1..All spice, cinnamon, or nutmeg
2..Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice Add 3 tablespoons (45 ml) vinegar or fresh lemon juice for golden or copper highlights. This treatment also is beneficial for oily hair.
3..Egg yolk or whole egg An egg yolk or a whole egg will help condition and add shine to the hair. Use the yolk for dry hair, and the whole egg for oily hair.
5..Tea To set the henna color, steep a full-bodied tea for 20 to 30 minutes. Substitute the tea liquid for the required water in the paste. Black China or Ceylon tea adds golden highlights to brown hair.
6..Coffee To tone down the reds and deepen the browns, use brewed-not instant-coffee as substitute for the water in the paste. Brew at least 1 cup (260 ml), bring to a boil, and then let the coffee sit as long as possible (overnight is preferable) before adding to the henna mixture.
7..Olive Oil The addition of 2 to 4 tablespoons (30-60 ml) of olive oil conditions and moisturizes hair. This is particularly good for dry, brittle hair.