to safety.

          keep one`s word

          - fulfill one`s promise

          She never keeps her word so I don`t believe that she will come to the party.

          keep pace

          - go as fast, go at the same rate

          It was difficult to keep pace with the other students but somehow I managed.

          keep quiet

          - remain silent

          Could you all please keep quiet and listen to the instructor.

          keep someone on

          - allow someone to continue working for you

          Although we have too many workers we have decided to keep him on until business improves.

          keep tabs on

          - watch or check, keep under observation

          They have been keeping tabs on the spending of the sales department.

          keep the ball rolling

          - keep up an activity or action, not allow something that is happening to slow or stop

          We should try to keep the ball rolling and get as much of our work done while everyone is still here.

          keep the home fires burning

          - keep things going as usual while someone is away

          Don`t worry about anything. I will stay home and keep the home fires burning while you are on your holiday.

          keep track of

          - maintain a record

          Please carefully keep track of your expenses during the trip.

          keep (someone) up

          - prevent someone from going to bed

          They kept me up last night with their noisy radio.

          keep time

          - show the right time

          My new watch keeps perfect time so I am very happy.

          keep time

          - keep the beat, keep the same rhythm

          It is difficult for him to keep time with the other members of the band but at least he tries.

          keep under one`s hat

          - keep secret, not tell

          He won`t say where he is going for his holiday. He wants to keep it under his hat.

          keep up appearances

          - keep an outward show of prosperity or good behavior

          They have been trying to keep up appearances even though he has lost his job.

          keep up

          - go on, not stop, continue

          He is working hard to keep up the same level of production as last year.

          keep up

          - keep something at the same level or rate or in good condition

          He spends a lot of time trying to keep up the garden of his house.

          keep up with

          - go at the same speed as a person or thing, maintain the same rate of progress

          I can`t keep up with the rest of the class.

          keep up with the news

          - keep informed

          He reads the newspaper every morning in order to keep up with the news.

          keep up with the Joneses

          - try to be the same as your neighbors

          He always worries about keeping up with the Joneses and is always frustrated.

          kettle of fish

          - something to be considered, how things are

          That`s a totally different kettle of fish. We should talk about it another time.

          keyed up

          - excited, nervous

          I was all keyed up after we won the game and I couldn`t go to sleep.

          kick around

          - treat badly, act roughly or badly to someone or something

          I don`t like her very much because she is always kicking other people around.

          kick around

          - lie around in a place

          I was tired on Saturday so I stayed home and kicked around in the morning.

          kick back

          - relax and do nothing

          I`m going to kick back this evening and stay home and watch television.


          - money paid illegally for favorable treatment

          The construction company gave the politician some illegal kickbacks in order to win the contract.

          kick off

          - begin, launch, start

          The department store kicked off their summer sale early Saturday morning.


          - a start

          The kick-off for the no smoking campaign will start next week.

          kick oneself

          - regret

          I kicked myself for not applying for the job sooner.

          kick out

          - make someone go or leave, get rid of, dismiss

          He was kicked out of school when he was 15 years old because of his bad behavior.

          kick over

          - a motor begins to work

          At first the engine wouldn`t start because it was too cold but finally it kicked over.

          kick over

          - pay, contribute

          I was forced to kick over a lot of money for the motor for my car.

          kick the bucket

          - die

          The man who used to clean the walls at the factory kicked the bucket last week.

          kick the habit

          - stop a bad habit like smoking or taking drugs

          He has been trying to kick his smoking habit for years.

          kick up a fuss

          - make trouble, make a disturbance

          I didn`t think that it would be a big problem but he really kicked up a fuss when I told him about the accident.

          kick up one`s heels

          - have a good time, celebrate

          We really kicked up our heels at the Christmas party that we attended last week.

          kill off

          - kill or end completely, destroy

          The pollution in the river has killed off all of the fish.

          kill the goose that layed the golden egg

          - spoil something that is good or something that one has by being greedy

          He was always complaining about his job but now it is gone. He has killed the goose that layed the golden egg.

          kill two birds with one stone

          - accomplish two things with one action

          He was able to kill two birds with one stone by going to the meeting.

          knock about

          - travel without a plan, go where one pleases

          We decided to go to Brazil and knock about for a couple of months.

          knock it off

          - stop doing something, quit

          Please knock it off. You are going to hurt yourself if you are not careful.

          knock off

          - murder someone

          The owner of the shop was knocked off in the robbery last week.

          knock off one`s feet

          - surprise or shock someone so much that he does not know what to do

          When they announced that I had won the prize it knocked me off my feet.

          knock one`s block off

          - hit someone very hard, beat someone up

          He was very angry and threatened to knock anyone`s block off who came near him.

          knock one`s head against the wall

          - waste time trying to do something with no success

          They have been knocking their head against the wall for years trying to find a solution to the problem.

          knock oneself out

          - make a great effort

          They really knocked themselves out trying to make the party successful.

          knock on wood

          - knock on something made of wood to keep from having bad luck

          I don`t think that I will lose my job - knock on wood.


          - a very beautiful woman

          The man said that the woman he saw at the bus stop was a real knockout.

          knock out

          - make unconscious, unworkable or unusable

          The storm last night knocked out power in most of the town.

          knock the living daylights out of someone

          - make someone unconscious

          The man knocked the living daylights out of his friend during the fight.

          know by heart

          - memorize

          I learned the poem by heart.

          (not) know if one is coming or going

          - not know what to do

          The new sales manager doesn`t seem to know if he is coming or going.


          - a person who acts as if they know everything

          He is a know-it-all and nobody likes to be around him.

          (not) know the first thing about something

          - lack basic knowledge about something

          He doesn`t know the first thing about computers.

          know which side one`s bread is buttered on

          - know who can help one and try to please him, know what is good for oneself

          He is careful not to make his boss angry. He knows which side his bread is buttered on.

          knuckle down

          - begin to work earnestly

          I think it is time that we knuckle down and finally finish this project.

          knuckle under

          - yield, submit

          The union finally knuckled under the pressure and ended the strike.


          • #6
            Re: English Idioms(A-Z)

            L................................................. ...............................................

            labor of love

            - something done for personal pleasure and not for money

            The book that he wrote was a labor of love and he doesn`t expect to make any money from it.

            lady killer

            - a man who some women find very charming and attractive

            The man in the movie was a lady killer who broke many women`s hearts before he left them.

            lady`s man

            - a man who is popular with women

            He is a lady`s man who always seems to have a lot of women interested in him.

            laid up

            - be confined to bed or unfit for work

            He has been laid up for a few days because of a cold.

            lame duck

            - public official who has a short time left to serve in office and therefore has less power than before

            He is a lame duck president so it is difficult for him to get things accomplished.

            land on one`s feet

            - come out of a bad situation successfully

            He always manages to land on his feet no matter how difficult the situation is.

            lap up

            - eat or drink with the tongue

            The dog lapped up the milk that his master had given him.

            lap up

            - take in eagerly

            He lapped up the praise that his boss gave him for the recently completed project.

            lash out

            - try suddenly to hit someone

            He suddenly lashed out and hit the man who was sitting beside him.

            lash out

            - attack someone with words

            They were walking along the beach when she suddenly lashed out in anger at her boyfriend.

            last but not least

            - in the last place but not the least important

            Last but not least he came up to the front of the class to receive his report card.

            last straw

            - the last insult or mistake that one can endure and which then causes some reaction

            The fourth time he came late was the last straw and we finally fired him.

            last word

            - the last remark in an argument, the final say in deciding something

            She always expects to have the last word when she and her husband go to the store to buy something important.

            laugh off

            - not take seriously

            He laughed off the attempt of his boss to tell him that he should try and come to work on time.

            (not) lay a finger on someone

            - not touch someone, not bother to do something (not even a little)

            He was told by the police never to lay a finger on his wife again.

            lay an egg

            - fail to win the interest or favor of an audience

            Although he was supposed to be a good magician, his performance was terrible and it laid an egg with the audience.

            lay away

            - save

            They are trying to lay away some money for their holiday next year.

            layaway plan

            - a plan in which one pays some money down and then pays the rest little by little and the store holds the article until the full price has been paid

            He decided to buy the television set on the department store`s layaway plan.

            lay down the law

            - tell someone what to do using your power or influence

            The new management plans to lay down the law to the workers regarding long lunch breaks.

            lay eyes on

            - see

            I have never laid eyes on a more beautiful dog in my life.

            lay hands on something

            - get hold of or find something

            If I can lay my hands on a slide projector I will show you the pictures of my trip tonight.

            lay hands on someone

            - do violence to, harm, hurt

            He said that if he ever lays hands on the person who stole his car he will take him directly to the police.

            lay hold of

            - get possession of

            If I can lay hold of a car this weekend we can go for a drive.

            lay in

            - store up a supply of something, get and keep for future use

            They are trying to lay in as much food as possible before winter comes.

            lay (light) into

            - attack physically, do (eat) something with energy

            He laid into the steak as soon as the waiter brought it to his table.

            lay (light) into

            - attack with words

            As soon as I came into work this morning she laid (lit) into me about my poor sales performance last month.

            lay it on the line

            - say plainly so that there can be no doubt, tell truthfully

            The librarian finally had to lay it on the line and told everyone not to bring drinks into the library.

            lay it on thick

            - praise someone too much

            He really began to lay it on thick when he met me at the party.

            lay low

            - hide, keep out of sight for awhile

            He decided to lay low for awhile until his friend forgot that he had damaged his car.

            lay off (someone)

            - get rid of workers when business is bad

            Six hundred workers at the automobile factory were recently laid off.

            lay off

            - stop bothering, leave alone

            The players were told by the coach to lay off teasing the new player so that he could relax before the game.

            lay off

            - stop using or taking (drugs/cigarettes)

            I was told by my doctor to lay off smoking or I would be very sick in the future.

            lay one`s cards on the table

            - let someone know one`s position and feelings openly, deal honestly about something

            He decided to lay his cards on the table and tell his boss about the job offer from the other company.

            lay out

            - spend or pay some money

            He will have to lay out a lot of money for his new apartment.

            lay out

            - plan something

            They will lay out their plan for the new building at the next meeting.

            lay over

            - arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing a journey

            We were told that we will have to lay over in London for nine hours before we go on to Kenya.

            lay to rest

            - get rid of, put away permanently, stop

            They have been trying to lay to rest the rumors about the financial problems in the company.

            lay up

            - take out of active service, put in a boat dock or a garage

            The weather was getting cold so they decided to lay up their boat for the winter.

            lay up

            - collect a supply of something, save for future use, store

            They are trying to lay up some canned fruit for the winter.

            lay waste

            - destroy and leave in ruins, wreck

            The army troops laid waste to the enemy territory.

            lead a dog`s life

            - live a hard life, work hard and be treated unkindly

            He says that he has been leading a dog`s life since he started his new job.

            lead a merry chase

            - delay or escape capture by someone, make a person work hard

            He led the investigators on a merry chase before they finally arrested him.

            lead by the nose

            - have full control of, make or persuade someone to do anything you want

            He isn`t very aggressive and always lets his boss lead him by the nose.

            lead off

            - begin, start, open

            The golfer was the first to lead off in the tournament.

            lead on

            - insincerely encourage

            I think he was leading me on when he told me about the new job.

            lead the way

            - go before and show how to go somewhere, guide

            I had to lead the way because nobody else knew where the new office was located.

            lean on

            - pressure someone by blackmailing or threats of physical violence to make the person comply with a request

            The gang decided to lean on the small shop owner to get him to sell his property.

            learn the ropes

            - learn how to do a job

            He is a new employee and is still learning the ropes.

            leave a bad taste in one`s mouth

            - leave a bad impression, make one feel disgusted

            The way that the company fired the workers left a bad taste in everyone`s mouth.

            leave alone

            - don`t disturb someone

            lease leave me alone so I can finish this essay.

            leave behind

            - leave something somewhere

            I left my coat behind in the restaurant.

            leave hanging (in the air)

            - leave undecided or unsettled

            Whether or not they will be leaving next year was left hanging in the air at the end of the meeting.

            leave (someone) holding the bag

            - leave someone else to take the blame

            He left me holding the bag when he ran away from the accident.

            leave in the lurch

            - desert or leave alone and in trouble, refuse to help or support someone

            He left me in the lurch when he didn`t come over to help me although he had promised to earlier in the day.

            leave no stone unturned

            - try in every way, do everything possible

            The police left no stone unturned when they were looking for the little girl who was lost.

            leave out

            - omit

            He told me about the accident but he left out some of the main points.

            leave (let) well enough alone

            - be satisfied with something that is good enough

            You should let well enough alone and be happy with your work schedule the way it is.

            left-handed compliment

            - an ambiguous compliment interpreted as offensive

            He gave her a left-handed compliment when he said that her dyed hair looked nice.

            leg man

            - someone who performs messenger services, an errand boy

            He was working as a leg man for the motion picture company.

            leg to stand on

            - a firm foundation of facts, facts to support one`s claims

            She doesn`t have a leg to stand on as far as her excuses for not finishing her work goes.

            leg work

            - physical work

            He was forced to do all of the leg work preparing for the meeting because his assistant was sick.

            let alone

            - certainly not

            I don`t have enough money to go to a movie let alone go on a holiday.

            let bygones be bygones

            - forget about problems that happened in the past

            We need to let bygones be bygones and forget about our past differences.

            let down

            - fail to do as well as expected, disappoint

            He let down his parents when he failed the university entrance exams.

            let down easy

            - refuse or say no to someone in a pleasant way

            I will talk to her tomorrow and try and let her down easy about her not getting the promotion.

            let down one`s hair

            - relax, act freely and naturally

            Everybody at the party let down their hair and had a good time.

            let (something) go

            - pay no attention to, neglect

            She seems to be letting her appearance go since she lost her job.

            let go

            - allow something to pass, do nothing about something

            Although I was angry at his remark I decided to let it go.

            let go

            - discharge from a job, fire

            The company has decided to let go several hundred workers in order to become profitable again.

            let go of

            - release

            He let go of the rope and the suitcase fell from the bus.

            let grass grow under one`s feet

            - be idle, be lazy, waste time

            He is always working hard and is not the type of person to let grass grow under his feet.

            let (someone) have it

            - hit someone hard

            He really let the other man have it when they got into a fight on the bus.

            let it all hang out

            - not to disguise anything, let the truth be known

            She decided to let it all hang out and told her boss about the mistakes she had made with the new sales account.

            let it lay

            - forget it, leave it alone

            You should let it lay and stop worrying about what she did to you last year.

            let it rip

            - become involved and make the most of something, really try to win

            He let it rip and set off from the shore in the motorboat.

            let loose

            - set free, give up one`s hold on something, release something being held

            They decided to let loose the injured bird that they had found in the park.

            let (someone) know

            - tell, inform

            Let me know when you are ready to go to the movie.

            let off

            - discharge (a gun), explode

            The children let off many firecrackers during the festival.

            let off steam

            - get rid of your extra energy or strong feelings by doing some activity

            He was very angry at first but he has let off a lot of steam and has calmed down now.

            let (someone) off the hook

            - excuse someone from a penalty or promise

            He let me off the hook and I didn`t have to stay after work and help clean the office.

            let on

            - reveal, inform

            Please don`t let on that you saw me at the movie last night.

            let on

            - try to make people believe something, pretend

            He tried to let on that he didn`t want the job but actually he does.

            let out

            - allow to go out or escape

            I let out our dog this morning and he hasn`t come home yet.

            let out

            - allow to be known, tell

            They let out the details of the restructuring plan late last night so we haven`t had time to talk about them yet.

            let out

            - make longer or looser (clothes), allow a rope to slip out little by little

            I had to go to the tailors to have them let out my sports jacket.

            let out

            - dismiss or be dismissed (from class or practice etc.)

            Everyone was let out from class early yesterday because of the bad weather.

            let (something) ride

            - continue without changing a situation

            We should forget about his recent problems at work and just let the whole matter ride.

            let sleeping dogs lie

            - don`t make trouble if you don`t have to

            You should let sleeping dogs lie and not worry about what she said to you last summer.

            let the cat out of the bag

            - reveal a secret

            Don`t let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party for the boss.

            let the chips fall where they may

            - don`t worry about the results of your actions

            I am not going to worry about whether or not the company will go broke or not. I will let the chips fall where they may.

            let up

            - become less or weaker, become slower or stop

            The rain finally let up around noon so we were able to go back outside.

            let up

            - do less or go slower or stop, stop working too hard

            He was told by his doctor to let up on his work schedule or he will become sick in the future.

            lie in state

            - after death a famous person lies in a state of honor (in an open coffin) so the public can see their body

            The President lay in state for three days after his death.

            lie in wait

            - watch from hiding in order to attack or surprise someone

            The police decided to lie in wait for the bank robbers to appear at the bank.

            lie low

            - stay quietly out of sight, try not to attract attention

            He is very angry at you so I think that you should lie low for a few days until he calms down.

            life of Riley

            - a soft easy life, pleasant way of living

            He has been living the life of Riley since he retired from his job last year.

            lift a finger (hand)

            - do something, do one`s share, help

            Although he is a nice person he will never lift a finger to help anyone else.

            light up

            - suddenly look pleased and happy

            As soon as I told him about our summer holiday plans his face lit up and he started smiling.

            like father, like son

            - a son usually acts like his father

            Like father, like son the man said as he watched the boy playing baseball exactly like his father.

            like a ton of bricks

            - strongly or forcefully

            The news of his retirement hit me like a ton of bricks.

            like crazy

            - very fast, with great energy

            They were running like crazy but still they couldn`t catch up with their friend.

            like hell

            - with much effort and energy, not so, untrue

            I had to run like hell this morning in order to catch the bus for work.

            like mad

            - very fast, with great energy

            I worked like mad but I was unable to finish the project by noon as I had hoped.

            like water off a duck`s back

            - without effect, without changing one`s feelings or opinion

            He always criticizes his friend who always ignores it so it falls away like water off a duck`s back.

            line up

            - take places in line or formation, stand one behind another

            We were forced to line up in front of the movie theater for over one hour.

            line up

            - adjust correctly

            First he lined up the two pieces of wood before he nailed them together.

            line up

            - arrange, make ready for action

            We were unable to line up a speaker for Sunday evening so we will cancel the meeting.

            lip service

            - support shown by words only and not by action

            They paid lip service to the proposal but I don`t think that they really support it.

            little by little

            - gradually

            He broke his leg while skiing but little by little it is getting better.

            little frog in a big pond

            - an unimportant person in a large group or organization

            He transferred to the headquarters branch but he is a little frog in a big pond and nobody knows him now.

            little pitchers have big ears

            - little children often overhear things that they are not supposed to hear

            Little pitchers have big ears she said when she saw her daughter standing at the door listening to her talking to her husband.

            live down

            - remove blame or distrust by good conduct, cause to be forgiven by not repeating something

            He is trying to live down his reputation of being a hard person to work for.

            live from hand to mouth

            - live on little money

            Her brother is an artist and has to live from hand to mouth because he has no money.

            live high on the hog

            - live very luxuriously or comfortably

            He has been living high on the hog since he won the money in the lottery.

            live it up

            - have a good time

            He likes to live it up every weekend when he gets paid.

            live out of a suitcase

            - stay away from your home with only the belongings in your suitcase

            I dislike this job because I am often on a business trip and must live out of my suitcase.

            live up to

            - come up to, agree with, act according to

            He is trying very hard to live up to his reputation as a smart busnessman.

            living end

            - great, fantastic, the ultimate

            She said that her new boyfriend was the living end.


            - have lots of money

            His new boss is really loaded.

            lock the barn door after the horse is stolen

            - be careful or try to make something safe when it is too late

            If you try and prevent a flood after the rains have started it is like locking the barn door after the horse is stolen.

            lock up

            - to be assured of success

            The candidate has already locked up the nomination to be a candidate for president in the next election.

            long face

            - a sad look, a disappointed look

            He had a long face when he came into work this morning. What is the matter with him?

            long haul

            - a long distance or trip

            He is a long-haul trucker and is always out of town working.

            long haul

            - a long period of time during which work continues or something is done

            He has decided to stay here for the long haul and will not return to his home country for awhile.

            long shot

            - a bet or other risk taken though not likely to succeed

            It was a long shot that he would get the job so he was very happy when he did get it.

            look after someone

            - take care or attend to someone

            She has been looking after her mother since her recent illness.

            look a gift horse in the mouth

            - complain if a gift is not perfect

            Even if you don`t like the present from the company you shouldn`t complain. Remember don`t look a gift horse in the mouth.

            look at the world through rose-colored glasses

            - see only the good things about something, be too optimistic

            I told him not to be so naive and always look at the world through rose-colored glasses.

            look down one`s nose at someone or something

            - show your dislike of someone or something

            He always looks down his nose at the other members of his class.

            look down on someone

            - regard with contempt or a feeling of superiority

            She looks down on the activities and life of most small towns.

            look for

            - think likely, expect

            They are looking for John to become the next sales director of the company.

            look for

            - try to find, search for, hunt

            She has been looking for her credit card all morning but she can`t find it.

            look forward to something

            - anticipate with pleasure

            He`s been looking forward to the concert for a long time.

            look in on

            - go to see, make a short visit with, make a call on

            Could you please look in on the baby and see if she is sleeping.

            look into

            - investigate or check something

            They have been looking into the cause of the accident for many months.

            look like a million dollars

            - look well and prosperous, appear healthy and happy

            He was looking like a million dollars when I saw him at the party last weekend.

            look like the cat that ate (swallowed) the canary

            - seem very self-satisified like you have just had some kind of success

            He looked like the cat that ate the canary when he came in with a smile on his face.

            look on

            - be a spectator

            There were over a hundred people who gathered to look on after the accident.

            look out

            - take care, be careful, be on guard

            Look out! There is a large truck coming down the highway.

            look out

            - be alert or watchful, keep looking for something

            Could you please look out for any old Elvis Presley records that you may find.

            look out

            - provide protection and care

            Please look out for my sister when she stays with you this summer.

            look over something

            - inspect, survey or examine

            Please take some time to look over these documents before you sign them.

            look to

            - attend to, get ready for, take care of

            She is a wonderful nurse and spends a great deal of time looking to the needs of her patients.

            look to

            - go for help to, depend on

            He always looks to his mother for help when he has a problem.

            look (something) up

            - search for something in a dictionary or other book

            I`ll look up their name in the telephone book.

            look (someone) up

            - seek and find

            When I was in New York I looked up my friend from university.

            look up to

            - think of someone as a good example to copy, respect someone

            I always look up to the president of our company as someone I would like to be like.

            loose ends

            - without something definite to do

            He has been at loose ends since he lost his job.

            lord it over

            - act as the superior and master of someone, be bossy over someone

            She likes to lord it over the other members of the staff since she became a supervisor.

            lose face

            - be embarrassed or ashamed by an error or failure, lose dignity

            He lost face when his employees decided not to support him during the meeting.

            lose ground

            - go backward, become weaker, not improve

            The government has been losing ground in their fight against inflation.

            lose heart

            - become discouraged

            She has begun to lose heart in her studies to learn the piano.

            lose one`s marbles

            - go crazy or act irrationally

            He seems to have lost his marbles and doesn`t make any sense at all.

            lose one`s shirt

            - lose a lot of money

            I think he is going to lose his shirt on that new business venture.

            lose one`s way

            - become lost

            The first time she went to New York City she lost her way.

            lose one`s temper

            - become angry

            He lost his temper when the child broke the dish.

            lose out

            - fail to win, miss first place in a contest

            He lost out on a chance to go to Mexico City because he was too busy with other things.

            lose sight of

            - forget, fail to see

            Don't lose sight of the main reason that you are planning to go on the business trip.

            lose touch with

            - fail to keep in contact or communication with someone

            I lost touch with everyone who I worked with at my summer job.

            lose track of

            - lose contact with someone (or something)

            I`ve lost track of many of my friends from high school.


            - a noisy, boastful or foolish talker

            He is a loudmouth and nobody at work likes him.

            louse up

            - throw into confusion, make a mess of, spoil

            She loused up her job interview and has no chance at all now to get the job.

            lover`s lane

            - a hidden road or walkway where lovers walk or park in the evening

            After the movie they drove to the local lover`s lane.


            - the inside facts of a matter, the total truth

            I met with him after the presentation and he gave me the lowdown on the new computer equipment.

            luck out

            - suddenly get lucky when it looks like you won`t succeed

            He lucked out with the concert tickets and was able to get four of them.

            lucky star

            - a certain star or planet which is thought to bring a person good luck and success in life

            You should thank your lucky star that you don`t have to go to work on a rainy day like today

            M................................................. ...............................................

            mad as a hornet

            - very angry

            He was mad as a hornet when I saw him at the meeting yesterday.

            main drag

            - the most important street in a town

            We spent most of Saturday evening driving up and down the main drag of the town.

            make a beeline for something

            - hurry directly somewhere

            When he enters the cafeteria he always makes a beeline for the dessert section.

            make a bundle

            - make a lot of money

            My father made a bundle on the stock market in early 1998.

            make a day of it

            - do something all day

            We decided to make a day of it and spend the day at the beach.

            make a dent in

            - make progress

            We worked hard all day but we didn`t seem to make a dent in the amount of work left to do.

            make a difference

            - cause a change in a situation

            It doesn`t make any difference whether he comes to the meeting or not.

            make a go of

            - succeed, produce good results

            Although he tried hard he was never able to make a go of his business.

            make a hit

            - be successful

            Her cake made a big hit at the party.

            make a killing

            - make a large amount of money

            Her mother made a killing on the real estate market before she retired.

            make a living

            - earn enough money to live

            He cannot make a living by only doing a part-time job.

            make a mistake

            - make an error

            He made a mistake on the math test.

            make a mountain out of a molehill

            - make a big problem out of a small one

            He is really making a mountain out of a molehill by worrying about his son`s problems.

            make a name for oneself

            - become well-known or famous

            He has made a name for himself in the field of computers.

            make a pass at someone

            - make romantic advances to a member of the opposite sex

            He was fired because he made a pass at one of the women who he works with.

            make a point of

            - do or say something with a definite intent

            He always makes a point of visiting his aunt when he is in town.

            make a run for it

            - dash for safety, make a speedy escape

            He made a run for it as soon as the class finished.

            make away with

            - take, carry away

            The cat made away with the fish that was sitting on top of the kitchen counter.

            make believe

            - act as if something is true while one knows that it is not, pretend

            The children were playing make believe and pretended that they lived in a castle.

            make do with something

            - substitute one thing for another

            If there is no cream for the coffee, we`ll have to make do with milk.

            make ends meet

            - be able to live on the money one has

            It`s hard to make ends meet on his salary.

            make eyes at

            - flirt, look at a member of the opposite sex to try and attract them

            The boy was making eyes at the girl in his history class.

            make for

            - go toward, start in the direction of

            As soon as it began to become dark we decided to make for a quiet place to set up a camp.

            make friends

            - form friendships with people or animals

            She is shy and isn`t able to make friends easily.

            make fun of

            - ridicule

            The students were making fun of the girl with the short hair.

            make good

            - do what one promised to do, make something come true

            He made good on his promise to give everyone a raise in the new year.

            make hay while the sun shines

            - do something at the right time, not wait too long

            You should make hay while the sun shines and paint the house while the weather is good.

            (can`t) make head nor tail of something

            - understand, find meaning in something

            We couldn`t make head nor tail of what he was trying to say during his speech.

            make it up to someone

            - do something for someone to compensate for an unfulfilled promise or debt

            I can`t go with you to the game tonight but I will make it up to you later.

            make light of

            - treat as of little importance, minimize

            My friend made light of my efforts to learn how to speak and write Chinese.

            make of something

            - interpret, think of

            What do you make of the new manager in accounting.

            make merry

            - have fun, laugh and celebrate

            We decided to go to a nice restaurant and make merry for the evening.

            make no bones about something

            - make no secret, not keep from talking about something

            He has made no bones about the fact that he is not interested in applying for the supervisor`s job.

            make one`s bed and lie in it

            - be responsible for what one has done and then have to accept the bad results

            You quit your job and now you have no money. You made your bed. Now you must lie in it.

            make one`s blood boil

            - make someone very angry

            Every time that I see him he makes my blood boil.

            make one`s hair stand on end

            - frighten, horrify

            The horror movie that we rented last week really made my hair stand on end.

            make one`s own way

            - rely on one`s own abilities

            His father wants him to join the family business but he wants to make his own way in the world.

            make one`s mouth water

            - want to eat something because of the thought or smell of the food

            Looking at the menu made my mouth water.

            make oneself at home

            - act as if you were at home

            She is able to make herself at home when she goes to visit her friends.

            make oneself felt

            - use one`s authority

            He was not able to make himself felt when trying to resolve the conflict.

            make oneself scarce

            - leave quickly, go away

            I think that I will make myself scarce and go to the beach for the day.

            make out

            - do, progress

            How did you make out at your job interview yesterday?

            make out

            - understand, interpret

            I can never make out what he wants to say when he phones me.

            make out

            - distinguish, identify

            The ship captain couldn`t make out the other boat because of the fog.

            make out

            - make someone believe, show, prove

            He made out that he was at the library last night but I know that he wasn`t.

            make over

            - make something look different, change the style of

            We decided to make over our living room because we were tired of the old style

            make room for someone or something

            - arrange space for

            He made room for the new computer in the spare room.

            make sense

            - seem reasonable

            His proposal makes absolutely no sense.

            make short work of something

            - finish quickly

            He made short work of the typing and has started working on the other documents.

            make something out

            - manage to see or read something

            I was unable to make out the sign because I didn`t have my glasses.

            make something up

            - invent (a story etc.)

            He made up the story about his lost wallet.

            make the best of

            - do as well as possible in a bad situation

            He has really made the best of his time since beginning his new job.

            make the grade

            - make good, succeed, meet a standard, qualify

            He wasn`t able to make the grade and join the football team.

            make the most of

            - use to the greatest advantage

            He made the most of his time in Europe and visited many art galleries.

            make the scene

            - be present, go to a certain place or event

            He decided to make the scene and go to the disco for the evening.

            make time

            - be successful in arriving at a destination in a short time

            We made very good time yesterday and arrived home before it got dark.

            make up

            - make something by putting things or parts together

            A car is made up of many different parts.

            make up

            - invent, think and say something that is new or not true

            She made up the story about how she got lost in the mountains.

            make up

            - do or supply something that is lacking, regain, repay

            I had to make up the time that I was sick by working on Saturday.

            make up

            - put on cosmetics

            She always wants to make up her face before she goes to the store.

            make up

            - become friends again after a quarrel

            They finally made up after their fight last week.

            make up for something

            - compensate for a loss or mistake

            I have to work hard in order to make up for the loss from the poor sales.

            make up one`s mind

            - decide

            I haven`t made up my mind yet about whether or not I will accept the new job.

            make waves

            - create a disturbance

            He is very calm and quiet at work and doesn`t like to make waves.

            make way

            - stand aside, move so someone can go through

            The truck had to go to the side of the road to make way for the ambulance.

            man in the street

            - the average or ordinary person

            According to what the man in the street is saying the government is not very popular.


            - frank or direct

            I had a man-to-man talk with him about the problem last night.

            mark time

            - move one`s feet up and down to music

            He was marking time to the music as he was driving his car.

            mark time

            - be idle, waiting for something to happen

            He has been marking time for over a month now as he waits to hear about the new job.


            - be important

            It doesn`t matter if you can`t come here tomorrow.

            matter of course

            - the usual way, habit, rule

            It was done as a matter of course and nobody really thought about the results.

            matter of fact

            - something that is really true, something that can be proved

            As a matter of fact I saw him last night and he asked me how you were.


            - simply telling or showing the truth, seeming not to care much

            The witness told about the murder in a matter-of-fact way.

            mean business

            - be serious, ready to take action

            He is working very hard and really means business when he says he is going to get the office organized.

            measure up

            - be equal, be of high quality

            The new accounting manager didn`t measure up to the previous one so we had to ask him to leave.

            meet someone half-way

            - make a compromise with someone

            He is very stubborn and is never willing to meet his friends half-way.

            meet up with

            - meet by accident, come upon without planning or expecting to

            He met up with a nice group of people in Australia when he was travelling there.

            melt in one`s mouth

            - taste very good, be delicious

            The pastry that she made melted in my mouth.

            mend one`s fences

            - do something to make people like you after a fight, strengthen one`s friendship or influence

            I made a big effort to mend my fences with my boss so that we could work together effectively.

            mend one`s ways

            - improve one`s habits

            She has been forced to mend her ways in order to get along better at work.

            mess around

            - play around, engage in idle activity

            The children were messing around in the school yard before the class began.

            mess up

            - cause trouble, spoil something

            He messed up his chance to get a promotion by not making much of an effort last year.

            middle of the road

            - being halfway between two different ideas, seeing good on both sides of an issue

            The president was elected because he was a person whose ideas were very middle of the road.

            mind one`s P`s and Q`s

            - be very careful about what one does or says

            You should mind your P`s and Q`s and not say anything to offend your aunt.

            Mind you.

            - I want you to notice and understand.

            I don`t want to work any more overtime. Mind you, if there is an emergency I will be able to work extra in that case.

            miss out on

            - lose an opportunity

            He missed out on the new job because he was late for the interview.

            miss the boat

            - lose an opportunity

            You had better hurry and get your application in or you will miss the boat on entering that new company.

            might as well

            - be somewhat preferable

            We might as well go home now. I don`t think he will come.

            mix up

            - confuse, make a mistake about

            He mixed up the video tapes and played the wrong one in front of the class.


            - an error, some confusion

            There was a mix-up at the airline ticket counter and I was given the wrong ticket.

            (get or become) mixed up

            - become confused

            He gets all mixed up when he tries to speak French.

            money to burn

            - have very much money, have more than is needed

            He has money to burn and never has to worry about working.

            monkey business

            - comical or silly actions, goofing off

            The kids were involved in some kind of monkey business. That was when the window was broken.

            monkey business

            - unethical, illegal or objectionable activity, cheating

            The company was involved in some monkey business with the tax department and have recently had to hire a lawyer to defend themselves.

            more and more

            - increasingly, increasing number

            More and more people are buying computers for their homes.

            more or less

            - somewhat, to some extent

            I like the new color more or less but it`s not great.

            more the merrier

            - the more people who join in the fun the better it will be

            The more the merrier he said as his sister`s friends also decided to come to the beach.

            morning after (the night before)

            - a hangover

            He`s not feeling well. I think it`s the morning after the night before.

            (not) move a muscle

            - don`t move even a small amount

            The doctor told him not to move a muscle when he was fixing his leg.

            move heaven and earth

            - try every way, do everything one can

            I will move heaven and earth to help you get a job with our company.

            move in on

            - take over something that belongs to another

            He was angry because the other salesman was moving in on his sales territory.

            mum`s the word

            - say nothing of the secret you know

            Don`t worry mum`s the word on the party. I won`t tell anybody.

            musical chairs

            - the transfer of a number of officers in an organization into different jobs - especially each other`s jobs

            They seem to be playing a game of musical chairs at the company as many people move from one position to another position.

            music to one`s ears

            - something one likes to hear

            When he told me that I could go to the sales convention in the summer it was music to my ears.

            my goodness (my God)

            - used to express surprise or shock etc.

            "My goodness," she said when she saw the small dog jump over the fence.


            nail down
            - make certain, make sure

            I am trying to nail down the exact time that he will be able to meet with us.

            name is mud

            - a person`s reputation becomes bad, one is in trouble

            His name is mud now that he has been charged by the police with stealing money from his company.

            name of the game

            - the main part of a matter

            The name of the game is for the salesmen to sell cars and not to worry about other things.

            name someone after

            - give someone another`s name

            He was named after his mother`s grandfather.

            narrow escape

            - an escape with no chance of error

            He had a narrow escape when he almost fell from his bicycle.

            neck and neck

            - equal or nearly equal in a race or contest

            The two teams were neck and neck in the race to win the national championship.

            neck of the woods

            - an area or part of the country

            He has never been down to my neck of the woods since he was a child.

            needle in a haystack

            - something that is very hard to find

            Looking for the lost receipt among the thousands of other receipts is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

            neither fish nor fowl

            - something that does not belong to a definite group

            I don`t know where we should put those books in the library. They are neither fish nor fowl.

            neither here nor there

            - not relevant to the thing being discussed, off the subject

            What you are saying is neither here nor there. We are talking about our plans to move this year - not 5 years in the future.

            nervous Nellie

            - a timid person who lacks determination and courage

            He is a nervous Nellie and is afraid of most of the other students in the school.

            nest egg

            - money someone has saved up

            He has a nice nest egg in the bank so he will have no financial problems if he leaves his company.

            never mind

            - don`t worry, don`t bother

            If you don`t have time to pick up my laundry, never mind I will get it tomorrow.

            new blood

            - fresh energy or power, something or someone that gives new life or vigor to something

            She a great employee and helped us to inject new blood into our organization.

            new broom sweeps clean

            - a new person makes many changes

            We discovered the truth to the expression "a new broom sweeps clean" when our new boss changed everything in our organization.

            new deal

            - a complete change, a fresh start, another chance

            He was given a new deal by the team although the previous year he was not very good.

            new person

            - a person who has become very much better

            He is a new person now that he has quit smoking and quit drinking.

            nick of time

            - at the very last moment

            He was able to board the airplane just in the nick of time.

            nip and tuck

            - evenly matched, hard fought to the finish

            They were going along nip and tuck but he finally won the race in the end.

            nip in the bud

            - prevent at the start

            They found out about the computer problem but were able to nip the problem in the bud.

            no bed of roses

            - difficult or bad situation

            It is no bed of roses to have no job and a large family to support.

            nobody's home

            - one`s attention is somewhere else, having a simple mind

            It looks like nobody`s home, I thought as I tried to have a conversation with the strange man.

            nobody`s fool

            - a smart person, a person who can take care of himself

            She is nobody`s fool. You will not have to worry about her at all when she goes to New York.

            no cigar

            - not agreed to, refused or useless, no, certainly not

            I almost got the job but in the end it was no cigar.

            no deal

            - not agreed to, refused or useless, no, certainly not

            It was no deal I realized as I left the meeting and the other members had all said no to my plan.

            No dice.

            - No. Certainly not.

            No dice. I will never lend you that much money.

            no doubt

            - without doubt, surely, certainly

            No doubt he will be the one to win the contest again this year.

            no end

            - almost without stopping, continually

            The little girl cried no end when she couldn`t find her favorite doll.

            no end to (of)

            - so many or so much of, to seem almost endless, very many or very much

            He had no end of problems when he lived overseas for a year.

            no go

            - not agreed to, refused or useless, no, certainly not

            It`s no go for our plan to have three games this weekend. We can only have two of them.

            no great shakes

            - mediocre, unimportant

            The hotel was no great shakes and I wouldn`t recommend that you stay there if you go to Hawaii.

            no love lost

            - bad feelings, ill will

            There is no love lost between my father and our next door neighbor.

            no matter

            - regardless of

            No matter how hard that I try my tutor is never satisfied.

            no picnic

            - not pleasant, difficult

            It was no picnic trying to drive to the lake during the storm.

            nose around (about)

            - look for something kept private or secret, pry

            The secretary was nosing around in her boss's desk trying to discover what was going on.

            nose down

            - head down, bring down the nose of

            The pilot began to nose down the plane as it neared the airport.

            (have one`s) nose in something

            - unwelcome interest in something, impolite curiosity

            He always has his nose in other people`s private business where it doesn`t belong.


            - a person who makes a reservation for something and then neither comes nor cancels it

            There were several no-shows at the concert last night.

            no sweat

            - easily accomplished, uncomplicated

            The work was no sweat. I finished it in about two hours.

            no sweat

            - no problem

            No sweat. I will help you all day tomorrow if you need me.

            not a leg to stand on

            - no good proof or excuse, no good evidence or defence to offer someone

            The company doesn`t have a leg to stand on if they try to refuse to pay you the money that they owe you.

            not for the world

            - not at any price, not for anything

            I wouldn`t go out on a date with that woman for the world.

            not give someone the time of day

            - dislike someone so strongly that you totally ignore them

            I hate her and would never even give her the time of day.

            nothing doing

            - I will not do it, certainly not, no indeed

            Nothing doing. I am not going to stay and work late again this evening.

            nothing if not

            - without doubt, certainly

            He is nothing if not punctual. He has never been late in his seven years with this company.

            not much of

            - rather bad

            It`s not much of a hotel but I guess it will be okay for one night.

            Not on your life.

            - definitely not.

            "May I borrow your car"? "Not on your life".

            not so hot

            - not very good

            I have been feeling not so hot lately as I had a cold last week.

            nothing to sneeze at

            - something you should take seriously

            His new salary is nothing to sneeze at.

            not touch something with a ten-foot pole

            - consider something completely undesirable or uninteresting

            That class may be alright but because I hate the professor I wouldn`t touch it with a ten-foot pole.

            no wonder

            - not surprising

            No wonder he is so tired after staying up all night.

            now and then

            - occasionally

            He likes to go to that restaurant now and then.

            number one

            - oneself, one`s own interests

            He is always looking out for number one and will never do anything for anyone else.

            nurse a grudge

            - keep a feeling of dislike toward some person

            My old girlfriend is still nursing a grudge toward me even after three years.

            nuts about

            - enthusiastic about something

            He has been nuts about cars ever since he was a little boy.

            nutty as a fruitcake

            - very crazy

            The woman who lives next door to us is as nutty as a fruitcake.


            • #7
              Re: English Idioms(A-Z)



              - a person who doesn`t act like everyone else

              He is an oddball and nobody at his company likes to work with him.

              odds and ends

              - various items

              We made games for the children from odds and ends from around the house.

              of age

              - old enough to be allowed to do something (vote,drink etc.)

              When he came of age we had a big party for him to celebrate.

              of age

              - fully developed, mature

              Fast transportation came of age when the first jets began to be used regularly.

              of course

              - as one would expect

              Of course you can use my car if you want to.

              off and on

              - occasionally

              He`s been seeing the woman off and on but I don`t think that their relationship is very serious.

              off balance

              - not prepared, unable to meet the unexpected

              I was caught a little off balance when he asked me to deliver the speech instead of him.

              off base
              - inaccurate

              He was really off base on his estimate of next year`s budget.


              - nonconventional, different from the usual

              The movie was very offbeat which is just the kind of movie that I like.


              - different from the usual pattern, not quite like most others, odd

              The picture was off-center and didn`t really fit in with the rest of the photos.


              - in bad taste, not polite, dirty

              He likes to tell off-color jokes which most people don`t like at all.

              off duty
              - not working, having free time

              The police officer was off duty when he came across the bank robbery.

              off guard
              - not alert to the unexpected

              It caught me off guard when she suddenly asked me to lend her $800.

              off one`s back

              - stop from bothering someone

              I wish he would get off my back and stop always asking me when I am going to look for another job.

              off one`s chest

              - talk about a problem to someone so that it doesn`t bother you anymore

              I finally talked to my friend from work and was able to get some of my problems off my chest.

              off one`s hands

              - no longer in one`s care or possession

              I sold my old computer and finally got it off my hands.

              off one`s high horse

              - not acting proud and scornful

              We got him off his high horse when he was forced to admit that he had made many mistakes related to the new product launch.

              off one`s rocker

              - crazy

              He must be off his rocker if he thinks that he can spend all that money and not have a problem.

              off the beam

              - wrong, mistaken

              What he said about the new office was right off the beam and should be ignored by everyone.

              off the beaten track

              - not well known or often used, unusual

              We went to a small restaurant off the beaten track last night and liked it very much.

              off the cuff

              - without preparing ahead of time what one will say, without preparation

              He made a few remarks off the cuff but he has never really explained in full what he wants to do.

              off the hook

              - out of trouble or free from an embarrassing situation

              I think that I am off the hook now and won`t have to worry about the problem anymore.

              off the record

              - privately, unofficially

              He told the reporters off the record about the problems with the budget estimate.

              off the top of one`s head

              - from memory, spontaneously

              He knew all of the team`s members off the top of his head.

              off the wagon

              - begin to drink alcohol again after stopping for awhile

              He seems to be off the wagon again. I saw him yesterday and I am sure that he had been drinking.

              (as) old as the hills

              - very old

              The old building at the library is as old as the hills.

              old hat

              - old-fashioned, not new or different

              The job has become old hat and I am becoming a little tired of it.

              on a dime

              - in a very small space

              His new car has very powerful brakes and is able to stop on a dime.

              on again, off again (off again, on again)

              - not settled, changeable, uncertain

              The plans for the fireworks display were on again, off again because of the rainy and windy weather.

              on and off

              - intermittently, now and then

              It has been raining on and off since early this morning.

              on and on

              - continually, at tedious length

              The speech continued on and on until we finally left the gathering.

              on an even keel

              - in a well-ordered way or condition

              We finally got the new department running on an even keel although it took a long time.

              on a shoestring

              - with very little money

              He started the new company on a shoestring.

              on behalf of

              - representing a person

              The lawyer went to the meeting on behalf of his client.

              on board

              - on a ship, plane or similar form of transportation

              We had to get on board the airplane before it was able to take off.

              on call

              - available to be called out on duty

              He works as a computer repair man and is always on call which is very tiring.

              once and for all

              - permanently

              I told him once and for all that I would not take the new job.

              once in a blue moon

              - rarely

              I only go to that restaurant once in a blue moon.

              once in a while

              - occasionally

              We like Japanese food so we go to that restaurant once in a while.

              once or twice

              - a few times

              We went to that restaurant once or twice but we quickly became tired of it.


              - a quick look or examination of someone or something

              He gave the rental car a once-over before he signed the contract.

              on cloud nine

              - very happy

              She has been on cloud nine ever since she decided to get married last month.

              on easy street

              - having enough money to live comfortably

              He has been on easy street since he sold his house and invested the money.

              on edge

              - be nervous or irritable

              He has really been on edge lately because of his exams.

              on end

              - seemingly endless

              We worked for hours on end last night but we still never finished the job.

              on faith

              - without question or proof

              I took it on faith that he would help me when I had a lot of extra work to do.

              on guard

              - careful, wary

              He has been keeping on guard since the accident last month.

              on hand

              - available

              I`m sorry but I don`t have any aspirin on hand at the moment.

              on hand

              - nearby, within reach

              Please keep your dictionary on hand in case we need to use it.

              on hand

              - present

              The speaker will be on hand after the lecture if you have any questions that you want to ask her.

              on ice

              - away for safekeeping or later use, aside

              The city decided to put the plans for a new stadium on ice until they can raise more money..

              on one`s back

              - making insistent demands of someone, being an annoyance or bother

              She has been on my back all week trying to get me to finish my monthly report.

              on one`s chest

              - worrisome thoughts or feelings that one might need to share with someone else

              I had a long talk with my friend last night and was able to get most of my problems off my chest.

              on one`s coat-tails

              - along with someone else, as a result of someone else doing something

              The mayor was elected on the coat-tails of his brother who was a famous singer.

              on one`s feet

              - recovering from sickness or trouble

              I was sick for a couple of weeks but now I am on my feet again.

              on/upon one`s head

              - on one`s self

              He brought the anger on his own head and should not try and blame someone else.

              on one`s high horse

              - acting as if one is better than others, being very proud and scornful

              He is always up on his high horse and never bothers to think about how other people feel.

              on one`s/its last legs

              - at the end of someone/something`s strength or usefulness

              I think that his old car is on its last legs.

              on one`s shoulders

              - one`s responsibility

              Please don`t try to put the failure of his marriage on my shoulders.

              on one`s toes

              - be alert

              He always asks the students many questions to keep them on their toes.

              on pins and needles

              - excited, nervous

              Her daughter has been on pins and needles all day waiting for the contest to begin.

              on purpose

              - intentionally

              I think that she spilled the drink on purpose.

              on shaky ground

              - unstable, not secure

              His position at the company has been on shaky ground for quite some time.

              on the air

              - broadcasting or being broadcast on radio or TV

              That television program has been on the air for over three years now.

              on the ball

              - intelligent, able to do things well

              He is really on the ball and can usually get all of his work done quickly.

              on the bandwagon

              - the newest popular group or activity, joining something because many others are doing it

              Everybody in our company is on the bandwagon now to try and eliminate smoking in the workplace

              on the beam

              - doing well, just right or correct

              What he said about the tax problem was right on the beam. .

              on the blink

              - not working

              My stereo has been on the blink for the last few months.

              on the block

              - to be sold, for sale

              Our house has been on the block for over a month now.

              on the button

              - exactly on time

              I arrived for the meeting right on the button.

              on the dole

              - receiving welfare

              The area is very poor and there are many people on the dole.

              on the dot

              - right on time

              He always arrives for his meetings on the dot.

              on the edge of one`s seat

              - nervously and excitedly waiting

              I have been on the edge of my seat all day while waiting for the contest to begin.

              on the go

              - busy running around

              He has been on the go since early morning trying to get ready for the meeting.

              on the house

              - provided free by a business - especially a bar or restaurant

              The room at the hotel was not ready when we arrived so they provided us with free drinks on the house.

              on the level

              - honest

              He was really on the level with me when he told me about my job possibilities.

              on the loose

              - free to go, not shut in or stopped by anything

              The animals at the zoo were on the loose for over three hours when the zookeeper discovered their escape.

              on the make

              - trying to get some advantage - money or sexual etc.

              Be careful of him. He is on the make and will try and cheat you out of your money.

              on the mend

              - healing, becoming better

              He broke his leg last week but it is on the mend now.

              on the move

              - moving around from place to place, in motion

              She is in Europe and has been on the move for several months now.

              on the nose

              - just right, exactly

              What he said about our new boss was right on the nose.

              on the other hand

              - looking at the opposite side of a matter

              He is very intelligent but on the other hand he is very lazy and always gets low marks.

              on the Q.T.

              - secretly, without anyone knowing

              I don`t want anyone to know about my plans so let`s go over them on the Q.T.

              on the road

              - travelling (especially as a salesman or performer)

              Her husband is a salesman and is often on the road.

              on the rocks

              - breaking up (relationship), ruined

              He has been married for seven years but his relationship seems to be on the
              rocks now.

              on the same wavelength

              - thinking similarly about something

              We have been on the same wavelength for months about the need for change in the company.

              on the sly

              - so that people won`t know, secretly

              We went to the restaurant on the sly so that nobody would know where we were.

              on the spot

              - in a difficult or embarrassing situation

              He was really put on the spot when the reporter asked him about the campaign donations.

              on the spur of the moment

              - on a sudden wish or decision, suddenly

              On the spur of the moment we went and bought some ice cream.

              on the tip of one`s tongue
              - not quite able to remember something
              The name of his latest movie is on the tip of my tongue.

              on the up and up

              - honest, trustworthy, sincere

              I decided not to work for the company because I didn`t think that it was on the up and up.

              on the wagon
              - not drinking alcohol
              He has been on the wagon for over seven months now.

              on the warpath

              - very angry, looking for trouble

              He is really on the warpath today so you should stay out of his way.

              on the whole

              - in general

              On the whole I think it is a good idea but I would still like to study it further.

              on time

              - at the scheduled time

              Our train arrived right on time.

              on top

              - in the lead

              He was on top of his class in the economics department.

              on top of

              - in addition to, along with

              On top of everything else he wants me to work on Sunday as well.

              on top of

              - managing very well, in control of

              We are able to keep on top of our work now that we have someone in to help us.

              on top of

              - knowing all about something, up-to-date

              He reads the newspaper every morning and is always on top of the latest news.

              one-armed bandit

              - a slot machine for gambling

              He spent the weekend with a one-armed bandit and now has no money.

              one foot in the grave

              - near death

              Her grandmother has one foot in the grave and is not expected to live much longer.

              one for the books

              - something very unusual or remarkable

              His latest complaint about noise at work is one for the books and is very stupid.

              one-track mind

              - thinking about only one thing

              He has a one-track mind. All he thinks about is money.


              - any quick or decisive action that takes the opposition by surprise

              The salesman gave them the one-two and before they knew it they had agreed to buy the product.

              one up
              - having an advantage, being one step ahead

              His brother was one up on the other students because he had studied very hard.


              - ability to keep ahead of others, trying to keep an advantage

              I get tired of his one-upmanship and his desire to always be better than everyone else.

              open one`s heart

              - talk about one`s feelings honestly, confide in someone

              I opened my heart to my friend when I saw her at the restaurant last night.

              open secret

              - a secret that so many people know it is no longer a secret

              It is an open secret that he will be leaving the company next month.

              other fish to fry

              - have more important things to do

              I think he has other fish to fry and will not be content to continue with his current job.

              out cold

              - unconscious, in a faint

              He was out cold when the nurse went into his room to check on him.

              out in left field

              - far from the right answer

              What he said was totally out in left field. He has no idea what we were talking about.

              out in the cold

              - alone, not included

              I was left out in the cold when the rest of the class went to the movie without me.

              out like a light

              - fall asleep very quickly

              I was out like a light when I went to bed last night.

              out of

              - have none left

              The restaurant was out of fish so we had meat instead.

              out of breath

              - be tired and breathing quickly.

              He was out of breath after running from the station.

              out of circulation

              - not active, not joining in what others are doing

              He has a new girlfriend so he will probably be out of circulation for awhile.


              - no longer current or in style

              Computers become out-of-date very quickly.

              out of favor with someone

              - not have a person`s goodwill

              They have been out of favor with their boss for a few months now.

              out of kilter

              - not balanced right, not in a straight line or lined up right

              The door handle seems to be out of kilter and doesn`t work well at all.

              out of line

              - unacceptable, not correct

              His proposal to go to New York was out of line. We can never accept that.

              out of one`s element

              - where one does not belong or fit in

              He is out of his element teaching the computer course. He doesn`t know anything at all about computers.

              out of one`s hair

              - get rid of someone who is a nuisance

              She finally got her children out her hair and was able to study for her exam.

              out of one`s shell

              - out of one`s silence or shyness, into friendly conversation

              We got her out of her shell and she decided to join in with the rest of the group.

              out of order

              - not working

              The public telephone was out of order.

              out of order

              - against the rules, not suitable

              His question was ruled to be out of order by the judge so he wasn`t able to ask it.

              out of place

              - in the wrong place or at the wrong time, improper

              What he said at the party was totally out of place. He should talk about it at another time.

              out of sorts

              - in a bad mood

              He is a little out of sorts today so maybe you should wait until tomorrow to speak to him.

              out of step

              - not in step, not keeping pace with someone

              The soldiers were out of step when they were marching in the parade.

              out of step

              - out of harmony, not keeping up

              He is out of step with the rest of the group and needs to think about what he should be doing.

              out of the blue

              - unexpectedly, from nowhere

              From right out of the blue he asked her if she wanted to get married.

              out of the frying pan and into the fire

              - out of one trouble and into more trouble, from something bad to something worse

              When he changed jobs he went out of the frying pan and into the fire. His new job is much worse.

              out of the question
              - impossible

              You have no money so going to Hong Kong for your holiday is out of the question.

              out of the way
              - remote, no longer an obstacle

              We went to an out of the way place for our first dinner together.

              out of the woods
              - out of danger, in the clear

              His injury was very serious and I don`t think he is out of the woods yet.

              out of thin air

              - out of nothing or from nowhere

              The deer seemed to jump out of thin air and onto the road.

              out of this world
              - wonderful, fantastic
              The new dessert that she made last weekend was right out of this world.

              out of tune
              - not in agreement, not going well together

              They are out of tune with what the other members of the group think.

              out on a limb
              - in a dangerous or risky position

              He really went out on a limb to offer his brother the job.

              outside of

              - other than, except for

              Outside of the weather our vacation was really quite enjoyable.

              out to lunch
              - crazy, mad

              He is totally out to lunch but is still a very nice person.

              over a barrel
              - in a helpless or trapped position

              I think that we have them over a barrel and should be able to win the contract easily.

              over and over
              - repeated many times

              I told him over and over that I do not want to go to that restaurant again.

              over one`s dead body
              - never, under no circumstances

              Over my dead body will I let him come to the party next week.

              over one`s head

              - too difficult for someone to understand

              The joke went over her head so we had to explain it to her.

              over one`s head

              - go to a more important person in charge, go to a higher official

              We didn`t receive a good answer from the official so we went over his head to talk to his boss.

              over the hill

              - past one`s prime, unable to function as one used to

              He thought that his friend was over the hill and shouldn`t be working so hard.

              over the long run

              - in the end, over a long period of time

              Over the long run he plans to expand his business and then sell it and retire.

              over with

              - at the end of, finished with

              When the game on television is over with we can eat dinner.

              own up

              - take the blame, admit one`s guilt

              The suspected murderer finally owned up to the murder of his wife.


              pad the bill
              - add false expenses

              He always pads the bill when he goes on a business trip.

              pain in the neck (ass)
              - an annoying thing or person, bothersome

              Dealing with my neighbor is always a pain in the neck.

              paint oneself into a corner

              - get oneself into a bad situation that is difficult or impossible to get out of

              He has painted himself into a corner now that he has begun to fight with his supervisor.

              paint the town red
              - go out and party and have a good time

              We decided to go out and paint the town red after we all passed our exams.

              palm off
              - deceive someone by a trick or a lie, sell or give by tricking

              He palmed off his old television set as one that was new and reliable.

              pan out
              - end or finish favorably, work out well

              I hope that your plans to go back to school pan out well.

              par for the course
              - just what was expected, nothing unusual

              That was par for the course. He always comes late when there is a lot of work to do.

              part and parcel
              - a necessary or important part, something necessary to a larger thing

              The house that he bought was part and parcel of a much larger piece of land.

              pass away
              - die

              His father passed away when he was about 96 years old.

              pass muster
              - pass a test or checkup, be good enough

              I wrote some of the instructions of the computer manual and will send them to my partner to see if they pass muster.

              pass off
              - sell or give something by false claims, offer something as genuine

              The man passed off the diamond watch as a real one and received much more money than it was worth

              pass off
              - claim to be someone one is not, pretend to be someone else

              He passed himself off as a reporter and was able to get into the concert.

              pass on
              - give away something that you don`t use anymore

              She always passes on her old clothes to her younger sister.

              pass on
              - die

              Her grandmother passed on when she was 92 years old.

              pass out
              - faint

              Three teenage girls passed out at the rock concert.

              pass the buck
              - shift responsibility to others

              He always tries to pass the buck if someone tries to criticize his work.

              pat on the back
              - praise

              He gave me a pat on the back after I finished the project.

              patch up
              - fix

              I have been trying to patch up our differences for many months now.

              pay attention
              - look at or listen to with full attention

              He never pays attention to what his supervisor tells him.

              pay dirt

              - dirt in which much gold is found, a valuable discovery

              The company hit pay dirt when they invented the new Internet equipment.

              pay off

              - pay in full and be free from a debt, yield good results (the risk paid off)

              She finally paid off her car so she has lots of extra money to spend.


              - results of one`s work, a bribe

              He expects to get a big pay-off from his education when he finally begins to look for a job.

              pay through the nose

              - pay a lot of money for something

              My uncle always pays through the nose when he buys a new car.

              pecking order

              - the way people are ranked in relation to each other

              The pecking order in his company is very difficult to understand for most of the workers.

              peeping Tom

              - someone who looks in people`s windows

              The police arrested a peeping Tom near our apartment building last week.

              penny for one`s thoughts

              - Please tell me what you are thinking about.

              "A penny for your thoughts," she said as she saw her boyfriend looking out of the window.

              penny-wise and pound-foolish

              - wise or careful in small things to the costly neglect of important things

              He is penny-wise and pound-foolish and is always wasting his money on things that he doesn`t need.

              people who live in glass houses should not throw stones

              - do not complain about other people if you are as bad as they are

              You should not criticize other people so much. Remember, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

              pep talk

              - a speech to encourage people to try harder and not give up

              The coach gave his team a pep talk after they lost three games last month.

              perk up

              - become energetic or happy after being sad or tired

              My sister began to perk up after she had a chance to rest for awhile.

              peter out

              - die down gradually, grow less strong

              The large crowd from the football game has begun to peter out and the streets around the stadium are becoming quiet now.


              - food or a drink one takes when one feels tired or weak

              I stopped at the restaurant on my way home from work for a quick pick-me-up.

              pick a quarrel

              - start a quarrel with someone on purpose

              I don`t like her because she is always trying to pick a quarrel with others.

              pick on

              - do or say bad things to someone

              He always picked on his sister when they were children.

              pick out

              - choose or select

              I tried to pick out a suitable necktie for my father.

              pick someone`s brains

              - extract ideas or information from someone for one`s own use

              They are always picking his brains to get new ideas for their business.

              pick up

              - get, receive

              I picked up my dry cleaning after I finished work yesterday.

              pick up

              - take on passengers, receive

              The bus picked us up at about six o`clock in the morning.

              pick up

              - make neat and tidy

              He decided to pick up his room before his friend came to visit.

              pick up

              - get without trying, accidentally

              He picked up a lot of French when he lived in France for a year.

              pick up

              - catch or receive the sound of a radio etc.

              We couldn`t pick up the radio station when we were travelling through the mountains.

              pick up

              - take to the police station, arrest someone

              The police picked up the man because they thought he had been drinking.

              pick up

              - pick up something that has fallen on the floor etc.

              Could you please pick up my pen from the floor.

              pick up

              - start again after interruption, go on

              It was getting late so we decided to stop work for the evening and pick up where we left off the next day..

              pick up a trail/scent

              - recognize the trail of a hunted person or animal

              The tracking dogs were able to pick up the trail of the criminal easily.

              pick up speed

              - increase the speed of

              The car picked up speed as it began to go down the hill.

              pick up the tab

              - pay the bill for someone else

              He picked up the tab for the dinner at the restaurant.

              piece of cake

              - easy

              That job was a piece of cake. It was the easiest thing I ever did.


              - sitting or being carried on the back and shoulders

              The man was carrying his child around the room piggyback style.

              piggy bank

              - a small bank (sometimes in the shape of a pig) for saving coins

              Her daughter put all of her spare money into her piggy bank.

              pig in a poke

              - something accepted or bought without looking at it carefully

              The stereo system he bought was a pig in a poke. He has no idea if it will work well.

              pile up

              - accumulate, put things on top of each other

              He piled up the magazines on top of the small table.

              pinch pennies

              - be careful with money, be thrifty

              He has been pinching pennies for months in order to save money for his vacation.

              pin down

              - keep someone from moving, make someone stay in a place or position

              The wrestler won the match after he pinned his opponent down for almost a minute.

              pin down

              - make someone tell the truth or make a commitment

              I couldn`t pin him down as to exactly when he would pay back the money that he owed me.

              pink slip

              - dismissal notice from a job

              He received his pink slip yesterday and no longer has a job.

              pipe dream

              - an unrealistic plan

              He always has a lot of pipe dreams about what he wants to do in the future.

              pipe up

              - speak louder

              We asked the speaker to pipe up so that we could hear him.


              - a small, unimportant person

              He called his friend a pip-squeak which made him very angry.

              piss off

              - bother or annoy someone, make someone angry

              My supervisor pissed me off when he asked me to work late again last night.

              pitch a tent

              - put up a tent

              We pitched the tent in a nice field beside a stream.

              pitch in

              - give help or money for something

              They pitched in and helped him finish the job quickly.

              play ball with someone

              - cooperate fairly with someone

              If you agree to play ball with the new manager things should go well for you.

              play by ear

              - play a musical instrument by remembering the tune and not by reading the music

              Although she can`t read music at all she can play by ear and is a great musician.

              play cat and mouse with someone

              - tease or fool someone by pretending to let him go free and then catching him again

              The boxer was playing cat and mouse with his opponent although he could have won easily.

              play down

              - give less emphasis or make something seem less important

              The politician played down the polls that showed that he was becoming less popular.

              played out

              - tired out, worn out, exhausted

              I was totally played out last night so I went to bed early.

              play footsie

              - touch the feet of a member of the opposite sex under the table while flirting

              The couple in the restaurant were playing footsie under the table during their dinner.

              play footsie

              - engage in any kind of collaboration or flirtation especially in a political situation

              The opposition party was playing footsie with the government in order to have their opinions heard.

              play (someone) for something

              - treat someone as something, act toward someone as something

              He was trying to play me for a fool but I could easily see what he was trying to do.

              play hooky

              - stay away from school or work without permission

              When he was a student he often played hooky and didn`t go to school.

              play into someone`s hands

              - do something that gives someone else an advantage

              If you walk out of the meeting in anger you will only be playing into his hands.

              play it by ear

              - decide on something according to the situation

              Let`s play it by ear and decide what to do after we see the movie.

              play off

              - match opposing persons, forces or interests for one`s own gain

              Nobody likes the supervisor because he is always trying to play off one group of workers against another.

              play off

              - settle a score between two teams or contestants by more play

              We went to the game last night as our team had to play off against the other team.

              play on/upon (something)

              - cause an effect on, influence

              They played on his feelings of loneliness to get him to come and buy them dinner every night.

              play on words

              - a humorous use of a word to suggest a different meaning

              There are many cases of using a play on words in the newspaper headlines.

              play one`s cards right

              - take advantage of your opportunities

              If you play your cards right you will probably get a promotion soon.

              play second fiddle to someone

              - be second in importance to someone

              He has been playing second fiddle to his boss for years and has finally decided to quit.

              play the field

              - date many different people, avoid steady dates with the same person

              After my sister stopped seeing her boyfriend she decided to play the field until she met someone nice.

              play up

              - call attention to, emphasize

              During the job interview he played up his experience as an experienced computer operator.

              play up to someone

              - flatter or please someone to try and gain some advantage

              He is always playing up to his boss so he can leave work early.

              play with fire

              - invite danger or trouble

              You are playing with fire if you get involved with those people.

              plow into

              - attack vigorously

              We plowed into the food as soon as the waiter brought it to our table.

              plow into

              - crash into with force

              The truck plowed into the group of people waiting for the bus.

              pluck up

              - make oneself have courage

              He plucked up his courage and went and asked the woman for a date.

              point out

              - explain, call attention to

              She was very kind when she pointed out the mistakes that I had made.

              pointed remark

              - a remark clearly aimed at a particular person or thing

              He made a pointed remark during the meeting that was clearly designed to get my attention.

              poke fun at

              - joke about, laugh at, tease

              She is always poking fun at the way her husband plays golf.

              polish off

              - finish completely, finish doing something quickly

              We polished off the work early and went to the beach for the day.

              polish the apple

              - try to win favor by flattering someone

              The teacher doesn`t like students who are always trying to polish the apple with her.

              pony up

              - pay

              It is time to pony up and pay for the equipment that he bought.

              pooped out

              - worn out, exhausted

              We spent all day painting the house and were pooped out by the time we got home.

              pop the question

              - ask someone to marry you

              He finally popped the question to her after they had been going out together for two years.

              pop up

              - appear suddenly or unexpectedly

              I hadn`t seen my friend for almost a year but suddenly he popped up for a visit last week.

              pot calling the kettle black

              - a person who is criticizing someone else is as guilty as the person he criticizes

              I was joking to her about why she was afraid to look for another job but she said it was like the pot calling the kettle black as I also never tried to change jobs.

              pound the pavement

              - look for a job

              He has been pounding the pavement for a few months now but still has not found a job.

              pour it on thick

              - flatter greatly

              He has been pouring it on thick but she still doesn`t like him.

              pour oil on troubled waters

              - calm down a quarrel, say something to lessen anger and bring peace to a situation

              They tried to pour oil on troubled waters after they noticed the argument among the students.

              pour out

              - tell everything about something

              She poured out her heart to her mother when she returned home from work.

              pour out

              - come out in great number or quantity, stream out

              After the football game thousands of fans poured out of the stadium.

              press (push) one`s luck

              - depend too much on luck, expect to continue to be lucky

              He is pushing his luck if he thinks that he will continue to make a lot of money on the stock market.

              pressed for time

              - have barely enough time

              He was pressed for time so I didn`t have a chance to speak to him.

              prey on (upon)

              - catch for food, kill and eat

              Cats usually prey on mice and small birds if they can catch them.

              prey on (upon)
              - cheat, rob

              Criminals usually prey on people who are living in poor areas.

              promise the moon
              - mentally alert, ready to do something

              Before the elections the politicians were promising everyone the moon but when they were elected they began to talk differently.

              psyched up
              - mentally alert, ready to do something

              The team was psyched up for the game but they lost anyway.

              psych out
              - find out the real motives of (someone)

              I tried to psych out the salesman to see what he really wanted to sell the car for.

              pull a fast one
              - cheat, deceive

              They pulled a fast one on him when they sold him the used car.

              pull (something) off
              - accomplish something remarkable

              He really is lucky in being able to pull off the new business merger with no problems.

              pull one`s socks up
              - make a greater effort

              You had better begin to pull your socks up or you will not be able to continue working here.

              pull one`s weight
              - do one`s fair share of the work

              If everyone pulls their weight we can quickly finish and go home.

              pull someone`s leg
              - trick or fool someone playfully

              Her grandfather is always pulling her leg when he comes to visit.

              pull out of a hat
              - get as if by magic, invent, imagine

              I didn`t think that he was going to be able to find a dictionary but he suddenly pulled one out of a hat and gave it to me.

              pull over
              - drive to the side of the road and stop

              The police pulled over the man because he had been drinking.

              pull rank
              - assert one`s superior position or authority on a person of lower rank in order to get a privilege or favor

              The navy officer pulled rank on the other officers and was able to stay in the best hotel during the trip.

              pull strings
              - secretly use influence and power

              He was able to pull some strings and get his son a job for the summer.

              pull the plug
              - expose someone`s secret activities

              The company decided to pull the plug on the salesman and tell everyone about his illegal sales methods.

              pull the plug
              - quit a job

              He suddenly decided to pull the plug and is no longer here.

              pull the rug out from under
              - spoil someone`s plans, withdraw support

              He pulled the rug out from under our plans to open a branch office in New York.

              pull the wool over someone`s eyes
              - deceive or fool someone

              Don`t let him pull the wool over your eyes with his excuses.

              pull through
              - recover from an illness or misfortune

              It looked like he was going to die from cancer but in the end he pulled through and is now doing very well.

              pull up stakes
              - move to another location

              They decided to pull up stakes and move to London.

              push (someone) around
              - make someone do what you want

              He is always pushing around his salesmen and saleswomen.

              push off
              - start, leave

              The boat pushed off from the dock and started out to sea.

              push the panic button
              - become very frightened or excited at a time of danger or worry

              At first he thought that his wallet had been stolen but before he pushed the panic button and told everyone he looked around again and found it.

              put a damper on
              - discourage, spoil a person`s fun

              The death of the president put a damper on the anniversary celebrations.

              put across
              - explain clearly, make oneself understood

              He spends a lot of effort trying to put across clearly what he wants to say.

              put all one`s eggs in one basket
              - place all one`s efforts, interests or hopes in a single person or thing

              You should not put all your eggs in one basket and invest all of your money in the stock market.

              put away
              - put an animal to death, kill

              We had to have our dog put away because he tried to bite the small girl next door.

              put down
              - stop by force, crush

              The government easily put down the rebellion by the militants.

              put down
              - write a record of something, write down

              He was asked by his company to put down his request for a transfer in writing.

              put down
              - criticize, make someone look bad

              He is always putting down his girlfriend in front of his friends.

              put in
              - plant flowers

              We decided to put in some roses in our garden last year.

              put in
              - stop at a port on a journey by water

              The ship put in at several ports during the cruise.

              put in
              - add to what has already been said

              Suddenly he put in that he was tired and wanted to go home.

              put in for something
              - apply for something

              I put in for a transfer to another department of our company but it was refused.

              put in (time)
              - spend time

              He has put in a lot of time fixing up his house and now it looks beautiful.

              put in one`s two cents
              - give one`s opinion

              She always wants to put in her two cents when she has a chance.

              put off
              - postpone

              The game was put off because of the rain.

              put off
              - discourage, cause a bad feeling

              He put me off with his complaints about the hotel room that I had reserved for him.

              put on
              - dress in and wear clothes

              Please put on your jacket before you go out.

              put on

              - fool or joke with someone, tease, pretend

              I think that he is putting me on. I don`t believe that he will move to Rome.

              put on
              - produce or arrange a play etc.

              My sister helped to put on the school play.

              put on one`s thinking cap

              - think hard and long about something

              I will put on my thinking cap and try and decide what to do about finding a new job.

              put on the map
              - make a place well known

              The Woodstock rock concert really put the town of Woodstock on the map.

              put on weight
              - gain weight

              He has put on a lot of weight since he stopped going to the gym.

              put one`s cards on the table

              - be frank, tell everything

              I put my cards on the table and told him everything about the plans for next year.

              put one`s finger on something

              - locate precisely, remember exactly

              I was unable to put my finger on the exact date of his arrival.

              put one`s foot down

              - object strongly, take firm action

              He put his foot down and didn`t allow any more money to be spent on company entertainment.

              put one`s foot in one`s mouth

              - say something that is the wrong thing to say in a situation

              He really put his foot in his mouth when he told her about the surprise party.

              put one`s own house in order

              - organize one`s own private affairs

              He should put his own house in order before he tells others what to do.

              put our heads together

              - confer, discuss

              We put our heads together and finally thought of a new name for the football team.

              put out

              - make a flame or light stop burning, extinguish

              The man put out his cigarette on the theater carpet.

              put out
              - produce, make

              The company decided to put out a newsletter to give news to the employees.

              (be) put out

              - be inconvenienced or irritated

              She was a little put out that you didn`t call her when you were in town.

              put (someone) out
              - inconvenience, bother,

              She shouldn`t put herself out so much when people come and visit her.

              put someone in his or her place
              - scold someone for rude or bad behavior

              She was very angry and really put him in his place over the rude remark.

              put someone in the picture

              - tell someone what the situation is

              They have finally decided to put me in the picture about the new work procedures.

              put (something or someone) out of one`s head (mind)

              - try not to think about something

              He has been trying to put his girlfriend out of his mind since they decided to stop seeing each other.

              put (something) over on someone

              - fool, trick

              He was trying to put something over on his boss when he said that he was sick and couldn`t come to work.

              put (something) past someone (negative)

              - be surprised by what someone does

              I wouldn`t put it past him to try and sell the main part of the company and leave the rest.

              put the bite on someone
              - ask for money or favors

              He is always trying to put the bite on his friends to collect money for charity.

              put the cart before the horse

              - do things in the wrong order

              I think that he is putting the cart before the horse by talking about fixing up the house before he even buys it.

              put the screws to someone

              - try to force someone to do or say what you want

              The police were putting the screws to the criminal to try and get some information.

              put through the wringer

              - cause a lot of stress

              He really put his wife through the wringer when he asked her for a divorce.

              put two and two together

              - understand or figure something out after learning the facts

              I finally put two and two together and realized that she was his boyfriend.

              put up
              - provide money or something needed

              The telephone company put up most of the money for the new stadium.

              put up a good fight

              - try hard

              They put up a good fight but were unable to win the tournament.

              put up a good front

              - pretend to be happy, fool people about one`s status

              He always puts up a good front but actually he is very unhappy.

              put up at a hotel etc.

              - stay at a hotel or someone`s home

              We decided to put up at a hotel and continue our trip the next day.

              put up or shut up

              - prove something or stop saying it, bet money on what one says or stop saying it

              The politician was forced to put up or shut up over the plans to build a new convention center.

              put up to

              - persuade or get someone to do something

              His friend put him up to cheating on the examination.

              put up with

              - patiently accept, endure

              He makes a great effort to put up with his wife`s complaints.

              put words in one`s mouth

              - say something for someone else

              Her husband is always putting words in her mouth which makes her a little angry.

              quite a few

              - many

              He has quite a few videos at home.


              • #8
                Re: English Idioms(A-Z)


                rack one`s brains
                - try hard to think or remember something
                I have been racking my brains all day trying to remember his name.

                rain cats and dogs
                - rain very hard
                It has been raining cats and dogs all morning.

                rain check
                - a free ticket to an event in place of one cancelled because of rain
                We received two rain checks to the baseball game after it was cancelled because of the rain.

                rain check
                - a promise to repeat an invitation at a later date
                I didn`t have time to go to the restaurant with my friend so I took a rain check instead.

                raise a fuss
                - make trouble, make a disturbance
                The woman at the restaurant raised a fuss when her meal arrived late.

                raise a hand
                - do something, do one`s share, help
                Nobody likes him because he will never raise a hand to help his friends.

                raise Cain
                - create a disturbance, cause trouble
                They began to raise Cain at the dance and were asked to leave.

                raise eyebrows
                - cause surprise or disapproval
                It really raised eyebrows when she appeared at the party unannounced.

                rake in the money
                - make a lot of money
                His new pizza franchise has been raking in the money since it first opened.

                rake someone over the coals
                - scold, reprimand
                His boss raked him over the coals when he heard about the lost sales report.

                ram (something) down one`s throat
                - force one to do or agree to something not wanted

                She always tries to ram her ideas down our throats which makes us very angry.

                rat out on

                - desert or betray someone, leave at a critical time

                His friend ratted out on him when he refused to support him in his fight with the neighborhood bully.

                rat race

                - endless hurried existence

                He likes working for a major corporation although sometimes he finds it too much of a rat race.

                raw deal

                - unfair treatment

                he got a raw deal when he was forced to resign from his company.

                read between the lines

                - find a hidden meaning in something

                I know that he didn`t say it but I can read between the lines so I know what he means.

                read the riot act

                - give someone a strong warning or scolding

                The teacher read the riot act to her students when they began to misbehave in class.

                real McCoy

                - the genuine thing

                That new camera is the real McCoy and will let you do everything that you want.

                red herring

                - something that draws attention away from the matter under consideration

                The issue of the pay cut is a red herring and is not related to the main issues.

                red letter day

                - a day that is memorable because of some important event

                Saturday was a red letter day when we finally won the championship.

                red tape

                - excessive formalities in official transactions

                There was much red tape when we went to city hall to get a business license.

                regular guy

                - a friendly person who everyone gets along with

                The former Prime Minister was a regular guy and was well liked by most people.

                rest on one`s laurels

                - be satisfied with the success one has already won

                He is always willing to work hard and is not the type of person to rest on his laurels.

                rhyme or reason

                - a good plan or reason, a reasonable purpose or explanation

                Without rhyme or reason he suddenly decided to quit his job.

                ride herd on

                - watch closely and control

                The new supervisor plans to ride herd on the people who work for him.

                ride out

                - survive safely, endure

                We were able to easily ride out the storm at the small restaurant.

                riding high

                - attracting attention, enjoying great popularity

                The new government has been riding high in the polls for several months now.

                right away

                - immediately

                I forgot to bring the book today but I will go home and get it right away.

                right off the bat

                - immediately, from the beginning

                I told him right off the bat that we didn`t need a new computer for the office.

                right on

                - indicates approval, "that`s right", "yes"

                He called out "right on" every time that the politician promised a new program to help unemployed people.

                right out

                - plainly, in a way that hides nothing

                He told the new supervisor right out that he did not like him.

                right under one`s nose

                - in an obvious, nearby place

                I found the calculator right under my nose after searching for it for an hour.

                ring a bell

                - remind one of something

                The name doesn`t ring a bell. I`m sure I have never heard of him.

                ring up

                - add and record on a cash register

                I went to the cash register to have them ring up the things that I had bought.

                ring up

                - telephone someone

                You should ring up the police if you see anybody strange around your house.

                rip off

                - cheat, rob

                I was ripped off by the mechanics at that gas station.

                road hog

                - a car driver who takes up more than his share of the road

                My father becomes very angry at the road hogs when he is driving.

                rob Peter to pay Paul

                - take from one person or thing to pay another

                When the government began to take money from education to pay for the medical system it was like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

                rob the cradle

                - have dates with or marry a person much younger than oneself

                Everyone said that my friend was robbing the cradle when he married the young woman at his company.

                rock the boat

                - upset the way things are

                He is a very quiet worker and never likes to rock the boat at work.

                roll around

                - return at a regular or usual time, come back

                Every time that his birthday rolls around he has a big party.

                roll in

                - arrive in great numbers or quantity

                The money has been rolling in since they started the new franchise.

                rolling stone

                - a person who does not live or work in one place

                He is a rolling stone and I never know where to find him.

                roll out the red carpet

                - welcome an important guest by putting a red carpet down for him or her to walk on

                They rolled out the red carpet when the President of France came for a visit.

                roll out the red carpet

                - make a big effort to greet and entertain someone

                Whenever I visit my aunt in New York City she rolls out the red carpet for me.

                roll up one`s sleeves

                - prepare to work hard or seriously

                Everyone in our club rolled up their sleeves to help prepare for the party.

                rope into

                - trick, persuade by pressuring someone

                I didn`t want to help with the dinner but I was roped into doing it by my best friend.

                rough and ready

                - rough or crude but effective

                The boat is rough and ready so let`s take it for a ride.

                rough and tumble

                - fighting or arguing in a very rough and reckless way

                It was a rough and tumble meeting that we attended at the city planning office last night.

                rough guess

                - an approximate estimate

                He made a rough guess as to how many people would come to the party.

                rough up

                - attack or hurt physically

                The three men roughed up the bartender at the hotel and were arrested by the police.

                round robin (letter)

                - a letter written by a group of people with each person writing part of the letter

                We sent a round robin letter to the librarian to ask for better opening hours for the library.

                round robin (meeting or discussion)
                - a meeting or discussion in which each person in a group takes part
                We had a round robin panel discussion on what we could do to help save the environment.

                round robin (tournament or contest)
                - game or contest in which each player or team plays every other player or team in turn
                The round robin tournament was held in order to choose the championship team for the city.

                round up
                - bring together, collect
                We rounded up enough people to play a game of soccer last night.

                rub elbows/shoulders
                - be in the same place (with others), meet and mix
                At the party we were able to rub elbows with many important people.

                rub off
                - remove or be removed by rubbing, erase
                She rubbed off the writing on the whiteboard.

                rub off
                - pass to someone nearby, transmit to someone
                Her bad habit of talking all the time has rubbed off on her husband as well.

                rub out
                - destroy completely, kill, eliminate
                The government troops rubbed out the whole village.

                rub someone the wrong way
                - irritate others with something one says or does
                Her lack of politeness always rubs me the wrong way.

                rub something in
                - continue to talk or joke about something someone said or did
                I know that she made a mistake but you shouldn`t rub it in.

                rule out
                - decide against, eliminate
                They still haven`t ruled out using him on the team for the tournament.

                rule the roost
                - be the dominant one in the family
                She seems rather quiet but she really rules the roost in their family.

                run a risk
                - unprotected, open to danger or loss
                You are running a great risk if you drive with him after he has been drinking.

                run around
                - go to different places for entertainment or to do things
                We ran around all day and now we are very tired.

                run around in circles
                - act confused, do a lot but accomplish little
                I have been running around all day but I can`t seem to get anything done.

                run away with
                - take quickly and secretly - especially without permission or by stealing
                Someone ran away with the dictionary so now we don`t have one.

                run away with
                - take hold of
                Their imagination ran away with them when they went to the circus. They decided that they actually wanted to join the circus.

                run away with
                - be much better than others, win easily
                Our hometown team ran away with the football championship.

                run down
                - crash against and knock down
                My dog was run down by a car last week.

                run down
                - say bad things about someone, criticize
                She is always running down her friends. That is why nobody likes her.

                run down
                - get into poor health or condition, look bad
                She has become run down since she started working at night.

                run for it
                - dash for safety, make a speedy escape
                As soon as it started raining we ran for it and tried to get to the shelter.

                run in
                - make a brief visit
                I ran in to see my sister at her office before I left for the weekend.

                run (someone) in
                - take to jail, arrest
                The police ran the three boys in for questioning about the robbery.

                run in the family/blood
                - be a common family characteristic
                Being a left-handed golfer and baseball hitter runs in our family.

                run into
                - add up to, total
                If you decide to stay in nice hotels during your holiday it will run into a lot of money.

                run into
                - mix with, join with
                During the hot weather the red paint on the roof ran into the white paint.

                run into
                - be affected by, get into
                He ran into trouble when he tried to cross the border with no visa.

                run into (something)
                - hit something or crash into something
                His car ran into the other car on the highway.

                run into (someone)
                - meet by chance
                I ran into him when I was at the supermarket.

                run into the ground
                - use something more than is wanted or needed
                He ran his car into the ground before he had to buy another one.

                run off
                - produce with a printing press or copy machine
                We ran off hundreds of copies of the poster for the festival.

                run off with (someone)
                - go away with someone, elope
                My sister ran off with her boyfriend and got married when she was quite young.

                - ordinary, usual
                The restaurant was in a run-of-the-mill building but it was superb.

                run out (of something)
                - use up, come to an end
                The car ran out of gas in the middle of the countryside.

                run out
                - force to leave, expel
                The drug dealers were run out of town by the police.

                run over
                - be too full and flow over the edge
                The water in the bathtub ran over the edge and got everything in the room wet.

                run over
                - try to go over something quickly, practice briefly
                We can run over this material tomorrow before the meeting.

                run over
                - drive on top of, ride over
                We ran over a small rabbit on the way to the meeting.

                run ragged
                - be tired or exhausted
                She has been run ragged by her three children.

                run scared
                - try everything to avoid defeat as in a political campaign
                The senator has been running scared in his attempt to win re-election.

                run short
                - not have enough, be not enough in quantity
                We ran short of money during our trip to Europe.

                run the gauntlet
                - face a hard test or painful experience
                He had to run the gauntlet of many interviews before he got the job.

                run through

                - spend recklessly, use up wastefully

                We ran through a lot of money when we were looking for a new apartment.

                run through

                - read or practice from beginning to end without stopping

                I usually try to run through my speech a couple of times before I have to give it.

                run up

                - add to the amount of something, increase

                He ran up a large bill at the department store before he left for home.

                run up

                - pull something up on a rope

                We ran up the flag early this morning before the parade started.

                run up against (something)

                - encounter

                They ran up against many problems when they were building the freeway.

                run wild

                - be or go out of control

                The crowd ran wild after the soccer game.

                Russian roulette

                - a game of chance in which one bullet is placed in a revolver, the cartridge is spun, and the player aims the gun at his head and pulls the trigger

                The men in the movie played Russian roulette until one of them finally died.

                Russian roulette

                - a potentially dangerous situation

                Putting the load of plutonium on the old ship was like playing a game of Russian roulette.


                sacred cow

                - something that is never criticized or laughed at even if it sometimes deserves to be

                The medical insurance system is a sacred cow of the government and is never criticized by anyone.

                (on the) safe side

                - take no chances

                It may rain so just to be on the safe side I think that I will bring my umbrella.

                sail into

                - scold or criticize very hard, attack

                As soon as I came in the door she sailed into me for being late.

                salt away

                - save money

                She has salted away a few thousand dollars from her new job.

                save face

                - save one`s good reputation when something has happened to hurt it

                Our boss was very embarrassed when he had to tell us that the company had lost a lot of money. However, he was able to save face when he showed that the problems were outside of his control.

                save one`s breath

                - remain silent because talking will do no good

                You may as well save your breath and not talk to her as she never believes you anyway.

                save one`s neck/skin

                - save oneself from danger or trouble

                He left the scene of the fire as soon as possible in order to save his own neck.

                save the day

                - bring about victory or success - esp. when defeat is likely

                He saved the day for his team after he played his best game of the season.

                say a mouthful

                - say something of great importance or meaning or length

                He really said a mouthful yesterday when he made the announcement about his new job.

                say one`s piece

                - say openly what one thinks

                He said his piece at the meeting and then left quietly by the back door.

                say the word

                - give a sign, show a wish

                Just say the word and I will come and pick you up at the airport.

                scare out of one`s wits

                - frighten very much

                Her little girl was scared out of her wits after she saw the horror movie.

                scare the daylights out of someone

                - frighten very much

                Falling off her bicycle scared the daylights out of her.

                scare up

                - find or gather something with some effort

                We were able to scare up a couple of sleeping bags so that we could go camping.

                scatter around

                - carelessly put in different places

                His papers are always scattered around his house so he is never able to find anything.

                school of hard knocks

                - ordinary experiences of life

                He learned all about life in the school of hard knocks.

                scrape the bottom of the barrel

                - take whatever is left after the best has been taken

                They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel if they must give him a job.

                scrape together

                - gather money etc. a little at a time

                We managed to scrape together enough money to go to Disneyland even though business is very bad and we don`t have much money.

                scrape up

                - find or gather something with some effort

                His girlfriend scraped up some money and went to visit him during the summer.

                scratch one`s back

                - do something nice for someone in the hope that they will do something for you

                "You scratch my back and I`ll scratch yours," he said when he offered to help me increase my sales.

                scratch the surface

                - make only a beginning to do or accomplish something

                They have been gathering information about the planned merger but they have only scratched the surface of what is available.

                screw around

                - loaf about, hang around without doing anything

                I spent the morning screwing around and didn`t get anything done.

                screw up

                - make a mess of something

                My travel agent screwed up our travel schedule so we had to stay at the airport overnight.

                scrounge around

                - look in many places for an item or items

                We didn`t have enough wood for the small building so we had to scrounge around the neighborhood to find some.

                search me

                - "I don`t know.", "How should I know."

                "Search me," he said when I asked him what had happened to the front of his car.

                search one`s soul

                - study one`s reasons and actions to see if one has been fair and honest

                I have been searching my soul to see if I was responsible for the accident that destroyed my friend`s car.

                second-guess someone

                - guess what someone else intends to do or would have done

                You should never try to second-guess the firefighters in a dangerous situation.

                second hand

                - not new, used by someone else

                He went to a second-hand bookstore to look for the books.

                second thought

                - after thinking about something again

                On second thought maybe you should bring an extra coat.

                second wind

                - regaining your energy after being tired

                After we got our second wind we continued on our hike up the mountain.

                security blanket

                - something one holds on to for reassurance or comfort (like a child and a blanket)

                He uses his computer as his security blanket so that he doesn`t have to go out and meet new people.

                see about (something)

                - check into something

                I`ll see about getting the book for you by next week.

                see eye to eye

                - agree

                We don`t always see eye to eye on everything but generally we get along.

                see off

                - go with someone to their point of departure

                I went to the airport to see her off.

                see one`s way clear to do something

                - feel able to do something

                When you see your way clear to begin the project could you please come and tell me.

                see out

                - go with someone to an outer door

                I went to the front door to see out our guests to their cars.

                see out

                - finish and not quit

                I decided to stay with my company for awhile in order to see out the restructuring process.

                see red

                - become very angry

                He saw red last night when I told him about the broken dishes.

                see stars

                - imagine one is seeing stars as a result of being hit on the head

                When I was hit by the opposing football player I fell to the ground and began to see stars.

                see the light

                - realize your mistake, suddenly see how to proceed with something

                He finally saw the light and began to do his work the same as everyone else.

                see the light of day

                - be born or begun

                I don`t believe that his plans to build a new house will ever see the light of day.

                see the world (things) through rose-colored glasses

                - see only the good things about something, be too optimistic

                She is a little unrealistic and tends to see the world through rose-colored glasses.

                see things

                - imagine sights that are not real, think one sees what is not there

                He is always daydreaming and imagining that he is seeing things.

                see through

                - understand someone`s true character or motivation

                I could easily see through his attempt to fire her from her job.

                see to (something)

                - attend to or do something

                I will see to the rental car and you can see to the airplane tickets.

                see to it

                - take the responsibility to do something, make sure

                Will you please see to it that the garbage is taken out in the morning.

                sell like hotcakes

                - sell quickly, sell rapidly

                The tickets for the football game were selling like hotcakes when I inquired this morning.

                sell out

                - be disloyal, sell a secret, be unfaithful

                He said that he was a socialist but as soon as he got a good job he sold out to the establishment.

                sell oneself short

                - underestimate oneself

                He is selling himself short when he thinks that he can`t do any other job.

                send away for something

                - write a letter asking for something

                I sent away for some postage stamps but they haven't arrived yet.

                send someone packing

                - tell someone to leave, dismiss someone

                He was sent packing because of his bad attitude to his job.

                send up

                - sentence someone to prison

                He was sent up for seven years for robbing a bank.

                serve one`s purpose

                - be useful to someone for a certain need

                That tool should serve my purpose until I find the correct one.

                serve someone right

                - get the punishment or results that one deserves

                He never studies at all so it serves him right to fail his exam.

                serve time

                - spend time in jail

                He served time when he was young but now he is a model citizen.

                set about

                - begin, start

                We set about preparing the office for the move to a bigger building.

                set back

                - cause to put off or get behind schedule, slow up

                We were set back over a month when the floods destroyed the road to our farm.

                set (one) back

                - cost

                How much did your new suit set you back?

                set eyes on

                - to see

                I don`t know if she is here or not. I haven`t set eyes on her since yesterday.

                set foot

                - step, walk

                I have never set foot in that restaurant and I never will in the future.

                set forth

                - explain exactly or clearly

                He carefully set forth the terms of the rental contract.

                set forth

                - start to go somewhere, begin a trip

                They set forth on their holiday about 70 this morning.

                set in

                - weather condition begins and will probably continue

                The rain has set in and it looks like it won`t stop for awhile.

                set loose

                - set free, release something that you are holding

                The wildlife department decided to set loose the bear that it had captured.

                set off

                - decorate through contrast, balance by difference

                He painted the trim of his house red in order to set off the light colors.

                set off

                - to cause to explode

                The fire set off a large explosion on the ship.

                set one`s heart on

                - want very much

                I set my heart on a nice holiday this winter but I won`t be able to go because I have no money.

                set one`s mind at rest

                - free oneself from worry

                I told him the reason we can`t come in order to set his mind at rest.

                set out

                - leave on a journey

                Marco Polo set out for China many years ago.

                set out

                - decide and begin to try, attempt

                He set out to learn Spanish when he was transferred to Mexico.

                set sail

                - start sailing, begin a sea voyage

                The three women set sail for Hawaii on a small sailboat.

                set store on (by)

                - like or value, want to keep

                Our company sets great store on their ability to attract good people.

                set the pace

                - decide on a rate of speed to do something that others will follow

                The manager of our section sets the pace for the employees under him.

                set the world on fire

                - do something outstanding or that makes one famous

                He has not been able to set the world on fire with his writing but he is trying very hard.

                settle for

                - be satisfied with less, agree to

                I settled for less than I originally wanted with my contract but still I am happy with it.

                set up

                - establish, provide the money for something

                The newspaper company provided the money to set up the new travel magazine.

                set up

                - make something ready to use by putting the parts together

                After we set up the gas barbecue we were able to cook dinner.

                set (someone) up

                - put someone in a position to be manipulated

                I don`t believe that I lost that money honestly. I believe that I was set up.


                - arrangement, management, circumstances

                My uncle has a very nice setup at his office.

                settle down

                - live a quiet normal life

                He settled down and started a family after he finished university.

                settle a score with someone

                - retaliate against someone, pay someone back for a past wrong

                He always appears to be trying to settle the score with him and never treats him fairly.

                seventh heaven

                - a state of intense delight

                She has been in seventh heaven since she got the music award.

                sewed up

                - won or arranged as one wishes, decided

                The candidate for the nomination easily sewed up his victory last week.

                shack up with

                - live with someone of the opposite sex without marrying them

                When his sister was younger she shacked up with her boyfriend for a couple of years.

                shake a leg

                - go fast, hurry

                "You will have to shake a leg if you want to arrive at the movie on time."

                shake down

                - get money by threats

                The gangsters shook down the small shop owners to get some money.

                shake off (an illness)

                - get rid of (an illness)

                She has been unable to shake off her illness and can`t come to the party.

                shake up

                - change the command or leadership of something

                The president decided to shake up top management in order to bring new energy into the organization.

                (be) shaken up

                - be bothered or disturbed

                I was a little shaken up after I heard about the fire at our new apartment building.

                shape up

                - begin to act and look right

                He has finally begun to shape up and is doing his job much better.

                shell out

                - pay

                I shelled out over a thousand dollars for the new stereo.

                shine up to

                - try to please, try to make friends with

                He is always shining up to his boss in the hopes of getting a raise.

                shoe is on the other foot

                - opposite is true, places are changed

                The shoe is on the other foot now that he has also bought a house and has to pay a lot of money every month for his mortgage.


                - someone or something that is expected to win, a sure winner

                The new president is a shoo-in to win another term in office.

                shook up

                - upset, worried

                He was really shook up after the accident and has not been back to work since.

                shoot one`s wad

                - spend all one`s money, say everything that is on one`s mind

                He shot his wad on a vacation to the Caribbean last winter.

                shoot straight

                - act fairly, deal honestly

                He always shoots straight when he is dealing with the police or the government.

                shoot the breeze/bull

                - talk idly

                I met him at the supermarket so we decided to shoot the breeze for a few minutes.

                shoot the works

                - spare no expense or effort

                They are planning to shoot the works when they plan the victory celebration for the Olympic medal winners.

                shoot up

                - grow quickly

                His son really shot up quickly when he went away for the summer.

                shoot up

                - arise suddenly

                The flames shot up over the top of the building when the wind started blowing.

                shoot up

                - shoot at recklessly

                In many western movies the outlaws come into town and shoot up everybody.

                shoot up

                - take drugs by injecting them

                We were going to a movie when we saw the heroin addict shooting up heroin in the alley.

                shop around

                - go to various stores to look for something

                We shopped around for a month before we bought a new stereo system.

                shore up

                - add support to something which is weak

                It was necessary to shore up the house after the mud slide damaged the foundation.

                short and sweet

                - brief and pleasant

                His visit with his parents was short and sweet.

                short end (of the stick)

                - unfair, unequal treatment

                He always gets the short end of the stick when he is at work.

                short of

                - not have enough of something

                We are short of sugar so could you please buy some when you are at the store.

                short shrift

                - rude treatment

                She received short shrift from her supervisor when she asked for a holiday.

                shot in the arm

                - something inspiring or encouraging

                His job search got a shot in the arm when the company president called him in for an interview.

                shot in the dark

                - an attempt without much hope or chance of succeeding

                The attempt to find the small boy who had fallen into the river was a shot in the dark.

                shove down one`s throat

                - force someone to do or agree to something not wanted

                I don`t like him because he is always trying to shove his ideas down my throat.

                shove off

                - start, leave

                I think that it is time for us to shove off. It is almost midnight.

                show off

                - try to attract attention, display

                He has bought a lot of new clothes that recently he has been trying to show off.


                - a person who brags a lot

                He is a show-off and is always trying to impress other people.

                show one`s cards

                - disclose one`s plans

                He hasn`t really shown us his cards yet so I don`t really know what he wants.

                show one`s (true) colors

                - show what one is really like or is thinking

                He has shown his true colors lately with his attempt to punish those who don`t reach the sales target.

                show someone the door

                - ask someone to go away

                When he started yelling in the restaurant he was quickly shown the door.

                show up

                - appear, arrive, be present

                What time did your friend show up for the party?

                show up

                - become or make something easy to see

                At first we couldn`t see what was written on the vase but after a little effort to clean it up the design began to show up.

                shrug off

                - not be bothered or hurt by something, disregard

                She is a little mean but we always just shrug off her comments.

                shut off

                - make something like water or electricity stop

                We always shut off the gas when we leave the house for more than a few minutes.

                shut off

                - be apart, be separated from

                The small town is shut off from the other towns in the valley.

                shut out

                - prevent the opposite team from scoring during a game

                The national soccer team shut out the second place team three games in a row.

                shut up

                - stop talking

                "Please shut up and let someone else speak for a change."

                shut up

                - close the doors and windows of a building for a period of time

                We decided to shut up our cottage for the summer as we would not use it anymore.

                shut up

                - confine

                We have to shut up our dog in the house when the mailman comes.

                sick and tired

                - dislike something, be annoyed with something

                I am sick and tired of his constant complaining.

                sick of (someone or something)

                - bored with, dislike

                I think that she is sick of working overtime every day.

                side with

                - favor, support a position in a dispute

                Her mother always sides with her if they have an argument.

                sight unseen

                - before seeing a thing or person

                He bought the car sight unseen and now he is having trouble with it.

                sign over

                - give something legally to someone by signing one`s name

                He signed over his car to his son on his 21st birthday.

                sign up

                - promise to do something by signing one`s name, join

                He signs up for tennis lessons every summer but his ability never improves.

                simmer down

                - become calm, quiet

                He was very angry after the meeting but he has begun to simmer down a little now.

                sing (whistle) a different tune

                - contradict something said before, talk or act in the opposite way

                Usually he doesn`t care if he disturbs his neighbors at midnight but now that he has to get up early in the morning he is whistling a different tune.

                sink in

                - to penetrate, become understood

                What he said hasn`t really sunk in with the other members of the company.

                sink one`s teeth into

                - go to work seriously

                It`s a difficult problem and is a little difficult to sink your teeth into.

                sink or swim

                - fail or succeed by your own efforts

                He will have to sink or swim when he begins his new job.

                sit back

                - be built a distance away from a street

                The large mansion sits back three or four hundred meters from the street.

                sit back

                - relax, rest, take time out

                We decided to sit back for the day and not do anything.

                sit idly by

                - sit and watch or rest while others work

                He sat idly by all morning while the others worked hard.


                - political demonstration where students or workers refuse to leave their classroom or job sites

                The students held a sit-in demonstration to demand an end to the war.

                sit in on

                - attend or participate in a meeting

                Our boss sat in on the meeting so that he could find out what was happening.

                sit on

                - be a member of a jury or board, etc.

                The former Prime Minister is now sitting on the board of many corporations.

                sit right (negative)

                - be unacceptable

                His idea seemed good at first but it doesn`t seem to sit right with the president.

                sit tight

                - wait patiently for something

                Please sit tight for a few minutes while I go and get a police officer.

                sitting duck

                - a non-moving target that is easily hit by a hunter

                The hunter shot the sitting ducks easily and quickly.

                sitting duck

                - an unsuspecting person easily fooled - as if they are waiting to be attacked

                The woman was a sitting duck when she sat on the bench with her purse beside her.

                sitting pretty

                - be in a favorable situation

                He is sitting pretty with his new job and lots of money.

                sit up

                - stay awake instead of going to bed

                My mother had to sit up all night as my younger sister was very sick.

                sit well (with)

                - please or find favor with someone

                His decision to leave early for the weekend didn`t sit well with the other members of the staff.

                six feet under

                - dead

                He doesn`t plan to move until he is six feet under.

                (at) sixes and sevens

                - in confusion or disagreement

                They have been at sixes and sevens since they opened the new school.

                six of one and half-a-dozen of the other

                - two things the same, no difference

                It was six of one or half-a-dozen of the other as to whether or not we should take the train or the airplane. They both arrived at the same time and cost the same.

                (the) size of it

                - the way it is

                That`s about the size of it he said as he finished telling her about the accident.

                size up

                - form an opinion, assess a situation

                It took him a little time to size up the candidate before deciding to give him a job.

                skate on thin ice

                - take a chance, risk danger or disapproval

                He has been skating on thin ice recently with regard to his job. He is causing many problems and may be fired.

                skeleton in one`s closet

                - family secret

                I heard that he has a lot of skeletons in his closet that he doesn`t want to talk about.

                skid row

                - area of a city where many people live who have no money and drink a lot of alcohol

                The skid row of our city is very depressing with the large number of drunk people around.

                skin alive

                - scold angrily, spank or beat

                She told her son that if he was late for dinner she would skin him alive.

                skin and bones

                - very skinny

                The cat which we found in the empty house was all skin and bones..


                - only on the surface, not having any deep or honest meaning

                Although beauty is said to be only skin-deep many people care about it too much.

                (no) skin off one`s nose

                - matter of interest, concern or trouble to one

                It is no skin off my nose whether or not she comes to the party.

                (by the) skin of one`s teeth

                - only just, barely

                We were able to arrive in time for the train by the skin of our teeth.

                skip bail

                - run away and not come to trial and therefore give up any money that you may have already paid the court

                The man didn`t want to go to jail so he skipped bail and went to another city.

                skip it

                - forget all about it

                "Skip it", I said as she forgot to bring me the phone number after I had asked her three times.

                slap in the face

                - an insult

                Not getting a promotion was a real slap in the face for her.

                slap together

                - make in a hurry and without care

                We slapped together a picnic table for the company picnic.

                sleep a wink

                - get a moment`s sleep

                I didn`t sleep a wink last night.

                sleep on it

                - think about something, consider, decide later

                I will have to sleep on it tonight but I will give you an answer tomorrow.

                slip of the tongue

                - say the wrong thing at the wrong time

                His insult to the customer was a major slip of the tongue.

                slip one`s mind

                - be forgotten

                I`m very sorry I didn`t come and meet you last night. Our appointment totally slipped my mind.

                slip up

                - make a mistake

                I slipped up when I said that I would not be able to go to the meeting next week.

                slow down

                - go more slowly than usual

                You should slow down a little when you come to a bridge while driving.


                - a form of striking without coming to a complete stop

                There was a slow-down at the post office last year.

                smack into

                - collide, hit

                The first car ran smack into the car behind it.

                small fry

                - someone or something of little importance, young children

                The police are trying to find some of the major criminals in the drug trade. They are not interested in the small fry.

                smash hit

                - a very successful performance, song, play, or movie

                The series of Star War movies were all smash hits.

                smell a rat

                - become suspicious

                I don`t know what he is doing but something seems strange and I smell a rat.

                smoke out

                - force out with smoke

                The rats were smoked out of their nests by the black smoke.

                smoke out

                - find out the facts about something

                They were able to easily smoke out the real reasons for his decision to leave the company.

                smooth something over

                - make better or more pleasant

                She tried to smooth over the problems between her boss and his sales staff.

                snail`s pace

                - a very slow movement forward

                The cars on the highway moved at a snail`s pace.

                snake in the grass

                - an enemy who pretends to be a friend

                You should be careful of her even if she seems very nice. She is like a snake in the grass.

                (a) snap

                - an easy task

                The exam was a snap and I`m sure that I did very well.

                snap out of it

                - return to normal, stop being afraid

                He finally snapped out of his depression and was able to return to work quickly.

                snap up

                - take or accept eagerly

                The tickets to the concert were snapped up in three hours.

                (not to be) sneezed at

                - worth having, not to be despised

                That new stereo system is not to be sneezed at.

                (not a) snowball`s chance in hell

                - no chance at all

                They don`t have a snowball`s chance in hell of winning the game tomorrow.

                snow job
                - insincere or exaggerated talk designed to gain the favors of someone

                His presentation at the interview was a total snow job.


                • #9
                  Re: English Idioms(A-Z)

                  snow job
                  - use technical vocabulary to seem like an expert in a field
                  The salesman gave us a snow job when he started to talk about the specifications of the machine.

                  snow under
                  - have or get so much of something that it can`t be taken care of
                  I have been snowed under with paperwork during the last few weeks.

                  soak up
                  - take into oneself like a sponge takes up water
                  He was able to soak up a lot of knowledge when he went to the summer film seminar.

                  sob story
                  - a story that makes one feel pity or sorrow
                  My sister told me a sob story about how she had lost her job.

                  sock it to someone
                  - give everything one is capable of
                  The president socked it to the audience with his speech at the convention.

                  so far
                  - until now
                  So far no one has entered the speech contest at the television station.

                  so far, so good
                  - until now things have gone well
                  "So far, so good." she replied when he asked her how her new job was going.

                  soft spot for someone/something
                  - a feeling of affection toward a person or thing

                  She has a soft spot for the elderly lady in the store.

                  so help me
                  - I promise, I swear
                  "So help me, if you don`t pay me back my money I will phone your company and ask them for help."

                  so long
                  - goodbye
                  "So long, I will see you next week."

                  somebody up there loves/hates me
                  - an expression meaning that an unseen power in heaven has been
                  favorable/unfavorable to you
                  "Somebody up there loves me," he said as he found the money on the side of the road.

                  something else
                  - so good as to be beyond description
                  The movie was something else. It was the best movie I had seen in years.

                  something else again
                  - a different kind of thing
                  Working all day on Saturday is OK but working all day Sunday is something else again.

                  so much
                  - a large quantity of something
                  There was so much rain in the spring that our garden wouldn`t grow well.

                  song and dance
                  - excuses
                  He gave me a song and dance about being busy but I never really believed him.

                  son of a gun/bitch
                  - a person, used as an exclamation
                  I wish that that son of a bitch would stop using my camera without asking me.

                  sooner or later
                  - eventually
                  Sooner or later you must pay me back the money so you should do it as soon as possible.

                  sore loser
                  - someone who gets angry when they lose
                  He is a sore loser when he doesn`t win a game of tennis.

                  sort of
                  - almost, similar to, not quite
                  Did you finish cleaning the kitchen? Well, sort of, but not really.

                  sound off
                  - tell what one knows or thinks in a loud voice
                  He is always sounding off about why he doesn`t like his job.

                  sound out
                  - try to find out how a person feels about something by asking questions
                  I have been sounding out my wife recently about whether or not she wants to move to a new house.

                  - changing and adding something to make it more powerful or faster
                  He bought a souped-up car when he was a teenager.

                  spaced out
                  - confused, incoherent, resembling someone who is using drugs
                  He was totally spaced out when the professor asked him a question about the text.

                  speak for
                  - make a request for, ask for
                  He spoke for the comfortable chair as soon as he entered the room.

                  speak of the devil and he appears
                  - a person comes just when one is talking about him
                  "Speak of the devil and he appears," I said just as our colleague who we were talking about walked in the door.

                  speak one`s piece
                  - say openly what one thinks
                  I think that it is time for me to speak my piece and tell them what I want to do about the plans for a new factory.

                  speak out
                  - speak in favor of or in support of something
                  My boss spoke out in favor of a promotion for me.

                  speak up
                  - speak in a loud or clear voice
                  I had to ask the teacher to speak up as I couldn`t hear him at all.

                  spell out
                  - explain something in very simple words, explain very clearly
                  I spelled out our conditions for renting out our house very clearly.

                  spic and span
                  - very clean, very neat
                  The house was spic and span when we returned from our holiday.

                  spill the beans
                  - tell a secret, inform
                  He promised not to spill the beans about his plans to get married.

                  spitting image
                  - exact resemblance
                  He is a spitting image of his father.

                  split hairs
                  - make unnecessary distinctions
                  He makes a lot of good points but he also has a tendency to split hairs and waste a lot of our time.

                  split the difference
                  - settle a money disagreement by dividing the difference
                  We had to pay extra money for the car so we decided to split the difference.

                  split ticket
                  - vote for candidates from more than one political party
                  He always votes for a split ticket when he votes and never votes for only one party.

                  split up
                  - separate
                  They seemed like a nice couple but they suddenly decided to split up last month.

                  splurge on something
                  - spend a lot of money for something
                  He splurged on a beautiful present for his girlfriend.

                  - make something very easy for someone
                  He is a very strict teacher and never likes to spoon-feed his students.

                  spread oneself too thin
                  - try to do too many things at one time
                  She has been spreading herself too thin lately and is not accomplishing very much of anything.

                  spring chicken
                  - a young person (usually negative)
                  She is no spring chicken. She is almost 96 years old.

                  spruce up
                  - clean, redecorate
                  They spruced up the community center for the summer holidays.

                  (on the) spur of the moment
                  - suddenly
                  He decided to go to Hong Kong on the spur of the moment.

                  square away
                  - put right for use or action
                  Have you squared away your plans for your holidays yet?

                  square one
                  - in the beginning
                  We had to go back to square one and start the project over.

                  square peg in a round hole
                  - a person who does not fit into a job or position
                  He is like a square peg in a round hole trying to do the job of an accountant.

                  squawk about
                  - complain about
                  He is always squawking about the bad service in that restaurant.

                  stab someone in the back
                  - betray someone
                  I dislike him because he tried to stab me in the back during the last meeting.

                  stack the cards
                  - arrange things (unfairly) for or against a person

                  They are stacking the cards against him with their constant demands for more and more qualifications for the job.

                  stamping grounds

                  - a place where a person spends much of his time

                  He went back to his old stamping grounds which he remembered as a teenager.

                  stamp out

                  - destroy completely and make disappear

                  The government is making a great effort to stamp out smoking among teenagers.

                  (can`t) stand

                  - can`t tolerate, dislike

                  She can`t stand the other people in her class.

                  stand a chance

                  - have a possibility

                  They stand a good chance of winning the game.

                  stand by

                  - be near, waiting to do something when needed

                  There is a doctor standing by in case there is a medical emergency.

                  stand by

                  - follow or keep (one`s promise), be loyal to or support

                  She always stands by her husband when he has a problem.

                  stand clear of something
                  - keep away from something

                  Please stand clear of the door while we are moving the piano.

                  stand for

                  - be a sign of, make one think of

                  I didn`t know what the letters stood for so I was not able to write the correct name of the company.

                  stand for

                  - speak in favor of something or show that one supports it

                  All of the candidates stand for a platform of law and order.

                  stand for

                  - allow to happen or be done, permit

                  He will not stand for anybody to come to his classes late.

                  stand in awe of

                  - look upon with wonder, feel respectful to

                  He stands in awe of the former coach in the football department.

                  stand in for someone

                  - be a substitute for someone else

                  The other actor stood in for her when she was sick.

                  stand (someone) in good stead
                  - be a great advantage to someone
                  It will stand you in good stead with the company if you do the extra work.

                  stand off
                  - stay at a distance, stay apart
                  He always stands off from the rest of the students in his class.

                  stand off
                  - keep someone or something from coming near or winning
                  There was a stand-off at the bank between the police and the bank robbers.

                  stand on ceremony
                  - be formal
                  You don`t need to stand on ceremony. You can relax.

                  stand one`s ground
                  - maintain and defend one`s position
                  He stood his ground over his decision to fire the employee.

                  stand on one`s own two feet
                  - be independent
                  He learned to stand on his own two feet when he was very young.

                  stand out
                  - be more noticeable in some way than those around one
                  He likes to wear clothes that make him stand out from the crowd.

                  stand over
                  - watch closely, keep checking all the time
                  He stood over his son all day to make sure that he was studying for his final exams.

                  stand pat
                  - be satisfied with things and be against a change
                  We should stand pat for awhile and not do anything to cause any problems with the negotiations.

                  stand to reason
                  - make sense, be logical
                  If he told a lie about that it stands to reason that he will probably lie to you about other things too.

                  stand up
                  - strong enough to use for a long time
                  The new carpet is able to stand up to the use of many people.

                  stand up and be counted
                  - be willing to say what one thinks in public
                  The union members thought it was time that they stood up and were counted before management took away their benefits.

                  stand (someone) up
                  - fail to keep an appointment or date with your boyfriend or girlfriend

                  He stood her up on a date last Saturday and now she won`t talk to him.

                  stand up for

                  - defend against attack, fight for

                  The citizens of the town were ready to stand up for their rights,

                  stand up to someone

                  - be brave in confronting someone

                  He stood up to his boss during the meeting when his boss criticized his work.

                  stars in one`s eyes

                  - an appearance or feeling of very great happiness

                  She had stars in her eyes when she saw the beautiful ring that her boyfriend had bought for her.

                  start in

                  - begin a career

                  He started in as a mailroom clerk but soon he began to have more and more important jobs in the company.

                  start the ball rolling

                  - begin to do something

                  He finally started the ball rolling on their plans to build a new house.

                  start up

                  - begin operating, begin to play

                  He started up a small business when he was 20 years old.

                  stay away from

                  - avoid

                  He has been staying away from salty foods for several months now.

                  stay put
                  - stay in one place, not leave
                  We decided to stay put for our holidays rather than go away.

                  steal one`s thunder
                  - do or say something that another person had planned to say
                  He stole my thunder when he announced that he was leaving the company before me.

                  steal the show
                  - act or do so well in a performance that you get most of the attention
                  The little boy stole the show at the music festival.

                  steer clear of someone
                  - avoid
                  I have been steering clear of that person ever since our argument.

                  step by step
                  - gradually
                  He has made a great effort and step by step he has learned how to use a computer.

                  step down
                  - leave an important position
                  My father stepped down from his job as president of his company recently.

                  step on it
                  - go faster, hurry
                  "Step on it," he yelled as the taxi took him to the airport a little late.

                  step on one`s toes
                  - do something that embarrasses or offends someone else
                  He stepped on a lot of people`s toes at work and now has many enemies.

                  step on the gas
                  - go faster, hurry
                  I decided to step on the gas in order to get to work on time.

                  step up
                  - make something go faster or more actively
                  Recently we had to step up our effort to hire some new computer programmers for our company.

                  step up
                  - rise to a higher or more important position, be promoted
                  He stepped up to the position of manager after the old manager was fired.

                  stew in one`s own juice
                  - suffer from something that one has caused to happen oneself
                  He is stewing in his own juice after he got into trouble for being late.

                  stick around
                  - stay or wait nearby
                  We decided to stick around after the game to talk for awhile.

                  - someone who is old-fashioned, someone who doesn`t want to join in with others
                  He is a stick-in-the-mud and will never join in any of the activities at a party.

                  stick one`s neck out
                  - take risks, support someone
                  He never sticks his neck out for anyone at work and therefore has few friends.

                  stick it out
                  - endure, continue
                  She doesn`t like her new job but plans to stick it out until she saves enough money to go to Europe.

                  stick to (a story/the facts)
                  - remain faithful to something
                  Please stick to the facts when you tell the story to the police.

                  stick to one`s guns
                  - defend an action or opinion despite an unfavorable reaction
                  He is sticking to his guns on his decision to fire the manager of the store.

                  stick up
                  - rob with a gun
                  A man with a gun tried to stick up my mother when I was a child.

                  stick up for
                  - defend, help, support
                  He always sticks up for the younger workers at his company.

                  stick with
                  - continue doing, not quit
                  He has been able to stick with his trumpet lessons since he was a child.

                  stick with
                  - stay with, not leave
                  If you stick with your job for a few years you will be able to save a lot of money.

                  stick (someone) with
                  - leave someone with something unpleasant
                  I was stuck with paying the bill when I went to the restaurant with my friends.

                  sticky fingers
                  - the habit of stealing things that one sees and wants
                  The young boy has sticky fingers and you must watch him all the time.

                  - terrible, bad quality
                  Do you like that new policy at your company? No, I think it stinks.

                  stir up
                  - cause some action to occur, rouse
                  The man`s angry words stirred up the crowd and made them very angry.

                  stir up a hornet`s nest
                  - make many people angry, do something that many people don`t like
                  He stirred up a hornet`s nest when he began to talk about the problems with the bonus system at his job.

                  - having no money
                  He was stone-broke after he came back from his holiday in Greece.

                  stop by
                  - visit, pass by
                  Why don`t you stop by my house on your way home?

                  stop dead/cold
                  - stop very quickly or with great force
                  He stopped dead when he saw the bear in the middle of the road.

                  stop in one`s tracks
                  - stop very quickly or with great force
                  The elephant was forced to stop in its tracks by the electric fence.

                  stop off
                  - stop at a place for a short time while going somewhere
                  We decided to stop off in New York City on our way to Egypt.

                  stop over
                  - stay at a place overnight or for a short time while on a trip
                  The plane had to stop over in Alaska because one of the passengers had a heart attack.

                  straight from the horse`s mouth
                  - directly from the person involved
                  I went over to my friend`s house so that I could hear about her wedding straight from the horse`s mouth.

                  straight from the shoulder
                  - open and honest way of speaking
                  He always speaks straight from the shoulder.

                  straight out
                  - plainly, in a way that hides nothing
                  He was told straight out by his boss that his work was not satisfactory.

                  straighten up
                  - put in order, clean up
                  He had to straighten up the house before inviting his parents over for dinner.

                  strapped for cash
                  - have no money available
                  I am a little strapped for cash so I won`t be able to go away this summer.

                  straw in the wind
                  - a small sign of what may happen
                  When the company began to try and cut back on expenses it was a straw in the wind as to what would happen in the future.

                  straw that breaks the camel`s back
                  - a small problem which follows other troubles that makes you lose patience and be unable to continue as before
                  Recently she has caused many problems in this company. However, when she lost the key to the front door of the office it was the straw that broke the camel`s back and we decided to fire her.

                  stretch a point
                  - agree to something beyond the limit of what is normally allowed
                  I think it is stretching a point to think you can go and take a two-hour lunch break.

                  strike it rich
                  - become rich or successful suddenly
                  He struck it rich when he got a job at the computer company and was able to buy some stock very cheap.

                  strike out
                  - be put out of action through one`s own errors
                  He struck out in his attempt to gather enough support to build a new cafeteria in the building.

                  strike while the iron is hot
                  - take advantage of an opportunity
                  He decided to strike while the iron was hot and quickly applied for the job.

                  string along
                  - deceive or fool
                  He tried to string me along with his story about his sick mother.

                  string out
                  - make something extend over a great distance or over a long period of time
                  The games of the soccer tournament were strung out over a period of about 3 weeks.

                  strings attached
                  - obligations, restraining conditions
                  He was able to borrow the money for the furniture with no strings attached.

                  stuck on
                  - very much in love with, crazy about
                  My niece has been stuck on the boy next door for several months now.

                  stuck up
                  - acting as if other people are not as good as one is, conceited
                  We don`t like the new woman at work because she is very stuck up and thinks she is much better than the rest of us.

                  stuffed shirt
                  - a person who is too rigid or too formal
                  He is a stuffed shirt and I never feel comfortable to try and talk with him.

                  sucker list
                  - a list of easily-fooled people who are easily persuaded to buy something
                  The salesmen used a sucker list to try and get people to buy his new product.

                  sugar daddy
                  - a rich older man who gives money to a younger woman for her companionship
                  The woman went off on a nice winter holiday with her sugar daddy.

                  sum up
                  - put something into a few words, summarize
                  He summed up his presentation and asked for questions from the audience.

                  sunny-side up
                  - eggs fried on one side only
                  We asked for our eggs to be fried sunny-side up at the restaurant.

                  sure thing
                  - something sure to happen, something about which there is no doubt
                  His promotion to senior manager is a sure thing according to the president.

                  sure thing
                  - of course, certainly
                  "Sure thing, I would be glad to help you with your homework tonight."

                  swallow one`s pride
                  - bring one`s pride under control, become humble
                  I had to swallow my pride and go and ask my supervisor for some extra money.

                  - overwhelmed
                  I am a little swamped with work at the moment so I can`t meet you tonight.

                  swan song
                  - final appearance
                  He was a big hit during his swan song at the party last week.

                  swear by
                  - use as the support or authority that what one is saying is truthful
                  The accused criminal was asked to swear on a bible at the trial.

                  swear by
                  - have complete confidence in , be sure of something
                  He swears by the walk that he takes every morning.

                  swear in
                  - have a person promise to do his duty as a member of an organization or government dept. etc.
                  The new Prime Minister was sworn in last night at the parliament.

                  swear off
                  - decide to give up something that you are in the habit of using
                  My friend swore off alcohol several years ago.

                  sweat bullets/blood
                  - be nervous, be very worried
                  I was sweating bullets during the interview but after it started I was able to calm down.

                  sweat out
                  - wait anxiously, worry while waiting
                  I spent the evening sweating out whether or not I would get the job or not.

                  sweep off one`s feet
                  - overcome with strong feelings
                  We were swept off our feet over the excitement of the ceremony.

                  sweep under the rug
                  - hide or dismiss casually
                  They always sweep their problems under the rug and never want to discuss them.

                  sweetie pie
                  - darling, sweetheart
                  He always calls his wife sweetie pie. Even after they have been married for 30 years.

                  sweet on
                  - in love with, very fond of
                  He was sweet on his next door neighbor when he was a child.

                  sweet talk
                  - praise or flatter someone to get what you want
                  My sister tried to sweet talk our father into giving her the car but he said no.

                  swelled head
                  - a feeling that one is more important than one really is
                  He has a swelled head since he got the new position in his company.

                  swim against the tide/current
                  - do the opposite of what most people want to do
                  He is always swimming against the tide and never wants to do what his friends are doing.

                  switched on
                  - in tune with the latest fads, ideas and fashions
                  His aunt is really switched on and looks much younger than her age.


                  • #10
                    Re: English Idioms(A-Z)


                    tail between one`s legs
                    - feeling ashamed or beaten
                    He was forced to resign from his company with his tail between his legs after he was caught lying about his expense account.

                    take a back seat
                    - accept a poorer or lower position, be second to something or someone
                    I had to take a back seat to my partner when we went on the business trip.

                    take a bath
                    - come to financial ruin
                    She took a bath on the stock market last year and is afraid to invest in stocks now.

                    take a beating
                    - lose money
                    His father really took a beating on the stock market recently.

                    take a crack at
                    - try, attempt
                    Have you decided to take a crack at the entrance exam in June?

                    take a dim view of
                    - be against, disapprove
                    Our company takes a dim view of people who do not wear a suit and tie.

                    take advantage of
                    - use for one`s own benefit
                    We took advantage of the beautiful weather and went to the beach.

                    take after
                    - resemble or act like a parent or relative
                    He is tall and handsome like his father and seems to take after him in other ways as well.

                    take a leak
                    - urinate
                    He stopped at the side of the road to take a leak when he was walking home last night.

                    take a powder
                    - leave quickly, run away
                    I don`t know where he is but I think that he took a powder right after the meeting.

                    take a shine to
                    - have or show a quick liking for someone
                    Her daughter took a shine to her new teacher and is very happy at school now.

                    take a stand on something
                    - declare firmly that one is for or against something
                    The Prime Minister finally took a stand on the tax issue.

                    take a trip
                    - go for a journey
                    We plan to take a trip to Italy in November.

                    take back
                    - admit to making a wrong statement
                    He had to take back what he said about his boss in front of his co-workers.

                    take by storm
                    - capture by a sudden or very bold attack
                    The army took the town by storm and was easily able to capture all of the enemy troops.

                    take by storm
                    - win the favor of, become popular with a group of people
                    The rock band took the town by storm when they came to town.

                    take care of
                    - look after or give attention to someone or something
                    You should take care of your health or you will get sick.

                    take care of
                    - deal with something, do what is necessary to do something
                    Could you please take care of these letters while I make some phone calls.

                    take down
                    - write or record what is said
                    I took down many notes during the lecture last week.

                    take down
                    - take apart, pull to pieces
                    We took down our tent as soon as it began to rain.

                    take down a notch (peg)
                    - make someone less proud or sure of himself
                    He was taken down a notch by his boss because he was beginning to act in an arrogant manner.

                    take effect
                    - become legally right or operative
                    The new laws related to alcohol took effect early last month.

                    take exception to
                    - speak against, find fault with, be angered by
                    He took exception to the fact that everyone was able to go and play golf except for himself.

                    take for
                    - mistake someone for something
                    The man took the young boy for a robber and called the police.

                    take for a ride
                    - play a trick on or fool someone, take unfair advantage of someone
                    I was taken for a ride by the used car salesman. The car that I bought is not very good.

                    take for granted
                    - assume something is a certain way or is correct
                    I took it for granted that you knew him. Otherwise I would have introduced you.

                    take heart
                    - be encouraged, feel brave and want to try something
                    He took heart from his previous failure and decided to try again.

                    take ill/sick
                    - become sick
                    She took ill during her holiday and spent most of the time in her hotel.

                    take in
                    - go and see or visit
                    We decided to go and take in a movie last night.

                    take in
                    - make smaller
                    The tailor took in the waist of my suit pants and they now fit much better.

                    take in
                    - grasp with the mind
                    The course was very difficult but I tried to take in as much as possible.

                    take in (money)
                    - receive, get
                    We were able to take in a lot of money last night at the charity auction.

                    take in
                    - let someone come in, admit
                    The farmer took in the couple for the night after their car broke down.

                    take in stride
                    - accept good or bad luck and go on
                    The boxer took his loss in stride and began to prepare for his next fight.

                    take it
                    - endure trouble or criticism or abuse
                    He is quite sensitive and can never really take it if I make a joke about him.

                    take it
                    - get an idea or impression, understand from what is said or done
                    I take it that you are not going to come to the graduation ceremony next week.

                    take it easy
                    - relax
                    I`ve been working hard all month so I have decided to take it easy for a few days.

                    take it on the chin
                    - be badly beaten or hurt, accept trouble calmly
                    Our team took it on the chin at the baseball tournament last week.

                    take it out on
                    - be unpleasant or unkind to someone because one is angry or upset
                    Although he has much stress from work he is careful not to take it out on his friends or family.

                    take its toll
                    - cause loss or damage
                    His new job and the long hours have begun to take their toll on his health.

                    take kindly to
                    - be pleased by, like
                    He doesn`t take kindly to people telling him how to run his business.

                    take leave of
                    - abandon, go away from or become separated from
                    I think that he has taken leave of his senses. He has been acting very strange lately.

                    take liberties
                    - act toward someone in too close or friendly a manner, use someone as one would a close friend or something of one`s own
                    She is taking liberties with her friend by always borrowing her car.

                    taken aback
                    - unpleasantly surprised, suddenly puzzled or shocked
                    I was taken aback when she said that she didn`t want to work with us any longer.

                    take off (clothes)
                    - remove clothes etc.
                    Please take off your shoes before you enter our house.

                    take off (time)
                    - be absent from work
                    He was sick and had to take off a week from work.

                    take off
                    - depart suddenly or quickly, run away
                    We decided to take off right after the concert ended.

                    take off
                    - leave on a flight
                    The flight took off right on time.

                    take on
                    - begin to handle, commit oneself to
                    Recently he has begun to take on too many things at work and has become very tired.

                    take on
                    - give a job to, hire, employ
                    The factory took on over fifty new employees last month.

                    take on
                    - begin to have the look of
                    He has begun to take on the look of a university professor although he has only been working at the university for a short time.

                    take on
                    - load
                    The ship took on most of its cargo the week before it left the port.

                    take one`s hat off to someone
                    - admire, respect, praise
                    You really have to take your hat off to him. He has built up his company from almost nothing.
                    take one`s own medicine
                    - accept punishment without complaining

                    He likes to criticize everyone but can never take his own medicine when others criticize him.
                    take one`s time

                    - do something without hurrying

                    He took his time in returning the book he had borrowed.

                    take out
                    - escort or go on a date with someone

                    I finally had a chance to take out the new woman from work last week.

                    take over
                    - take control, take command

                    Our company was taken over by a foreign company last month.
                    take part in

                    - participate in

                    Are you planning to take part in the seminar next week?
                    take place

                    - happen, occur

                    The game took place on the coldest day of the year.
                    take sides

                    - support one side on the other

                    You should not take sides in the argument or both sides will hate you.

                    take someone for a ride
                    - cheat, swindle

                    I think that they really took him for a ride when he was visiting last year.

                    take someone to the cleaners
                    - take all of someone`s money or cheat someone

                    He was taken to the cleaners when he decided to buy the series of books from the salesman.

                    take something into account
                    - remember and consider

                    Please take into account that she has only been studying French for a few weeks.

                    take something lying down
                    - suffer without a fight

                    I am very angry and won`t take what he says lying down.

                    take something to heart
                    - consider seriously

                    You shouldn`t really take what he says to heart. He is really very kind.

                    take something with a grain of salt
                    - not take seriously something someone has said

                    You can take everything that he says with a grain of salt.

                    take steps
                    - begin to make plans or arrangements, make preparations

                    The company has begun to take steps to stop people from smoking in the main office building.

                    take stock
                    - count items of merchandise or supplies in stock, take inventory

                    The store will be closed for three days next week while the company is taking stock.

                    take stock in (usually negative)
                    - have faith in, believe

                    She took no stock in the idea that women could not work as firefighters as well as men.

                    take stock of
                    - carefully study a situation or a number of possibilities or opportunities

                    After taking stock of the situation he decided that it would be difficult to continue working for the company.

                    take the bull by the horns
                    - take some kind of action

                    He finally decided to take the bull by the horns and started to plan their anniversary party.

                    take the edge off
                    - lessen, weaken, soften

                    We had a drink of hot chocolate in order to take the edge off the cold weather.

                    take the Fifth
                    - hide behind the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which guarantees any witness the right not to incriminate himself while testifying at a trial

                    He decided to take the Fifth rather than tell the truth at the trial.

                    take the plunge
                    - do something decisive (often used when you get married)

                    He finally decided to take the plunge and will get married next year.

                    take the rap
                    - receive punishment, be accused and punished

                    The owner of the restaurant was forced to take the rap over allowing underage workers to work at night.

                    take the words out of someone`s mouth
                    - say something someone else was going to say

                    He took the words right out of my mouth when he answered your question.

                    take to
                    - begin the work or job of, learn easily, do well at

                    He took to the job of administrator very easily and was a great success.

                    take to
                    - to like at first meeting, be pleased by or attracted to, accept quickly

                    They took to the new coach immediately and did very well during the beginning of the season.

                    take to task
                    - scold for a fault or error

                    I was taken to task by the supervisor for not arriving at work on time.

                    take to the cleaners
                    - win all someone`s money

                    He went to Las Vegas and was taken to the cleaners by the card dealers.

                    take to the woods
                    - run away and hide

                    He decided to take to the woods rather than wait to talk to his wife.

                    take turns
                    - do something alternately with others

                    We had to take turns using the dictionary as there was only one.

                    take (someone) under one`s wing
                    - protect someone

                    He has taken the new employee under his wing and is teaching him about the

                    take up
                    - begin an activity or hobby

                    He has a lot of free time lately and has decided to take up fishing as a hobby.

                    take up
                    - fill a place or time, occupy

                    All of his evenings have been taken up by his hobby of building model airplanes.

                    take up
                    - gather together, collect

                    We decided to take up a collection in order to help repair the old building.

                    take up
                    - begin, start

                    We took up the lesson where we had finished last week.

                    take up
                    - pull and make tight

                    I went back to the department store to see if they could take up my suit pants.

                    take up arms
                    - get ready to fight or make war

                    The citizens were not willing to take up arms to try and change their government.

                    talk back
                    - answer rudely

                    She is very strict and never allows her children to talk back to her.

                    talk big

                    - talk boastfully, brag
                    He is always talking big but nobody believes what he says.

                    talk down to someone
                    - use words or ideas that are too simple

                    I don`t really like her because she is always talking down to the people around her.

                    talk into
                    - get someone to agree to something, persuade someone to do something

                    She finally talked her father into lending her the family car.

                    talk out
                    - discuss until everything is agreed on, settle

                    We stayed up late last night and talked out the problem.

                    talk out of
                    - persuade not to, decide not to

                    I spent about an hour yesterday trying to talk my friend out of quitting his job.

                    talk over
                    - discuss

                    You had better talk over your plans with your parents before you decide what to do.

                    talk shop
                    - talk about things in one`s work

                    Everyone at the restaurant decided that they would not talk shop during the dinner.

                    talk through one`s hat
                    - make exaggerated or inaccurate statements

                    He is always talking through his hat and you never know if you can believe him or not.

                    talk turkey
                    - discuss seriously

                    Now you`re talking turkey so let`s finish and go home.

                    talk up
                    - speak in favor of

                    The manager was talking up the product as we entered the meeting.

                    tan someone`s hide
                    - give a beating to, spank hard

                    The boy`s mother threatened to tan his hide if he did not behave himself.

                    taper off
                    - come to an end little by little, become smaller toward the end

                    The rain began to taper off early in the afternoon.

                    tar and feather
                    - punish severely

                    The teacher said that she would tar and feather anyone who didn`t do their homework.

                    tear down
                    - take down, destroy

                    The city decided to tear down the building because it was unsafe.

                    tear down
                    - say bad things about, criticize

                    The audience tore down his argument after he finished the lecture.

                    tear up
                    - tear something up into small pieces

                    The child tore up the new telephone book.

                    tell apart
                    - distinguish between two things or people

                    It is hard to tell the two sisters apart.

                    tell it like it is
                    - be honest, sincere, tell the truth

                    Although what he said was very difficult for everyone to believe he decided to
                    tell it like it is anyway.

                    tell it to the marines (Sweeney)
                    - I don`t believe you, stop trying to fool me

                    She said that she was going to start her own business but I told her to tell it to the marines as I didn`t believe her.

                    tell (someone) off
                    - speak to angrily

                    He told his neighbor off after their music was too loud last night.

                    tell on someone
                    - reveal the activities or wrongdoings of someone by telling others

                    She told on her brother for eating the cake.

                    tempest in a teapot
                    - great excitement about something not important

                    The problem was really a tempest in a teapot and after a few days everyone had forgotten about it.

                    - I understand you.

                    "Ten-four", he said when his friend asked him if he understood the plan.

                    - in a state of suspense or strain because of uncertainty

                    They have been on tenterhooks all week while waiting for the decision about the Olympics.

                    that will be the day
                    - that will never happen

                    That will be the day that he is willing to put you in charge of running the restaurant.

                    - dumb, unreasonable

                    He is a little bit thick and never understands what I want to say.

                    think better of
                    - consider something again and make a better decision about something

                    I would think better of going to Europe in the winter if I have a chance to go again.

                    think little of
                    - think that something or someone is not important or valuable

                    She is not very happy and seems to think little of the people that she is working with.

                    think nothing of something
                    - not worry about something, forget it

                    When he goes drinking he thinks nothing of spending most of his money at one time.

                    think out
                    - think through to the end

                    I didn`t really have time to think out the problem of where everyone would sleep before the guests arrived.

                    think out loud
                    - say what one is thinking

                    I am sorry. I was thinking out loud about the new system we have started.

                    think over
                    - consider carefully

                    He carefully thought over his plans before talking to his supervisor.

                    think twice about something
                    - think very carefully

                    You should think twice before you go ahead and quit your job.

                    think up
                    - invent, create

                    He has thought up a lot of interesting ideas for his company.

                    (the) third degree
                    - detailed questioning

                    His mother gave him the third degree when he came home late last night.

                    three sheets to the wind
                    - unsteady from too much liquor, drunk

                    I saw him walking down the street last night but he seemed to have three sheets to the wind.

                    through the grapevine
                    - hear from other people

                    I heard it through the grapevine that he was going to move to Paris next summer.

                    through the mill
                    - experience a difficult situation

                    He has really been through the mill after his divorce and loss of job.

                    through thick and thin
                    - through all difficulties and troubles, through good times and bad times

                    Her husband is always ready to help her and supports her through thick and thin.

                    throw a curve
                    - take someone by surprise in an unpleasant way

                    Everything was going well until he threw me a curve and told me that we would have to move to another office building next month.

                    throw a monkey wrench into
                    - cause something that is going smoothly to stop

                    He threw a monkey wrench into our plans to go to the lake for the summer.

                    throw away a chance or opportunity
                    - fail to make use of a chance or opportunity

                    He threw away a chance to get a good education when he began to work when he was very young.

                    throw cold water on
                    - discourage, forbid

                    My boss quickly threw cold water on my plan to go to New York on a field trip.

                    throw down the gauntlet
                    - challenge someone to a fight or something similar

                    The government threw down the gauntlet to the opposition party to either give an alternative or stop criticizing the government`s plans.

                    throw in
                    - give or put in as an addition

                    When we bought the car the dealer threw in some new tires as a bonus.

                    throw in one`s lot with
                    - join, take part in something

                    He decided to throw in his lot with the members of the company who were on strike.

                    throw in the towel
                    - surrender, give up

                    The boxer threw in the towel about half way through the match.

                    throw off
                    - get free from

                    I was able to throw off my cold and quickly recovered.

                    throw off
                    - mislead, confuse, fool

                    The criminals threw off the police and escaped into the subway.

                    throw one`s weight around
                    - use one`s influence in an aggressive way

                    He has been throwing his weight around ever since he got his new promotion.

                    throw out
                    - force to leave, dismiss

                    The umpire threw out the coach for arguing with him.

                    throw the baby out with the bathwater
                    - reject all of something because part of it is faulty

                    When they decided to get rid of all of the computers because one was broken it was like throwing the baby out with the bath water. They only needed one new computer.

                    throw the book at
                    - punish severely for breaking a rule or the law

                    The government threw the book at him after he was convicted of drunk driving.

                    throw together
                    - make in a hurry and without care

                    We didn`t have much time last night so we threw together a quick meal and then went to the football game.

                    (be) thrown together
                    - be grouped with other people by chance

                    We were thrown together with some strange people when the storm forced the plane to delay its flight for a day.

                    throw to the wolves
                    - send into danger without protection

                    The small boy was thrown to the wolves when he was made to join the team of older players.

                    throw up
                    - vomit

                    He threw up two times after he got food poisoning from the seafood.

                    throw up one`s hands
                    - give up trying, admit that one cannot succeed

                    He threw up his hands and decided to let the students go home early.

                    thumb a lift/ride
                    - hitchhike

                    Their car had a flat tire so they thumbed a lift to the nearest gas station.

                    thumb one`s nose
                    - look with disfavor or dislike

                    The star player thumbed his nose at the fans when they began to boo him.

                    tickled pink
                    - very happy

                    He was tickled pink to be awarded a prize for growing the best flowers.

                    tide (someone) over
                    - help someone through a difficult situation

                    I lent him some money to tide him over until he gets paid.

                    tie the knot
                    - get married

                    They decided to tie the knot after seeing each other for over three years.

                    tie down
                    - keep someone from going somewhere or doing something

                    The project tied him down for over three months.

                    tied down
                    - have family or job responsibilities

                    I never see him anymore as he is tied down because of his busy schedule at work.

                    tie in
                    - to connect with something else

                    The merchandise was tied in with the movie and had very good sales.

                    tie up
                    - slow or stop the movement or action of

                    The highway traffic was tied up for over three hours last night.

                    tie up
                    - take all the time of someone

                    I was tied up this morning so I was unable to answer the phone.

                    tie up
                    - limit or prevent the use of

                    All of his money is tied up in real estate investments.

                    tie up
                    - enter into an association or partnership, join

                    Our company decided to tie up with a company from Sweden to make the pollution control equipment.

                    tie up
                    - dock (a ship)

                    The ship docked at the pier three days before it was ready to load.

                    tie up in knots
                    - make someone very nervous or worried

                    He was tied up in knots before the speech at the convention.

                    tighten one`s belt
                    - economize, spend less

                    We will have to tighten our belts for awhile until the economy improves.

                    tight spot
                    - a difficult situation

                    They are in a very tight spot since the head salesman quit.

                    tight squeeze
                    - difficult financial situation

                    The company is in a tight squeeze now that sales are down from last year.

                    time after time
                    - repeatedly

                    I have told her time after time to be careful with her spelling.

                    time of one`s life
                    - a wonderful time

                    She had the time of her life when she went to Rome last summer.

                    time out
                    - time when a game or something is temporarily stopped for some reason

                    During the game we took some time out to rest.

                    tip (someone) off
                    - warn, inform

                    The police were tipped off that there was going to be a robbery at the bank.

                    tip the balance
                    - have important or decisive influence, decide

                    His ability to speak French tipped the balance in his favor to get the job at the embassy.

                    tip the scales
                    - weigh

                    The sumo wrestler tipped the scales at over 200 kilograms.

                    tire out
                    - make very tired

                    My father was tired out after working hard all day.

                    tit for tat
                    - equal treatment in return, a fair exchange

                    The government policy was a tit for tat response to any attacks against its territory.

                    to a fault
                    - so very well that it is almost bad

                    He is honest to a fault and will not say anything unless it is the absolute truth.

                    to and fro
                    - forward and back again and again

                    They went to and fro between the two items trying to decide what to buy.

                    to a T
                    - perfectly, exactly

                    That new suit fits you to a T.

                    to be sure
                    - without a doubt, certainly

                    To be sure it would be better to talk to the president of the company in person.

                    to boot
                    - in addition, also

                    You will not only need a new video. You will need a new television to boot.

                    toe the line
                    - obey the rules and do one`s duties

                    The children were forced to toe the line when the new teacher arrived.

                    to heel
                    - under control

                    The army brought the citizens to heel when they entered the town.

                    tone down
                    - make less harsh or strong, moderate

                    The union leader was forced to tone down his language after the strike began
                    to grow violent.

                    too bad
                    - worthy of sorrow or regret

                    It is too bad that the university decided to close the bookstore last year.

                    too big for one`s breeches/boots
                    - feeling more important than one really is

                    Our new boss is too big for his breeches and needs someone to tell him to change his behavior.

                    too many irons in the fire
                    - too many things you are trying to do

                    He has too many irons in the fire at the moment and has no time for other things.

                    to one`s name
                    - in one`s ownership

                    He is a very good dresser although he doesn`t have a penny to his name.

                    to order
                    - according to directions given in an order in the way something is made or size wanted etc.

                    He had three suits made to order when he visited Hong Kong last year.

                    tooth and nail
                    - fiercely, as hard as possible

                    He decided to fight tooth and nail to get a transfer to another department of the company.

                    - of the best or most important kind

                    When he buys a new car he always buys a top-drawer model.

                    to pieces
                    - into broken pieces or fragments, destroyed, not working

                    His car fell to pieces during his recent trip to Alaska.

                    to pieces
                    - very much, greatly

                    He loves his little girl to pieces.

                    - excellent, the best

                    They had a top-notch cook at the restaurant but he left last month.

                    top off
                    - come or bring to a special or unexpected ending, climax

                    The conference was topped off by a large dinner on the last day.

                    - upside down, in disarray

                    My apartment was topsy-turvy so I stayed home to clean up.

                    to speak of
                    - important, worth talking about

                    We didn`t do anything to speak of during the summer vacation.

                    toss off
                    - drink rapidly

                    He tossed off a couple of drinks before he went home for the evening.

                    toss off
                    - make or say easily without trying or thinking hard

                    He was able to toss off the answer to the question easily when the teacher asked him.

                    toss out
                    - force to leave, dismiss

                    The boys was tossed out of the restaurant for their bad behavior.

                    to the bone
                    - thoroughly, entirely

                    He became wet to the bone when the sudden storm appeared.

                    to the eye
                    - as it is seen, apparently

                    To the eye it looked like a nice hotel but when we entered it was not very good at all.

                    to the full
                    - very much, fully

                    He always tries to live his life to the full.

                    to the hilt
                    - to the maximum amount, completely

                    He has been up to the hilt in debt since he bought that car.

                    to the letter
                    - exactly, precisely

                    The police officer always follows the law to the letter.

                    to the nth degree
                    - to the greatest degree possible, extremely

                    They made an effort to the nth degree but were unable to successfully complete the project.

                    to the tune of
                    - to the amount or extent of

                    The damage that he did to his car was to the tune of about $2000.

                    to the wall
                    - into a place from which there is no escape

                    The credit agency pushed him to the wall and he finally had to declare bankruptcy.

                    touch and go
                    - uncertain, dangerous situation

                    It was touch and go as to whether she was going to survive after the car accident.

                    touch off
                    - cause to fire or explode by lighting the fuse

                    The fire at the oil refinery touched off an explosion that destroyed many tanks.

                    touch off
                    - start something

                    The arrest of the labor leader touched off a riot among the citizens.
                    touch on (upon)

                    - speak of or write of briefly

                    The news article about the company touched upon their previous legal problems.

                    touch up
                    - paint over (small imperfections)

                    I decided to have the repair shop touch up several places on my car where the paint was bad.

                    touch up
                    - improve with small additions or changes

                    My essay will be done as soon as I touch up some of the weak spots.

                    tough break
                    - unlucky event, misfortune

                    He received a tough break when he became sick immediately before the music contest.

                    tourist trap
                    - place that is overpriced and attracts tourists

                    He thinks that Hawaii is a tourist trap and doesn`t want to go there for his holiday.

                    tower of strength
                    - a person who gives strong and reliable support

                    He has been a real tower of strength to his sister since her husband died.

                    track down
                    - search for

                    I have been trying to track down an old Beatles album for many months.

                    trade something in
                    - exchange something old or used for something new

                    He traded in his old car for a new one.

                    travel light
                    - travel with very little luggage or with little to carry

                    We always travel very light when we go on a holiday.

                    tread on one`s toes
                    - do something that offends someone

                    I don`t want to tread on her toes because she is the most powerful supervisor in this company.

                    treat someone
                    - pay for someone else

                    He treated me to a dinner at the restaurant.

                    trial and error
                    - a way of solving problems by trying different possible solutions until one finds one that works

                    They worked by trial and error until they found a solution to the parking problems at the factory.

                    trial balloon
                    - a hint about a plan with the purpose of finding out what people think about the idea

                    We sent up a trial balloon to see who would support our plan to enlarge the factory.

                    trick of the trade
                    - a smart, quick or skillful way of doing something

                    He knows many of the tricks of the trade in the publishing business.

                    trip the light fantastic
                    - go dancing

                    It`s Friday night so let`s go downtown and trip the light fantastic.

                    trip up
                    - make a mistake

                    The teacher tripped up over the correct pronunciation of the president`s name.

                    trump up
                    - make up, invent in the mind

                    He was arrested on trumped up charges of selling illegal CDs.

                    trump card
                    - something kept back to be used to win success if nothing else works

                    His trump card was his knowledge of the sales figures that nobody else knew..

                    try on
                    - put on clothes to see how they fit and look

                    You should try on that jacket before you buy it.

                    try one`s hand
                    - make an inexperienced attempt at something

                    I have decided to try my hand at sailing a boat this summer.

                    try (something) out

                    - test
                    We were not allowed to try the computer out before we bought it.

                    try out for
                    - planning to join or take part in a team, competing for a place

                    Their son has decided to try out for the football team this summer.

                    - a game in which two teams pull on opposite ends of a rope and try to pull the other team over a line marked on the ground

                    The children played tug-of-war at the summer camp.

                    - a contest in which two sides try to defeat each other, a struggle

                    The two countries have been in a tug-of-war over the territory for many years.

                    tune in
                    - adjust a radio or television to pick up a certain station

                    We were able to tune in to the basketball game when we were driving to work this morning.

                    tune in
                    - get in touch with something important like one`s own feelings, etc.

                    She is always going to workshops and taking short courses to help her tune in to her feelings.

                    tune up
                    - adjust a musical instrument to the right sound

                    The orchestra tuned up their instruments before the performance.

                    tune up
                    - adjust a car engine so that it will run properly

                    We took our car to the garage to be tuned up before we went on our holiday.

                    turn a deaf ear to
                    - pretend not to hear, refuse to hear

                    The company turned a deaf ear to our demands for more money and holidays.

                    turn down
                    - reduce the loudness, brightness or force of something

                    I went over to my next door neighbor and asked him to turn down his stereo.

                    turn down
                    - refuse to accept, reject

                    The union turned down the company offer of more money but no change in working conditions.

                    turn in
                    - give to someone, hand to someone

                    I turned in the wallet that I had found to the police.

                    turn in
                    - inform on, report

                    The department store turned in the shoplifter to the police.

                    turn in
                    - go to bed

                    We decided to turn in about 90 PM last night.

                    turn off
                    - shut off, stop

                    Please turn off the lights before you go out.

                    turn off
                    - leave by turning right or left onto another road or path

                    When we arrived at the small store we decided to turn off on the small road.

                    turn (someone) off
                    - disgust, irritate, repel someone

                    Her constant complaining always turns me off.

                    turn on
                    - open, start, let water or electricity flow

                    Please turn on the radio so we can hear the evening news.

                    turn (someone) on
                    - excite a person, become interested in an idea, person or undertaking

                    She was turned on by the idea of going to Spain for the summer.

                    turn on someone
                    - become suddenly hostile to someone

                    He used to be my friend but he suddenly turned on me last summer.

                    turn one`s back on
                    - refuse to help someone in trouble or need

                    She turned her back on her friend when she asked for help writing the exam paper.

                    turn one`s stomach
                    - make one feel sick

                    Seeing the car accident turned my stomach.

                    turn on one`s heel
                    - turn around suddenly

                    The mailman turned on his heel when when he saw the large dog.

                    turn out
                    - make someone leave or go away

                    The man decided to turn his son out of the house when he refused to get a job.

                    turn out
                    - turn inside out, empty

                    He turned out his pockets when he was looking for his car keys.

                    turn out
                    - result, end, prove to be true

                    At first we thought the weather would be terrible but it actually turned out

                    turn out
                    - make, produce

                    The car company is turning out over 8,000 cars a week now.

                    turn out
                    - come or go out to see or do something

                    Over 50.000 people turned out for the football game.

                    turn out
                    - make a light go out

                    He always turns out the light if he doesn`t need it.

                    turn over
                    - roll over, upset

                    The ferry turned over during the winter storm.

                    turn over
                    - give to someone for use or care

                    I turned over the keys of my apartment to the landlord when I went away for a month.

                    turn over
                    - start an engine or motor

                    It was too cold in the morning so the car engine would not turn over.

                    turn over
                    - sell

                    We were able to turn over most of our stock of air conditioners during the summer.

                    turn over a new leaf
                    - make a fresh start

                    I`m going to turn over a new leaf and begin to practice the piano every day.

                    turn over in one`s grave
                    - be so angry that one would not rest quietly in one`s grave

                    My grandmother would turn over in her grave if she knew that I had lost my job and was not working.

                    turn tail
                    - run away from trouble or danger

                    The young boys turned tail when the farmer began to chase them from the field.

                    turn the clock back
                    - return to an earlier period

                    The politician wanted to turn the clock back to an earlier time but of course everyone knew it was impossible.

                    turn the other cheek
                    - let someone do something to you and not try to get revenge

                    He decided to turn the other cheek when the man tried to start a fight in the restaurant.

                    turn the tables
                    - reverse the situation

                    The opposing team were able to finally turn the tables and won the game.

                    turn the tide
                    - change what looks like defeat into victory

                    At the beginning of the game they were losing badly but they turned the tide and finally won the game.

                    turn the trick
                    - bring about the result one wants, succeed in what one plans to do

                    He wanted to win two prizes at the competition but was unable to turn the
                    trick and only won one.

                    turn thumbs down
                    - disapprove or reject, say no

                    My supervisor turned thumb downs to my plan to work on a more flexible schedule.

                    turn to
                    - go to for help

                    He turned to his wife`s parents for advice about buying a house.

                    turn up
                    - appear suddenly

                    They turned up when the party was almost over.

                    turn up
                    - find, discover

                    My wallet turned up in my suit jacket - just where I left it.

                    turn up one`s nose at
                    - refuse as not being good enough for one

                    He turned up his nose at the offer of a job in another department of the company.

                    twiddle one`s thumbs
                    - not busy, not working
                    He was sitting around twiddling his thumbs all day and didn`t get any work done.

                    twist someone around one`s little finger
                    - have complete control over someone and be able to make them do anything you want
                    She is able to easily twist her supervisor around her little finger and gets whatever she wants at work.

                    twist one`s arm
                    - force someone or threaten someone to make them do something
                    He didn`t have to twist my arm to get me to go to the movie. I wanted to go anyway.

                    two bits
                    - twenty-five cents, a quarter of a dollar
                    He bought several used books for two bits each.

                    two cents
                    - something not important or very small, almost nothing
                    Although his stereo works well I wouldn`t give him two cents for it.

                    two cents worth
                    - something one wants to say, opinion
                    He is always talking and I never have a chance to put in my two cents worth.

                    - disloyal, untrustworthy
                    I think he is two-faced and can never be trusted.


                    • #11
                      Re: English Idioms(A-Z)


                      ugly duckling
                      - an ugly or plain child who grows up to be pretty and attractive

                      She was an ugly duckling when she was a child but now she is very beautiful.

                      under a cloud
                      - under suspicion, not trusted
                      The politician has been under a cloud over the possibility of taking bribes.

                      under a cloud
                      - depressed, sad
                      She has been under a cloud of depression since her cat died.

                      under cover
                      - hidden, concealed
                      The police officer went under cover to look for the drug dealers.

                      under fire
                      - being shot at or attacked, under (verbal) attack
                      The owner of the company is under fire for not paying his employees a fair salary.

                      under one`s belt
                      - in one`s experience, memory or possession
                      When he has more experience as a cook under his belt he will begin to look for
                      a job.

                      under one`s belt
                      - in one`s stomach
                      After he has a big breakfast under his belt he is ready for work.

                      under one`s breath
                      - in a whisper, with a low voice
                      He was talking under his breath in the movie theater and someone complained.

                      under one`s nose
                      - in sight of, in an easily seen or noticeable place
                      He found his driver`s license right under his nose where he had left it.

                      under one`s own steam
                      - by one`s own efforts, without help
                      He was able to go home under his own steam even though he was feeling
                      very sick.

                      under one`s thumb
                      - obedient to someone, controlled by someone
                      He is only an assistant salesman but he has his boss under his thumb.

                      under one`s wing
                      - under the care or protection of
                      He took the new employee under his wing to help him in the new job.

                      under the counter
                      - secretly bought or sold
                      The drugs are being sold under the counter although the government has not given its approval.

                      under the hammer
                      - up for sale at an auction
                      The painting went under the hammer and sold for a very high price.

                      under the table
                      - in secret and usually illegal
                      He paid some money under the table in order to get his product exported into the country.

                      under the weather
                      - feel ill (but not seriously ill)
                      He is feeling under the weather so he is going to bed early tonight.

                      under wraps
                      - not allowed to be seen until the right time, in secrecy
                      The new car was still under wraps when the auto show started.

                      unearthly hour
                      - absurdly early or inconvenient
                      We got up at an unearthly hour this morning so we could get ready to go

                      until hell freezes over
                      - forever, for an eternity
                      He said that he would not talk to his girlfriend again until hell freezes over.

                      up against
                      - close to
                      The ladder was standing up against the tree in the yard.

                      up against
                      - confronted with
                      He was up against a lot of problems when he went to university but recently he is doing very well.

                      up and about
                      - recovered from an illness
                      He has been up and about for a couple of days since he left the hospital.

                      up for grabs
                      - available for anyone to try to get, ready to be competed for
                      The new championship of the city is up for grabs.

                      up front
                      - honestly, correctly
                      He was very up front when giving me the information about the new office.

                      up in arms
                      - equipped with guns or weapons and ready to fight, very angry and ready to fight
                      The villagers were up in arms over the proposal to take some of their land away from them.

                      up in the air
                      - not settled, undecided
                      Whether or not I will be able to go to London is still up in the air.

                      up one`s alley
                      - something one is good at or enjoys
                      Computer programming is right up his alley and he is very good at it.

                      up one`s sleeve
                      - kept secretly ready for the right time or for a time when needed
                      He probably has something up his sleeve and will be able to get a job when he needs one.

                      upper crust
                      - richest, most famous or important people in a certain place, the highest class
                      The private club was full of what looked like the upper crust of the city.

                      upper hand
                      - controlling power, advantage
                      The union members have the upper hand in the negotiations with the company.

                      ups and downs
                      - alternate good and bad fortune
                      He is having a few ups and downs but generally he is doing well.

                      upset the applecart
                      - ruin or spoil a plan or idea
                      Try not to upset the applecart as we have spent a lot of time working on this project.

                      up the creek
                      - in trouble
                      She is up the creek now that she has lost her passport.

                      up the river/creek with no paddle
                      - in trouble and unable to do anything about it
                      I think that we are up the river with no paddle now that our car has run out
                      of gasoline.

                      - worried, irritated, excessively eager or anxious
                      My sister has been uptight all week because of her exams.

                      up to
                      - as far as, as deep or as high as, close to, approaching
                      The water in the swimming pool came up to my waist.

                      up to
                      - doing or planning secretly, ready for mischief
                      I don`t know what he was up to last night but it was probably something bad.

                      up to
                      - depending on
                      It is up to his wife whether or not he goes to the movie.

                      up to it/the job
                      - capable of, fit for, equal to
                      If he is up to it we should let him drive the truck to the new office.

                      up to/till/until
                      - until
                      Up until last week he had never been inside of a bowling alley.

                      up to here with
                      - sick of someone`s continual bad or irritating behavior
                      I have had it up to here with his always coming late to work.

                      up to one`s ears in work
                      - have a lot of work to do
                      I`d like to go with you but I`m up to my ears in work at the moment.

                      up to par/scratch/snuff/the mark
                      - meeting normal standards, equal to the usual level or quality
                      His work was not up to par and he was asked to leave and look for another job.

                      up to someone to do something
                      - be responsible to take care of something
                      It is up to her to decide when the meeting will start.

                      (in) up to the chin
                      - very busy with, deeply involved in something, guilty of
                      He has been in up to the chin in the project to build a new convention center.

                      used to

                      - accustomed to
                      He is not used to living in such a big city.

                      use one`s head/bean/noodle/noggin
                      - think carefully about
                      You should use your head a little more and try not to make the same mistake again.

                      use up
                      - use until nothing is left, spend or consume completely
                      They used up all of the paper in the copy machine this morning.

                      very well

                      - agreed, all right
                      Very well, if you want to go I will go with you.

                      vicious circle
                      - unbroken sequence of cause and effect with bad results
                      He had fallen into a vicious circle of drinking too much and then losing his job and then drinking even more.

                      vote down
                      - defeat in a vote
                      The proposal to extend the opening hours of bars was voted down in the election.


                      wade into
                      - attack, join in
                      The football player waded into the fight to protect his teammates.

                      wait on (someone) hand and foot
                      - serve in every possible way, do everything for someone
                      He always waits on his wife hand and foot.

                      wait table
                      - serve food
                      He spent the summer waiting tables at the resort.

                      wait up for
                      - not go to bed until someone arrives or something happens
                      The woman waited up for her daughter to come home.

                      walk all over someone
                      - take advantage of someone, win a game easily
                      They walked all over the other team at the football tournament.

                      walk away/off with
                      - take and go away with, take away, steal
                      Someone walked away with the computer from the library last night.

                      walking papers
                      - a statement that one is fired from one`s job, dismissal
                      He was given his walking papers from his company last week.

                      walk of life
                      - way of living, manner in which people live
                      People from every walk of life came to the concert in the park.

                      walk on air
                      - feel happy and excited
                      She has been walking on air all morning since she heard that she had passed
                      her exams.

                      walk out
                      - go on strike
                      More than half of the workers at the factory decided to walk out on strike this morning.

                      walk out
                      - leave suddenly
                      Three people walked out of the meeting yesterday.

                      walk (all) over
                      - make someone do whatever one wishes, make selfish use of
                      He tried to walk all over me when I began the job but after I became used to the company he stopped.

                      walk the floor
                      - walk back and forth across the floor, pace
                      He spent the night in the hospital walking the floor while waiting for his wife to have a baby.

                      walk the plank
                      - be forced to resign from a job
                      The vice-president was forced to walk the plank when the new president joined the company.

                      walk the plank
                      - be forced by pirates to walk a long plank from the ship out over the water to your death
                      The pirates seized the small ship and forced the captain to walk the plank.

                      waltz off with
                      - to take, get or win easily
                      My favorite team waltzed off with the championship again last night.

                      warm one`s blood/heart
                      - make one feel warm or excited
                      The sight of the small boy looking after his dog warmed the heart of the people on the street.

                      warm up
                      - become friendly or interested
                      His wife finally warmed up to the idea of going to Italy for a holiday.

                      warm up
                      - get ready for a game or other event by exercising or practising
                      We spent two hours warming up for the game on Saturday.

                      wash one`s hands of
                      - abandon, refuse responsibility for
                      He washed his hands of the problem after they refused to deal with it.

                      washed up
                      - no longer successful or needed
                      The boxer was all washed up and had to retire last year.

                      waste one`s breath
                      - speak pointlessly without the desired results
                      He is very stubborn and you are wasting your breath to try and argue with him.

                      watch it
                      - be careful (usually used as a command)
                      "Watch it! That truck is going very fast and may hit you."

                      watch/mind one`s P`s and Q`s
                      - be well-behaved, be careful
                      The boy was told to watch his P`s and Q`s by his teacher after he caused too many problems at school.

                      water down
                      - make weak, dilute
                      The new policy was a watered down version of the earlier one.

                      water under the bridge
                      - something that happened in the past and can`t be changed
                      It was terrible that your house was robbed but it is water under the bridge now and you must move on.

                      way the wind blows
                      - direction or course something may go, what may happen
                      We will have to see which way the wind blows as far as our plans to go to London or not.

                      wear and tear
                      - damage as a result of ordinary use
                      They put a lot of wear and tear on their car during their long holiday.

                      wear down
                      - make something become less useful or smaller or weaker by wearing or aging
                      Little by little the water wore down the rocks at the edge of the river.

                      wear down
                      - exhaust or tire someone out
                      He was worn down after the meeting that took seven hours.

                      wear off/away
                      - remove or disappear little by little by use, time or weather
                      The name on the front of my passport has worn off from using it too much.

                      wear on
                      - anger or annoy, tire
                      His constant complaining is beginning to wear on my nerves.

                      wear one`s heart on one`s sleeve
                      - show one`s feelings openly
                      He was wearing his heart on his sleeve after the meeting with his boss.

                      wear out
                      - use or wear something until it becomes useless
                      My shoes wore out during my trip to Paris.

                      wear out one`s welcome
                      - visit somewhere too long or come back too often so that one is not

                      welcome anymore
                      My friend has worn out his welcome at our house as he always comes to visit us without calling first.

                      wear the pants in a family
                      - be the boss in a family
                      She is very strong and seems to be the one who wears the pants in her

                      wear thin
                      - become thin from use or the passing of time
                      The silver dollar had begun to wear thin after it was in use for many years.

                      wear thin
                      - grow less or less interesting or believable
                      His excuses have begun to wear thin after he keeps using the same ones over and over.

                      weed out
                      - remove what is unwanted, get rid of
                      I spent the morning weeding out the clothes that I didn`t need anymore.

                      weigh on/upon
                      - be a weight or pressure on someone or something, worry or upset someone
                      The pressure of her exams has begun to weigh upon my sister.

                      weigh one`s words
                      - be careful of what one says
                      You should weigh your words carefully before you tell him your decision to quit.

                      well and good
                      - good, satisfactory
                      It is well and good that he will go and talk to his supervisor about the problem.

                      - rich
                      He seems rather well-heeled and is always wearing expensive clothes and driving a nice car.

                      - wealthy
                      Her parents are well-off and don`t need to worry about money during their retirement.

                      - having or making enough money to live comfortably
                      He comes from a rather well-to-do family.

                      wet behind the ears
                      - inexperienced, immature
                      He is a little wet behind the ears and doesn`t know much about the company yet.

                      wet blanket
                      - person who discourages others from having fun
                      He is a wet blanket so we never invite him to any parties.

                      wet one`s whistle
                      - have a drink, especially alcohol
                      They decided to stop at a bar on the way home from work to wet their

                      what about
                      - about or concerning something
                      I know that he wants to borrow my tent but what about my sleeping bag.

                      what have you
                      - whatever one likes or wants
                      "I`ll have a blueberry ice cream cone or what have you."

                      (have) what it takes

                      - ability for a job, courage
                      He really has what it takes to be a success at his job.

                      what`s the big idea
                      - what is the purpose, what do you have in mind
                      "What`s the big idea. Why are you using my bicycle?"

                      what`s up/cooking/doing
                      - what is happening, what is planned, what is wrong
                      "What`s up ", he said as he entered the room.

                      what`s what
                      - what each thing is in a group, one thing from another
                      It is hard to tell what`s what at an auction of old furniture.

                      what`s (up) with
                      - what is happening/wrong, how is everything
                      "What`s with the new supervisor? He seems very angry this morning."

                      what with
                      - because, as a result of
                      We wanted to go away for a holiday but what with the move to a new building and the expansion we are too busy to go anywhere.

                      wheel and deal
                      - take part in political or commercial scheming
                      There was a lot of wheeling and dealing going on before they built the new convention center.

                      when hell freezes over
                      - never
                      He said that he would come to an office party when hell freezes over.

                      when the chips are down
                      - at the most important or dangerous time, when the winner and loser of a bet or a game will be decided

                      When the chips are down he will always come and help his friends.

                      while away the time
                      - make time go by pleasantly
                      We spent the afternoon whiling away the time by the river.

                      (a) while back
                      - several weeks or months in the past
                      I saw him a while back but recently I have no idea where he is.

                      whip up
                      - make or do quickly or easily
                      It was very late when we got home last night so we whipped up something to eat very quickly.

                      whip up
                      - make active, stir to action
                      The union leader whipped up the crowd with his speech.

                      whistle a different tune
                      - change one`s attitude, contradict previous ideas
                      He is whistling a different tune now that he has been promoted and has responsibility for the office.

                      whistle in the dark
                      - try to stay brave and forget one`s fear
                      Although he felt very frightened he began to whistle in the dark which helped to calm him down.

                      white elephant
                      - a useless possession
                      They are having a white elephant sale at the school next week.

                      white lie
                      - a harmless lie (eg. told for the sake of politeness)
                      I told her a white lie when I said that I would be too busy to meet her.

                      white sale
                      - selling at reduced prices of towels, linens, etc.
                      We went to the white sale at the department store last Saturday.

                      whole show
                      - everything
                      The new boss always tries to run the whole show.

                      wide of the mark
                      - far from the target or the thing aimed at, incorrect
                      His ideas for the new company were wide of the mark from what everyone expected.

                      wildcat strike
                      - a strike not ordered by a labor union but spontaneously by a group of workers
                      There was a wildcat strike at the factory last night.

                      will not hear of
                      - will not allow or consider
                      My aunt said that she will not hear of us staying at a hotel when we come to see her.

                      wild goose chase
                      - absurd or hopeless search
                      He led them all on a wild goose chase when he told them about the sale at the computer store.

                      will power
                      - strength of mind
                      He has very strong will power and was able to quit smoking easily.

                      wind up
                      - end, finish, settle
                      Let`s wind things up now and then we can all go home.

                      wind up
                      - tighten the spring of a machine to make it work or run
                      Every night before he goes to bed my grandfather winds up his alarm clock.

                      wind up
                      - make very excited, nervous or upset
                      I was really wound up yesterday after work so I couldn`t get to sleep easily.

                      wing it
                      - act without preparation
                      He wasn`t prepared for the examination so he had to wing it.

                      wink at
                      - allow and pretend not to know about something (a law or rule being broken)
                      The librarian always winks at the rule about borrowing a maximum of three books.

                      winning streak
                      - a series of several wins one after the other
                      Our baseball team has been on a winning streak for several weeks now.

                      win out
                      - be victorious or successful after hard work or difficulty
                      We have had a lot of problems with our boss recently but finally we won out and he agreed to listen to our complaints.

                      wipe out
                      - remove, kill or destroy completely
                      The city spends a lot of money trying to wipe out rats near the river.

                      - a disaster, a calamity
                      My exams were a total wipe-out. I think that I failed all of them.

                      - sarcastic or nasty remark
                      She made a funny wisecrack during the speech which caused the audience to start laughing.

                      wise guy
                      - a person who acts as if he were smarter than other people
                      He always acts like a wise guy when he is in a big group.

                      wise up to
                      - finally understand what is really going on after a period of ignorance
                      He finally wised up to the fact that he was never going to get a promotion in his company.

                      - unable to decide, have no definite opinion
                      He is very wishy-washy and can never make up his mind what he wants to do.

                      with child
                      - pregnant, going to have a baby
                      I think that the new teacher at our school is with child.

                      with flying colors
                      - with great or total success
                      I was able to pass my final exams with flying colors.

                      within an inch of one`s life
                      - until one is almost dead
                      The elderly man was beaten to within an inch of his life.

                      within reason
                      - sensible, reasonable
                      I think that, within reason, you should be able to take as much time off as you want to go to school.

                      with open arms
                      - greet someone warmly or eagerly
                      My aunt and uncle were at the airport to greet us with open arms.

                      with the best of them
                      - as well as anyone
                      He can play soccer with the best of them when he makes the effort.

                      wit`s end
                      - not knowing what to do, at the end of one`s mental resources
                      I have been at my wit`s end all week trying to decide what to wear to the party.

                      wolf in sheep`s clothing
                      - a person who pretends to be good but really is bad
                      He is a wolf in sheep`s clothing and you should be very careful when you have to deal with him.

                      word for word
                      - in exactly the same words
                      I told her word for word exactly what had happened before the accident.

                      word of mouth
                      - passing information orally from one person to another
                      He heard about the new restaurant by word of mouth.

                      worked up
                      - feeling excited, angry, worried
                      He is all worked up about the fact that he wasn`t invited to the party.

                      work in
                      - rub in
                      We spent a long time trying to work the softening cream into the leather.

                      work in
                      - slip in, mix in, put in
                      I was able to work in a part in the play for my best friend.

                      work into
                      - force into little by little
                      He was able to work his foot into his boot but it was still very tight.

                      work off
                      - make something go away - especially by working
                      He was able to work off his hangover and is now feeling much better.

                      work on/upon
                      - have an effect on, try to influence or convince
                      I am working on my boss to let me have some time off this summer.

                      work one`s fingers to the bone
                      - work very hard
                      She has been working her fingers to the bone for years trying to raise her three children.

                      work out
                      - end successfully, be efficient
                      I hope that everything will work out for her when she moves to London next

                      work out
                      - solve, find an answer to
                      I was unable to work out the math problem on the final examination.

                      work out
                      - accomplish, arrange, plan
                      Recently we worked out a unique system for filling out our expenses at work.

                      work out
                      - exercise
                      He spends most weekends working out at the health club.

                      work over
                      - beat someone up very roughly in order to intimidate them or get money
                      The gang worked over the storeowner in order to get some money from him.

                      work up
                      - stir up, arouse, excite
                      He really likes to work up a sweat when he does his exercises.

                      world is one`s oyster
                      - everything is possible for one, one can get anything
                      The world is her oyster now that she has received her MBA from Harvard University.

                      worse for wear
                      - not as good as new, worn out
                      I borrowed my friend`s canoe for a month and it is now beginning to look the

                      worse for wear.

                      worth a cent
                      - worth anything, of any value
                      His new car is broken down and not worth a cent.

                      worth one`s salt
                      - worth what one is paid
                      He is definitely worth his salt in our company and is one of our best employees.

                      would just as soon
                      - prefer to do one thing rather than another
                      She would just as soon stay at home as go to the movie.

                      wrap around one`s finger
                      - have complete control over someone and be able to make them do anything you want
                      She has her boss wrapped around her finger and can do anything that she wants.

                      wrapped up in
                      - thinking only of, interested only in
                      He is always wrapped up in playing with his computer.

                      wrap up
                      - put on warm clothes, dress warmly
                      She wrapped herself up in her warm clothes and went out.

                      write off
                      - remove (an amount) from a business record, cancel (a debt)
                      The bank was forced to write off a large amount of its debt.

                      write off
                      - accept (a loss or trouble) and not worry any more about it
                      He was forced to write off his bad experience at his old job.

                      write up
                      - write or describe in writing, give a full account of
                      After our trip to Vietnam I spent a couple of weeks trying to write it up for a magazine.

                      wrong side of the tracks
                      - the poor side of town
                      He married a girl who everyone said was from the wrong side of the tracks because he loved her.

                      Y................................................. ..

                      - a lot of talk about little things
                      We spent the whole evening in a yakety-yak session at my friends.

                      - operating all year
                      We usually spend all summer at a year-round resort in California.

                      - extremely timid, cowardly
                      He is a yellow-bellied person who is not good to have as a friend.

                      yellow streak
                      - cowardice in a person`s character
                      He has a real yellow streak and will not say anything to defend his friends.

                      - a person who tries to be liked by agreeing with everything said (especially by a boss)
                      He is a yes-man who will do anything that his boss asks him to do.

                      you bet/you bet your boots/you bet your life
                      - most certainly, yes, without any doubt
                      You bet your life I will be attending the conference next year.

                      you don`t say
                      - used to show surprise at what is said
                      "You don`t say", he said when he heard about the accident on the highway.

                      you said it/you can say that again
                      - used to show strong agreement with what another person has said
                      "You can say that again," I answered when the woman mentioned how hot it was out in the sun.

                      you`re telling me
                      - used to show that a thing is so clear that it need not be said
                      "This restaurant is very expensive and the food is not so good."
                      "You`re telling me."

                      You tell`em
                      - used to agree with or encourage someone in what they are saying
                      "You tell`em," I yelled out to the politician who was making the speech.

                      zero hour
                      - the exact time when an attack or other military action will start
                      The air force planes waited until zero hour in order to start out on their bombing mission.

                      zero hour
                      - the time when an important decision or change is supposed to come
                      We waited for zero hour and the time when the new computer system was supposed to begin operating.

                      zero in on
                      - adjust a gun so that it will hit a target, aim at
                      The soldiers zeroed in on the target and began to fire their guns.

                      zero in on
                      - give one`s full attention to
                      We spent the morning zeroing in on the problem of what to do with the excess space in our office.

                      zonk out
                      - fall asleep very quickly
                      As soon as I got home last night I immediately zonked out.

