For there is nothing in this world for me to do
I Need To Die
For there is no motive behind me being alive
For Im just a body longing for a sight
I Need To Die
For there is no one in this world who loves me
For the response I have got from thee
I Need To Die
For I hurt so many who are alive
I Need To Die
For I have not achieved any thing by now
For there is no one who can tell me how
I Need To Die
For I hate, my self
For I sometimes hate everyone else
I Need To Die
For there is no one who can answer my queries
For there is no one who can cure my worries
I Need To Die
For the one I love does the same
For they even want to forget my name
For there are many others who will also be happy with me gone
I Need To Die
I Need To Die
For I myself believe that
I Need To Die
For there is no one who will ask me why