A life of lies
I will never understand why
Why do you choose to lie?
The lies you tell cut like a knife
In spite of this, I have no doubt I will be alright
For it is you, my dear who will have a stormy life
A life full of turmoil with no friends
Unfortunately for you, true love will never cross your path
You will never be truly free, your heart and mind will always be in chains
You are like a prisoner and the lies will keep you behind bars
Telling the truth is your only escape
Hopefully, someday you will find the courage to change
To live more like a human being and less like a liar
I hope you someday choose a life of truth, honor, and self-respect
And leave behind a life of lies
Until then, there is only one thing left to say
I will never understand why
Why do you choose to lie?
The lies you tell cut like a knife
In spite of this, I have no doubt I will be alright
For it is you, my dear who will have a stormy life
A life full of turmoil with no friends
Unfortunately for you, true love will never cross your path
You will never be truly free, your heart and mind will always be in chains
You are like a prisoner and the lies will keep you behind bars
Telling the truth is your only escape
Hopefully, someday you will find the courage to change
To live more like a human being and less like a liar
I hope you someday choose a life of truth, honor, and self-respect
And leave behind a life of lies
Until then, there is only one thing left to say