Cure and causes of Skin dryness
Dry skin, also called xerosis, is a common problem. It has a low level of sebum and can be prone to sensitivity. Dry skin looks dull, especially on the cheeks and around the eyes. Dry skin
is characterised by itching, flakiness, scaling, roughness and having tight feeling. Breakouts may be seen in the dry skin. This type of skin is tightly drawn over bones.
Dry skin is most common in your lower legs, arms, flanks (sides of the abdomen), and thighs. Dry skin is usually not serious, but it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, turning plump cells
into shriveled ones.
Causes of Dry Skin:
Dry skin is mainly caused by dehydration, which mainly occurs in poorly controlled diabetes.
Dry skin is also caused by the dysfunction of sebaceous glands, which secretes the oil to the skin.
Heredity disorder is also the main cause of dry skin.
Dry skin is mainly affects the peoples in winter season.
The deficiency in vitamins and nutritions may also contribute to dry skin.
Bathing too frequently, especially with harsh soaps, may contribute to dry skin.
To overcome this problem :
Moisturize while your skin is still damp from cleansing.
Always go for creamy, oil-rich make-up.
Do add bath oil after your skin has soaked up some water.
A capful in bath water softens and lubricates your skin.
Try to use lukewarm water, when you take your bath and shower. Hot water dries out the skin.
Do towel dry when you get out of the swimming pool.
The areas that are exposed to the sun, such as the face, ears, hands, and back of the neck should have a moisturizer.
Do humidify your home in the winter, or year-round if you live in a dry climate.
Avoid :
The ultraviolet rays of the sun during the winter are still strong. So, don't forget the sunscreen lotion on your dry skin.
If you have a dry skin, then don't take long hot showers.
Avoid using harsh soaps that dry the skin.
Don't put bath oil in the tub while it's filling.
Don't use too many creams and ointments .
Don't "air dry" after bathing or swimming.
Dry skin, also called xerosis, is a common problem. It has a low level of sebum and can be prone to sensitivity. Dry skin looks dull, especially on the cheeks and around the eyes. Dry skin
is characterised by itching, flakiness, scaling, roughness and having tight feeling. Breakouts may be seen in the dry skin. This type of skin is tightly drawn over bones.
Dry skin is most common in your lower legs, arms, flanks (sides of the abdomen), and thighs. Dry skin is usually not serious, but it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, turning plump cells
into shriveled ones.
Causes of Dry Skin:
Dry skin is mainly caused by dehydration, which mainly occurs in poorly controlled diabetes.
Dry skin is also caused by the dysfunction of sebaceous glands, which secretes the oil to the skin.
Heredity disorder is also the main cause of dry skin.
Dry skin is mainly affects the peoples in winter season.
The deficiency in vitamins and nutritions may also contribute to dry skin.
Bathing too frequently, especially with harsh soaps, may contribute to dry skin.
To overcome this problem :
Moisturize while your skin is still damp from cleansing.
Always go for creamy, oil-rich make-up.
Do add bath oil after your skin has soaked up some water.
A capful in bath water softens and lubricates your skin.
Try to use lukewarm water, when you take your bath and shower. Hot water dries out the skin.
Do towel dry when you get out of the swimming pool.
The areas that are exposed to the sun, such as the face, ears, hands, and back of the neck should have a moisturizer.
Do humidify your home in the winter, or year-round if you live in a dry climate.
Avoid :
The ultraviolet rays of the sun during the winter are still strong. So, don't forget the sunscreen lotion on your dry skin.
If you have a dry skin, then don't take long hot showers.
Avoid using harsh soaps that dry the skin.
Don't put bath oil in the tub while it's filling.
Don't use too many creams and ointments .
Don't "air dry" after bathing or swimming.