(1) Two scoops of white Vanilla ice cream
(2) One Dark fudge brownie or Cake Alaska
brownie (available at Hobnob)
(3) Dark Swiss cooking chocolate (for the hot fudge)
First off take a big chunk of the chocolate and melt it in a saucepan which is in another saucepan filled with boiling water, make sure that there is no water mixed with the chocolate. When the chocolate melts add some milk to get a fudgy consistency. If you want it to be a bit sweeter add some brown sugar to the fudge and stir.
Now that your fudge is ready take a pretty plate or bowl and place your brownie in it. Next place the scoops of ice cream on top of the brownie is such a way that it makes a kind of tower. Now pour the hot fudge around the brownie and you are done. Now go look for a place to hide from that pesky bully of an elder brother of yours.
