1. Preparation:
* Keep chair behind a wide tub filled with hot water.
* Place a folded bath towel at the bottom of the bucket to give your feet a comfortable surface to rest your feet.
* Add half a cup of Epsom salt. It is a natural disinfectant. You can also add Herbal Vapors available in the market. Rosemary, eucalyptus and menthol are three therapeutic, cleansing herbs that give you the feeling of a pedicure in a spa.
2. Cleansing Stage:
* Soaked cotton pad with nail-polish remover and take off old polish. Add a drop of olive oil if your cuticles are dry
* Clip your toenails straight across.
* File nails to smoothen the edges and sides. Square with rounded edges give them a great shape.
3. Soothe Your Soles:
* Soak your feet in the hot water for five-ten minutes. Take out one feet and rest it on the edge of the bucket.
* Use a foot file, dipped in water, to smoothen your heels, the balls of your feet and the outsides of your soft toes.
*Pat feet dry with a towel.
* With the edge of the nail file push your cuticles. It helps to control them. Dip a nail brush in an exfoliating scrub and clean the area where your nail meets skin.
* Do not try and get rid of your cuticles by yourself. Get it done at a salon or else you can end up with painful, ingrown toenails.
*Rinse and then dry your feet. Apply extra-moisturizing foot lotion or cream. Massage gently into your feet and calves.
* Wipe your feet with a dry towel.
4. Applying Nail Polish:
* Create space between your toe-fingers with a foam toe separator or cotton.
* Apply base coat, then two coats of color and one coat of top coat.
* For summer avoid burgundies and browns. Bright shades are in and they look hot, always. Go for corals with a sheen to it, hot pink and orangy-red.
* A Q-tip moistened with nail-polish remover helps to remove any polish that missed the mark.
* Don't wear closed shoes for a few hours, the polish will be completely dry by then.
* To keep polish from chipping apply one coat of top coat shade every three days.
* Use a top coat with sunscreen if you go out in the sun often.